Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 245 The ruined underworld and the silent capital of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 245 The ruined underworld and the silent capital of the Zhou Dynasty

"This is the underworld of the past!"

"I never thought that the underworld, which governs life and death, would turn out like this."

Ying Zheng looked at the many halls in his field of vision. Among them, the three characters "Yam Luo Dian" could be vaguely seen in the hall. A trace of deep sadness flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

You must know that this is the Palace of Hell. As a result, because the ghosts and gods in this underworld have left this world, the underworld has been turned into this by these demons and monsters.

"But what treasures are there in this underworld?"

A trace of deep curiosity flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

After the death of the old demon of Black Mountain, he did not see anything like treasures in the broken body of the old demon of Black Mountain, so he could only set his sights on the former Palace of Hell.

"Ta Tata..."

Bursts of silent footsteps sounded in the Yama Hall.

Soon, Ying Zheng's figure appeared in the damaged Yama Palace.

When Ying Zheng's figure appeared in the Yama Palace, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with a trace of calmness and he looked at everyone around him.

"Is this Yama Palace damaged like this?"

A hint of deep disbelief flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Is the legendary Palace of Hell already like this?
Ying Zheng looked at the ruins of the Yama Palace with a trace of deep silence in his eyes.

You must know that the Yama Palace is something in the mythology of the Eight Classics!

But what about the results?

The result is that the mythical Temple of Yama has also disappeared with the passage of time.

When he thought that this mythical and legendary Palace of Hell would pass away with time, Ying Zheng couldn't help but think about his Great Qin Empire.

"No, the Great Qin Empire must not follow the passage of time like this Yama Palace."

At this moment, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with determination and he said to himself.

His Great Qin Empire must not allow any accidents!

This thing may be able to wipe out most things in the world, but the Great Qin Empire must not allow any accidents due to time!

"Then let's see what's inside this Yama Hall."

Looking at the ruins of the Yama Palace, Ying Zheng's eyes showed a deep sense of calmness in the shopkeeper's eyes. He did not expect that he could find anything good in the damaged Yama Palace, but after all, if he could It would be best if you find something.

Just as Ying Zheng began to search for things in the Palace of Yama, Han Xin, who was currently in the human world, led the Qilin Legion to march all the way to the outside of the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Is this the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty?"

Han Xin looked at the huge city in front of them with a hint of suspicion.

Facing the suspicion in Han Xin's eyes, a general beside him couldn't help but said: "This, Marshal, is currently the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty."

"Although I don't know why it looks like a dead city, this is indeed the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty."

The general next to Han Xin said helplessly at this moment.

He was also very confused, why was the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty now like a dead city?

Is this what an imperial capital should look like?

No, no, no, this doesn't look like it should belong to the imperial capital!

It's not like they have never conquered a country's imperial capital. What is it like to be able to serve as the general of an army? They were all generals who belonged to the original Great Qin. Naturally, they followed the Great Qin army and destroyed many people. The imperial capital of a country.

But this was their first time seeing this kind of imperial capital.

Facing the silence of the generals beside him, Han Xin looked at the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty in their field of vision with a trace of thought.

"Although I don't know what happened, it should be possible to deduce that this should be a big event."

"Surround the entire imperial capital and prepare to enter slowly."

"If you encounter any crisis, kill them directly!"

At this moment, Han Xin's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Although he didn't know what happened in the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, since the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty was like a dead city, all they needed to do now was to be on guard against all possible crises.

If there is any problem, just launch an attack on it on the spot.

"As ordered!"

Soon, orders one after another fell into the ears of every soldier in the Qilin Legion.


The mighty Qilin Legion began to advance towards the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty ahead.

As the mighty imperial capital entered the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the scenes inside the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty also completely entered the field of vision of all the soldiers.


"This doesn't seem to be an empty city. There are people in this city."

A look of doubt flashed in a general's eyes.

He thought that the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty had been completely reduced to an empty city, but there were still some people in the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"be careful!"

"Be as careful as possible."

I saw a hint of seriousness in the tone of many generals.

"As ordered."

When one soldier after another looked at the common people in the many houses, a hint of vigilance flashed in the eyes of the Da Qin soldiers.

"Come out. If you don't come out, I will kill you all!"

The Da Qin soldiers looked at the people in the houses in front of them with a murderous look.

Facing the threat from the Qin soldiers, the common people in the house were silent for a while, and then they spoke tremblingly: "Please show mercy to the generals, we will come out right away."

As the voice fell, trembling figures began to walk out of the house.

"Ta Tata..."

When many ordinary people walked out of their houses, the Daqin soldiers looked at the trembling appearance of these ordinary people, and a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

"Meeting many generals, we reveal the common people in the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty."

"See you generals."

In an instant, one after another common people knelt down without hesitation after looking at the murderous Qin soldiers.

"Plop plop..."

One voice after another sounded directly from the knees of many ordinary people.

Just as the common people knelt down, a figure came directly to the side of many Da Qin soldiers.

"Tell me, what exactly happened?"

