Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 244: The big boss of the underworld is destroyed, and the clever monsters and monsters are k

Chapter 244: The big boss of the underworld is destroyed, and the clever monsters and monsters are killed

"I...I'm not reconciled!"

The old demon from Black Mountain looked at Ying Zheng closely with eyes bigger than lanterns, with a deep resentment in his eyes.

If it weren't for Ying Zheng, he would still be the highest controller in the entire underworld. As a result, Ying Zheng directly knocked him down from his status as the highest controller in the underworld.

Even his life was in danger. After the old demon of Montenegro felt that the field was completely damaged, the old demon of Montenegro showed a desperate expression at this moment.

Under the influence of the old demon from Montenegro at this moment, he no longer had any chance to survive.

As for resisting again?

He did have this idea, but after sensing the strength emanating from Ying Zheng opposite him, the Black Mountain old demon completely gave up the idea.

Because in the perception of the old demon of Montenegro, the strength of the guy opposite him has not been weakened much.

In other words, he was seriously injured in the competition between them, but the other party did not suffer any harm at all, only minor injuries at most.

The gap between this has made the old demon of Montenegro understand that he has no power to resist at all.

Facing the resentment in the eyes of the old Black Mountain demon, Ying Zheng's eyes seemed to be calm, but there was a trace of surprise in his calm eyes.

"Sure enough, to be able to become the big boss of a world, this old Black Mountain monster is really quite powerful."

Regarding the current strength of the old Black Mountain demon, Ying Zheng could only say that if the trump cards he used were not powerful enough, he might not be able to defeat the old Black Mountain demon.

After all, the old demon from Montenegro has a cultivation level that lasted ten thousand years!

And what about him?
His cultivation level is not even a hundred years old, but at this moment, he can already compete with the old demon of Montenegro. In Ying Zheng's eyes, this can be regarded as a big deal, which means that he has completely He embarked on the journey of cultivation.

The most important thing is that his strength is not weak!

With only less than a hundred years of cultivation, he was able to deal with this old Black Mountain monster who had ten thousand years of cultivation. This can already represent the level of his strength.

"It seems like this is the best path for me to take."

Regarding the current path of the Great Qin Empire conquering world after world and directly incorporating world after world into the rule of Great Qin, Ying Zheng said that this is probably the most suitable path for him.

Because if it weren't for this path, his strength would not be so strong at all, but it is precisely because he has cultivated this path that his current strength can compete with the Ten Thousand Years Great Demon.

"When you choose to harm humanity, you must be prepared to accept the judgment of fate."

Looking at the old Black Mountain demon in front of him, Ying Zheng sighed slightly in his heart, and then spoke with a hint of murderous intent.

Facing the murderous words from Ying Zheng, the old demon of Montenegro showed a bitter smile: "Haha, I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of a human like you."

"Go ahead."

In this regard, the old Black Mountain demon could only close his eyes tightly and wait for Ying Zheng's attack.

As for resistance, the old Black Mountain demon has completely lost the idea in his heart. After all, the situation between the two parties has been made clear. At this time, resistance has no effect, so it is better to just be honest. If you choose to accept the fate of death, at least you won't have to suffer unnecessary torture.

Facing the old Black Mountain demon who was waiting for death, Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Although what you did is a bit angry, I admire you very much for being able to face death calmly."

"Then let me give you a painless death."

In an instant, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with golden light as he looked at the old Black Mountain demon in his field of vision. "Go!"

I saw Ying Zheng once again gathering the power of national destiny contained in his body onto the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.


As Ying Zheng gathered the power of national destiny in his body into Xuanyuan Sword, Xuanyuan Sword once again burst out with unimaginable power.


When the power contained in the Xuanyuan Sword was swung away at the Black Mountain Old Demon, a huge hole was completely cut in the sky of the entire underworld at this moment.

"Crack clap..."

Facing the sky of the entire underworld, a huge hole has been opened under this attack, and the demon soldiers and ghost generals under the hands of the old demon from Montenegro showed confused expressions.

But when some of the smarter guys looked at this scene, deep fear flashed in their eyes.

"I'm waiting to surrender!"

In an instant, one after another the smarter monsters directly chose to surrender.

As for continuing to resist?

Sorry, if their king, the Old Demon of Black Mountain, had not died, then they might really continue to resist the soldiers of Great Qin.

But the king who accompanied them, the old demon Montenegro, had been completely killed by the human king opposite them. So what was the use of continuing to fight for the old demon Montenegro at this time?
It seems to have no effect at all!

So in the face of the death of the old Black Mountain demon, all the demon soldiers and ghost generals under him began to surrender one by one.


When the first guy who surrendered appeared, the second, third, fourth and even fifth ones all appeared.

Facing the demon soldiers and ghost generals who were surrendering in a loud noise, Wang Jian and Li Xin both looked at the demon soldiers and ghost generals in their field of vision with a bit of confusion.

"This one……"

"General Wang, do we want to kill them all?"

Li Xin's eyes were clear and he hesitated to speak.

Just when a trace of hesitation flashed in Li Xin's eyes and he didn't know how to act, Ying Zheng, who was in the sky, calmly said: "If there are demons and ghosts with human resentment on them, just kill them on the spot. , if there are no demons and ghosts with human resentment, just choose to accept it."

When Ying Zheng's words spread throughout the battlefield, the eyes of many Da Qin soldiers on the battlefield lit up slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

One after another, Da Qin soldiers looked at the demons and monsters opposite them with fierce eyes.

Soon, one after another demons and monsters with human resentment entered the sight of Da Qin soldiers.

"go to hell!"


(End of this chapter)

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