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Chapter 237 The beaten wild boar king, the fleeing demon soldiers and ghost generals

Chapter 237 The beaten wild boar king, the fleeing demon soldiers and ghost generals


A series of extremely explosive sounds began to erupt crazily towards the surroundings from the place where Li Xin and the Wild Boar King collided.

However, when the incomparable sounds of explosions began to sound, Li Xin holding Fang Tian's painted halberd was not enough to cause fatal damage to the wild boar king.

However, facing this point, Li Xin already knew something about it, so Li Xin did not feel any frustration.

I saw Li Xin once again holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and slashing away at the Wild Boar King.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The powerful Fang Tian Hua Jian once again hit the Wild Boar King hard. Facing Li Xin who was attacking with Fang Tian Hua Jian, the Wild Boar King also had a trace of crazy killing intent in his eyes.

Although this Fang Tian Painted Halberd was not enough to cause fatal damage to him, this Fang Tian Painted Halberd still made the Wild Boar King feel a sense of fatal pain.

His skin is just thicker, but it doesn't mean that his body is indestructible. Therefore, facing Li Xin's attack, the Wild Boar King will naturally feel pain.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Facing Li Xin's attack, the Wild Boar King began to rush towards Li Xin fiercely.

However, facing the collision from the Wild Boar King, Li Xin immediately started to move flexibly, making it impossible for the Wild Boar King to collide with Li Xin.

Perhaps the Wild Boar King's collision is very powerful. If the Wild Boar King really collides with Li Xin, even if Li Xin's strength is at the same level as the Wild Boar King, he will probably be killed or maimed in the face of the Wild Boar King's collision. .

But Li Xin's body is completely different from that of the Wild Boar King. The huge body of the Wild Boar King is placed there, and every collision of the Wild Boar King can be avoided by Li Xin without any pressure.

But the attack from Li Xin is not good for the Wild Boar King. Because of Li Xin's flexible positioning, every attack can accurately inoculate the Wild Boar King's body, and these attacks make the Wild Boar King I felt waves of unprecedented pain.

"You damn coward, if you have the guts to challenge me directly, don't run away like this!"

The Wild Boar King shouted angrily at Li Xin.

However, facing the angry Wild Boar King, Li Xin still didn't bother to deal with him.


Li Xin, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, swung it fiercely at the Wild Boar King again.

Under Li Xin's unremitting attacks, even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Wild Boar King began to show signs of damage in the face of one attack after another.

"Tick tock..."

Drops of bright red blood flowed out of the Wild Boar King's body.

As the scars appeared, the Wild Boar King's red eyes became even redder. The Wild Boar King stared closely at Li Xin in his field of vision. There was only one thought left in his mind.

That means he must completely tear this damn human being into pieces!

Just as Li Xin began to fight with the Wild Boar King, the soldiers of the White Tiger Legion also began to carry out a bloody massacre against the demon soldiers and ghost generals under the Wild Boar King.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!!!"

One after another, demon soldiers and ghost generals began to fall to the ground and lost their breath.

Facing many monster soldiers and ghost generals who fell to the ground and lost their breath, those monster soldiers and ghost generals under the Wild Boar King looked at each other with a hint of horror at this moment.

A demon soldier's eyes flashed with fear and he said: "Brother, why don't we run away."

"How about we escape to the human world? We can't defeat this at all."

"Look at how powerful the other side's world is. Do you think we can defeat each other?"

A pig demon said with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Listening to the pig demon's words, the dog demon beside him replied directly in agreement: "I think what you said is very reasonable. We can't defeat each other at all now."

"If we keep fighting like this, we will definitely be completely wiped out in the end. It is even possible that the entire underworld will be fully occupied by the opponent. Let's go directly to the human world!"

"I heard that humans in the human world can't compete with us at all. Let's just go to the human world and bully those humans." A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of a dog demon.

If they can't defeat these powerful humans, is it possible that they can't defeat those weak humans in the human world?
As for those sects in the human world?

Sorry, is it possible that those sects in the human world can predict the future?

They immediately ran away after conquering a place. They did not believe that those sects in the human world could detect them accurately every time.

"That makes sense, run!"

Facing the reply from the dog demon, a hint of joy flashed in the pig demon's eyes.

He really didn't dare to let him go to the human world as a monster, but it would be different if a monster accompanied him. He felt that he could still go to the human world and have a try.

"Let's go."

In this way, just as the soldiers of the White Tiger Legion launched a series of dimensionality-reducing attacks on the demon soldiers and ghost generals under the Wild Boar King, the demon soldiers and ghost generals under the Wild Boar King began to escape at this moment.

As for the pig demon and dog demon?

This can only be said to belong to a corner of the huge demon soldiers and ghost generals. Facing the attack of the extremely powerful White Tiger Legion, they can't just passively wait for death, right?
They obviously know that they can't beat each other, so why do they keep fighting?
In order to survive, they decided to escape!


While the remaining demon soldiers and ghost generals were fighting to death with the soldiers of the White Tiger Legion, while their king, the Wild Boar King, was fighting to the death with the marshal Li Xin of the White Tiger Legion, one after another, the demon soldiers and ghost generals began to fight directly. Launch an escape.

The number of demon soldiers and generals belonging to the Wild Boar King is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Some were killed by the soldiers of the White Tiger Legion, but most of them fled directly.

They didn't want to die on the battlefield, so they fled directly.

In this way, the first war that the Qin Empire encountered in the underworld followed this trend.

When the Wild Boar King's army began to flee crazily, the Wild Boar King also saw the movements of his soldiers fleeing.

"You bloody bastards!"

"Don't let me catch you, let me catch you, I will make sure you die without a burial place!"

"I'm going to drive your souls to pieces!"

The Wild Boar King threatened the demon soldiers and ghost generals behind him.

It can be said that the escape of the demon soldiers and generals under him is simply a deep betrayal for the Wild Boar King.

The Wild Boar King absolutely cannot bear this kind of betrayal.

However, facing the threat of the Wild Boar King, the remaining demon soldiers and ghost generals fled faster.


One after another figures ran away frantically in all directions.

Faced with the fact that the Wild Boar King was distracted during the battle, Li Xin held the Fangtian Painted Halberd and stabbed the Wild Boar King hard again.


The extremely sharp Fang Tian Huajian completely stabbed the Wild Boar King in the abdomen.


The painful screams echoed crazily for hundreds of miles around.


(End of this chapter)

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