"Why are the emperors of the Zhou Dynasty like this?"

A confused voice reached the ears of many people. "See Marshal!"

Facing the appearance of this figure, many soldiers spoke respectfully at this moment.

There is no doubt that the person appearing next to these many soldiers is Marshal Han Xin who belongs to the Qilin Legion.


Listening to the words of the soldiers, a deep excitement flashed in the eyes of the people who knelt down.

I'm afraid they don't know much about the Qin army, but the position of marshal is obviously a top-level guy in the army.

"See Marshal, we are all common people who belong to the Zhou Dynasty, but we don't know why."

"Some time ago, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty suddenly disappeared. After the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty disappeared, the civil and military officials in the city went crazy and started burning, killing and looting throughout the city."

"I don't know how many people died under their burning, killing and looting. The reason why we survived is purely because of our good luck, or maybe the place we live in is too marginal."

A trace of deep fear flashed in the eyes of one of the leading guys.

"After those guys burned and killed intensely, they then entered an unprecedented civil war."

"The guys in the city don't know to what extent they are fighting, and we ordinary people can only stay at home."

The leading commoner gave a general summary of the situation in the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

"The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty disappeared inexplicably, and then the civil and military officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty started a civil war?"

When Han Xin listened to the words spoken by the common man in front of him, his brows fell into thoughts.

"Why does this feel a little weird?"

Han Xin rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"Marshal, I don't think this is a problem at all."

"Although we don't know why the civil and military officials in this city are killing each other, we are not afraid of them."

"Our Qilin Legion is fully capable of defeating them, so we don't need to be afraid at all."

A figure appeared next to Han Xin and spoke with a serious voice.

Perhaps the killing of civil and military officials in the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty seemed very terrifying and even unbelievable. For ordinary people, it was definitely the most terrifying thing.

But for Da Qin?

Sorry, is the Zhou Dynasty very powerful?

Not powerful at all!
It can even be said that the strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty is extremely small in front of their Great Qin Empire. Their Great Qin Empire can completely defeat the so-called Great Zhou Dynasty.

Facing the words spoken by the general next to him, Han Xin nodded slightly and replied: "It makes sense, no matter why these guys kill each other, the strength of our Great Qin army can completely suppress them!"

"Let's take action and get rid of all those guys in the entire city!"

At this moment, Han Xin no longer struggled with why the group of guys in the city killed each other. Instead of worrying about why they killed each other, it would be better to just kill them all!
"Army attack!"

"Conquer the Imperial Capital of Zhou Dynasty in the shortest time!"

Soon, orders came down one after another.

When facing the orders one after another, Han Xin turned his head and looked at the trembling people: "From now on, you don't need to be so worried, because from now on, your identity is no longer a citizen of the Zhou Dynasty."

"Da Qin will be the one you need to carry out filial piety in the future."

"From now on, you will belong to the people of the Qin Empire."

Han Xin said with a calm look in his eyes.

"Great Qin is powerful enough to protect all the people in the Great Qin Empire."

When Han Xin finished his words, Han Xin began to go to the front line to see what was going on in the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

Facing Han Xin's departure, the people there showed expressions of deep contemplation.

"From now on, do we belong to the common people of the Qin Empire?"

"Will the Qin Empire protect ordinary people like us?"

Waves of doubtful thoughts emerged from the minds of many people. They had many, many doubts about this new Qin Empire.

They don't know whether this Great Qin Empire will be the same as the previous Great Zhou Dynasty, and they don't know what their next fate will be.

"The Great Qin Empire……"

Silent words came from the mouths of the leading people.




"go to hell!"

One after another, Da Qin soldiers were seen holding Fang Tian painted halberds and attacking the guys in their eyes who no longer looked like humans at all.

"Pfft puff..."

Facing the attack from the Qin soldiers, those beings who did not look like humans at all could only retreat steadily.


A series of screams came from the mouths of those suspected monsters.

Looking at this scene at this moment, Han Xin's brows just flashed with a hint of deep doubt and thinking.

"Something's wrong, this situation is very wrong."

"By the way, why do these monster-like beings appear in the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty?"

Han Xin said to himself with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

He suspected that these monsters were probably related to the previous killings of civil and military officials, and they might even be somewhat related to the emperor who suddenly disappeared.

Just when a trace of doubt flashed in Han Xin's eyes, a voice came directly into Han Xin's ears.

"These monsters once belonged to humans, but because their bodies were occupied by monster energy, they naturally evolved into monsters."

"It's just that this monster is not particularly powerful."

At this moment, a silent voice came into Han Xin's ears.

Facing these silent words, Han Xin's eyes were full of sharp eyes and he looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Many soldiers and generals beside him looked at the place where the sound came from with vigilant eyes.


Many Fang Tian painted halberds and swords were facing forward tightly.

Facing the movements of the Great Qin soldiers, the voice continued to come out at this moment: "There is no need to be so wary of me, I should probably be considered a citizen of Great Qin now."

There was a silence in those words.


(End of this chapter)

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