Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 247 The Judge’s Pen and the Book of Life and Death in the Palace of Hell, Ying Zheng who pro

Chapter 247 The Judge’s Pen and the Book of Life and Death in the Palace of Hell, Ying Zheng who proves immortality
"Are these two the only things left in the entire underworld?"

Ying Zheng looked at the broken pen and half of the book in his hand with a hint of disappointment.

When Ying Zheng searched the entire Yama Palace, he thought he could find something useful in the Yama Palace. However, after searching for a long time, he only found this legendary book of life and death and other items. A judge's pen.

This sounds very good, you must know that this is the legendary book of life and death and the judge's pen!
But it was a pity that Ying Zheng was not excited at all, because he felt that the judge's pen and the life and death book in his hand did not have any special power.

It's as if the Judge's Pen and the Book of Life and Death in his hands are just like an ordinary pen and a notebook. If it weren't for the special power of this notebook and book in his perception, he would have directly used it. The pen and notebook were simply thrown away.

"This underworld is quite dilapidated."

Ying Zheng shook his head slightly and said with emotion.

Faced with such a situation, what could he say?He could only say that this underworld was extremely dilapidated!

Even the most precious treasures in this underworld, the Judge's Pen and the Book of Life and Death, are already in this state.

"I just don't know if the Judge's Pen and the Book of Life and Death can be restored to their peak power in the future."

Putting away the judge's pen and the book of life and death, a trace of disappointment flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Although the judge's pen and the book of life and death have been damaged and are no different from ordinary pens and notebooks, Ying Zheng feels that maybe with the foundation and cultivation of his Great Qin Empire, he will be able to return to his peak at some point. Once the judge If the pen and the Book of Life and Death are restored to their peak, then the Great Qin Empire can have its own underworld.

"Oh, this hell."

"Forget it, take it down."

"From now on, this is the underworld that belongs to the Qin Empire."

Looking at the ruined underworld, Ying Zheng could only helplessly shake his head.

Let's break it. At least it won't be without any earthly uniforms. From today on, the Great Qin Empire only needs to start building the underworld. He will wait until he builds the underworld into a state that he is satisfied with.

"Ta Tata..."

Ying Zheng left the Hall of Hell, which is known as the center of the underworld.

After a while, Ying Zheng's figure arrived outside the battlefield.

"See Your Majesty!"

The soldiers in the two legions looked at Ying Zheng's figure and spoke respectfully.

"After cleaning the battlefield, Li Xin, you will lead the White Tiger Army to guard this underworld for the time being. Wang Jian, you will lead the Green Dragon Army and follow me to the human world to take over the entire human world."

Ying Zheng ordered with a hint of calmness in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wang Jian and Li Xin had no objections.

Soon, when the entire underworld was fully occupied by the Qin Empire, the underworld, which had been in chaos since the ghosts and gods left, finally ushered in stability and calm at this moment.

When the local government finally ushered in stability and calm, many ghosts in the human world suddenly noticed an attraction.

Take Nie Xiaoqian for example. At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly realized that the attraction of the underworld to her had become much stronger.


"what's going on?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Nie Xiaoqian's eyes.

"Could it be that the First Emperor has completely pacified the underworld?" Nie Xiaoqian's eyes flashed with curiosity.

I saw Nie Xiaoqian immersed in the chat group.

"@崴正, His Majesty the First Emperor, have you completely pacified the underworld?"

"I feel that the attraction of the underworld to me has become stronger. Does this mean that the underworld has been pacified?"

Nie Xiaoqian asked with a hint of curiosity.

Facing Nie Xiaoqian's inquiry, several other group members in the chat group showed expressions of surprise.


"Has His Majesty the First Emperor completely pacified the underworld?"

Regarding Nie Xiaoqian's words, the guys in the zombie world and several other martial arts worlds showed expressions of disbelief.

You must know that it is the underworld that controls life and death!

As a result, the First Emperor at this moment actually led the Qin army to pacify the underworld!
Uncle Jiu, who was in the zombie world, showed a bitter expression: "I didn't expect the First Emperor's growth rate to be so ferocious. It seems that the First Emperor will definitely become a top-level figure in the world in the future. The Great Qin Empire is probably not going to become a huge empire spanning the heavens."

Uncle Jiu had a trace of deep emotion in his eyes.

There is also an underworld in his world. Although the underworld in his world is basically rare, the strength possessed by the underworld in his world still firmly suppresses cultivators in the human world.

But they didn't expect that the First Emperor in their chat group had led the Qin army to pacify a place, which meant that an underworld would appear under the Qin Empire.

Regarding Uncle Jiu's emotion, Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao, who were emperors at this moment, had silence in their eyes.

"The First Emperor has already pacified the underworld. This means that the First Emperor will never worry about life expectancy from now on."

"The First Emperor has achieved immortality."

Cao Cao's eyes flashed with sadness.

Who doesn’t know about the First Emperor?
What the First Emperor pursued throughout his life was immortality. The First Emperor in their world and the First Emperors in several other worlds could not obtain immortality at all, but it was different for the First Emperor in their chat group. The First Emperor in their chat group had successfully achieved immortality. the road!

After all, I've defeated the underworld and still can't get immortality. Isn't it a joke?
The underworld that controls life and death already belongs to the Great Qin Empire, so will Ying Zheng, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, still die?

Absolutely not!

Therefore, Cao Cao, the Wei Empire closest to the Qin Empire, showed a complicated expression at this moment.

"Well, I don't know when I can catch up with the First Emperor."

Cao Cao shook his head helplessly.

Facing Cao Cao's disappointment, Zhu Youjian, who was in the Ming Empire, now also showed a hint of complexity: "The First Emperor has become immortal. Death is no longer the end of the First Emperor. When can I live forever?"

"When can I achieve immortality like the First Emperor?"

Zhu Youjian couldn't help but look at the sky, with a trace of deep confusion in his eyes.

As both emperors, he and Cao Cao have not yet escaped life and death. As a result, the First Emperor at this moment is no longer limited by his lifespan.

The First Emperor is no longer restricted by death, he has attained immortality!


(End of this chapter)

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