Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 249 Nie Xiaoqian’s choice, the monster national master who was seriously injured by the Grea

Chapter 249 Nie Xiaoqian’s choice, the monster national master who was seriously injured by the Great Zhou Dynasty

"I choose to stay in this world."

When Nie Xiaoqian fell into a series of thoughts, an unprecedented struggle flashed in the depths of Nie Xiaoqian's eyes.

For Nie Xiaoqian, if she could really choose, she really wanted to be reincarnated and start over.

After all, everything she has experienced so far can be described as painful.

Faced with such a painful experience, how could Nie Xiaoqian not feel anything?
It can be said that everything Nie Xiaoqian experienced was extremely painful.

If there really was an opportunity to resolve these pains, Nie Xiaoqian would probably seize it without hesitation.

As for where the source of this solution to pain lies?
It's very simple, she just needs to choose to be reincarnated.

As long as she can be reincarnated, all the bad memories she has will be wiped out.

This may be a good result for Nie Xiaoqian, but unfortunately this is just a result before she got the chat group. After Nie Xiaoqian got the chat group, Nie Xiaoqian's own destiny has changed. Earth-shaking changes.

She is no longer alone, at least she has friends in the chat group!

If there was really a chance for Nie Xiaoqian to choose, Nie Xiaoqian would choose to be with the friends in the chat group without hesitation.

So faced with Ying Zheng's proposal, Nie Xiaoqian chose to stay in the human world.

Regarding the choice that Nie Xiaoqian currently has, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with emotion.

"Since you have made this choice, I will naturally not treat you lightly. Although this world belongs to the world I created, after all, the coordinates of this world belong to you."

"As long as you don't do anything that violates the principles in the Great Qin Empire from now on, then you will enjoy privileges in the Great Qin Empire."

Ying Zheng said with a serious look in his eyes.

"From now on, I belong to the Qiannvjun of the Great Qin Empire!"

In response, Ying Zheng directly granted Nie Xiaoqian a title.

As for whether this gentleman has rights?
Of course that means you don’t have any rights!

Nie Xiaoqian's title symbolizes status in the Great Qin Empire. At least as long as Nie Xiaoqian does not do anything that violates the principles, with Nie Xiaoqian's noble title in the Great Qin Empire, she can already surpass more than 90% of people. .

Regarding Ying Zheng's words, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes were filled with deep excitement.

"Thank you, His Majesty the First Emperor!"

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian spoke with excitement.

For Nie Xiaoqian, she never thought that she could obtain a noble title.

Although this noble title sounds a bit weird, called Qiannvjun, no matter how weird it is, it still cannot hide that it is a serious noble title!

Even though Nie Xiaoqian no longer belongs to human beings, after all, Nie Xiaoqian has human memories, and Nie Xiaoqian naturally knows what this noble title means.

And now, she is a serious noble!
Regarding Nie Xiaoqian's gratitude, Ying Zheng didn't say anything like using it up. He paid for it with a serious noble title. You know how many people in the Great Qin Empire wanted to obtain this noble title.

"Get ready and prepare to return to the Great Qin Empire."

Ying Zheng said slightly and calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Nie Xiaoqian replied respectfully.

Just when Ying Zheng made Nie Xiaoqian a king, Wang Jian and Han Xin were leading the two armies to besiege an injured centipede.

"Continue the attack!" "Keep this centipede here!"

At this moment, one indifferent order after another was passed on the battlefield.

"Sweep Sweep!!!"

In response to the order given by their marshal, the soldiers in the two legions naturally began to gather the power in their bodies into the crossbows, and then shot directly at the centipede in front of them without hesitation.

"Sweep Sweep!!!"

An overwhelming barrage of bows and arrows continued to pour forward.

Facing the bow and arrow attack from the Qin army, Centipede, who was besieged at this moment, showed an unprecedented despair.

"It's over. I never thought I would have such a day!"

In this regard, Centipede, who was seriously injured at this moment, showed an unprecedented despair.

As for the identity of this centipede?
The identity of this centipede was previously a national advisor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After he ate the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he left the Great Zhou Imperial Capital. He was preparing to digest the emperor's possessions in his body. The power of national destiny.

But he did not expect that the power of the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty would give him a heavy blow with its final strength. Although the power of the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty was no longer as powerful as it once was, after all, this was the power possessed by the serious human empire. And as long as the Great Zhou Dynasty does not perish, the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty's national destiny will always exist in the world.

When the former monster national preceptor was preparing to digest the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty's national destiny seemed to have intelligence and began to bring together all the national destiny of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty and give this centipede a heavy blow. It was precisely because of this that Han Xin did not see the fate of China when he entered the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

Because all the power of the Zhou Dynasty's national destiny has been used up, and the result of using it up is to cause the former monster national master to suffer heavy losses.

But after the monster national master was severely injured, he was about to go to practice training, but he did not expect that the Great Qin army would appear.

Faced with such a huge centipede, there was no doubt that it belonged to a monster, so the soldiers from the two legions directly launched an attack on the monster national teacher.

The Yokai Imperial Master, who was already seriously injured, faced the attack of these two legions and his injuries were simply aggravated.

"You bastards!"

"I won't let you go even if I act like a ghost!"

A trace of unprecedented despair flashed through the eyes of the monster master.

However, facing the words of this monster national master, Wang Jian, who was in the Qinglong Legion, smiled slightly: "You won't let us go even if you are a ghost?"

"Then go ahead and see if you can successfully become a ghost."

Wang Jian said with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Be a ghost?

Haha, today's underworld has become the territory of their Great Qin Empire. There is still Marshal Li Xin of the White Tiger Army guarding the underworld. Then this centipede will go ghost!

Then we'll see who dies!

"Keep attacking!"

"Kill him completely!"

A cold voice came from Wang Jian's mouth.


A murderous aura began to fill the air above the Azure Dragon Legion and the Qilin Legion.


(End of this chapter)

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