Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 248 The 2nd Army sets off again, Nie Xiaoqian’s choice

Chapter 248 The two armies set off again, Nie Xiaoqian’s choice
"See Your Majesty!!!"

Han Xin spoke with respect in his eyes.

Faced with Han Xin's respect, Wang Jian beside him only had a trace of curiosity in his eyes: "Han Xin, by the way, are there any relatively powerful guys in this world?"

In response to Wang Jian's inquiry, Han Xin shook his head slightly at this moment: "There are some sects in this world, but those forces have absolutely no power to resist their power in the face of the Qilin Legion. In front of the Qilin Legion, they can only be said to be Use weak to describe it."

Regarding the sect in this world, Han Xin has the right to speak.

Because the Qilin Legion he led had eliminated one sect after another, among the many sects in the world, no one dared to resist in the face of the powerful power of the Qilin Legion.

They all wanted to resist, but the powerful strength of the Qilin Legion was placed directly in front of them.

In other words, if they want to resist, it is not impossible. First, they must deal with the Qilin Legion.

Can they solve the Qilin Legion?

No, no, no, the Qilin Legion can defeat all sects, so those sects in the human world can only helplessly choose to surrender in front of the Qilin Legion.

Regarding Han Xin's reply, Wang Jian had a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Oh, I thought there was someone stronger in this world so that I could lead the Azure Dragon Army to help you solve those troublesome households."

"I didn't expect that this human world would be as boring as the underworld."

Wang Jian shook his head in disappointment.

Regarding the conversation between Wang Jian and Han Xin, Ying Zheng smiled and said: "You two guys, the world we are in now is not a particularly powerful world. What the Qin Empire has Strong strength is not something that this world can compete with."

"So it is normal for the Qin Empire to appear in this world with a crushing attitude."

Ying Zheng was not surprised at all by the current situation.

Although this world is a cultivation world that belongs to the serious Eight Classics, how does the strength of this world compare to the Great Qin Empire?

The strength of the Great Qin Empire is very strong. This world of cultivation in A Chinese Ghost Story does not belong to its peak period. In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, it completely belongs to a declining world. It is not impossible to be crushed by the current Great Qin Empire. matter.

Regarding Ying Zheng's reply, Han Xin and Wang Jian smiled awkwardly: "This."


"Okay, you go and lead the army to fight the entire world again."

"Get rid of all the monsters. If I remember correctly, there is still a relatively powerful monster in the world. All you need to do is to lead the two legions to deal with that monster first."

"Remember, if you really can't defeat it, just tell me and I will deal with that monster myself!"

Ying Zheng spoke with serious words.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wang Jian and Han Xin replied directly with excited words.

The underworld and the human world have been defeated by them. The entire underworld and the human world have been completely unified by the Qin Dynasty. Then they finally came to this new world. If they can, they will naturally fight again in this world. Again.

Therefore, they naturally felt happy about Ying Zheng's order, because it meant that they could lead the army to deal with some enemies that they usually didn't care about but happened to be on this land.

As the two marshals left, Ying Zheng smiled.

But just as the two marshals left, a figure appeared in Ying Zheng's field of vision.

"Miss Xiaoqian, this world will be completely safe from now on."

"You no longer have to worry about any monsters catching you directly."

Ying Zheng smiled and said.

The person who came to him was Nie Xiaoqian. Facing Nie Xiaoqian, Ying Zheng could only say that from now on there would never be any monsters that would endanger his life.Regarding Ying Zheng's words, Nie Xiaoqian said with a hint of gratitude: "Thank you for your help, Your Majesty."

"That's right, I have a question now."

"Please ask your Majesty to answer this question for me."

Nie Xiaoqian said with a flash of thought in her eyes.

"what is the problem?"

"Tell me about it."

Ying Zheng spoke with a hint of doubt.

"Your Majesty, after Your Majesty calmed down the underworld, the little girl felt the bursts of suction coming from the underworld. Does this mean that I can directly enter the six realms of reincarnation?"

"Can I be reincarnated?"

"Then do I want to enter reincarnation directly in the underworld, or do I want to stay in this human world directly?"

Nie Xiaoqian expressed her doubts.

Listening to Nie Xiaoqian's question, Ying Zheng looked at Nie Xiaoqian with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I can only tell you about the problem you are currently facing."

"If you want to forget everything you have encountered so far, or even want to start a new life, then you can go directly to the underworld for reincarnation."

"If you want to keep everything you use now and become stronger in the future, then you can completely refuse to go to the underworld for reincarnation."

Ying Zheng said to Nie Xiaoqian.

Regarding whether Nie Xiaoqian needs to undergo reincarnation, Ying Zheng will not interfere too much.

Although Nie Xiaoqian is quite beautiful, he is not a Japanese ghost. Besides, Nie Xiaoqian is not absolutely necessary. Compared to the entire world of A Chinese Ghost Story, Nie Xiaoqian seems a bit dispensable.

As an emperor, he will not be tempted by beauty now.

Therefore, Ying Zheng could only give Nie Xiaoqian two more reliable opinions.

Regarding Ying Zheng's opinion, Nie Xiaoqian was completely lost in thought.

"Your Majesty, if I are reincarnated, does this mean that I will lose everything I have now?"

"From now on, the reincarnation of me will have nothing to do with me now?"

Nie Xiaoqian said deeply.

Regarding Nie Xiaoqian's words, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Nie Xiaoqing, and then spoke calmly.

"That's right, once you are reincarnated, that you will have absolutely nothing to do with you now."

"That's why I say this is a new beginning. After all, what is the relationship between you in the next life and you in this life?"

"But if you want to start a new life, then you can directly enter the reincarnation of the underworld."

Ying Zheng calmly spoke to Nie Xiaoqian.

Regarding Ying Zheng's words, Nie Xiaoqian completely closed her eyes and thought about it.

Ying Zheng did not directly interfere with Nie Xiaoqian's thinking. He was just waiting for Nie Xiaoqian's final decision.


(End of this chapter)

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