Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 250: Don’t have children just for the mission, let people have children willingly!

Chapter 250: Don’t have children just for missions, let the common people have children willingly!

"go to hell!"

I saw Wang Jian roaring loudly.

"Kill kill kill!!!"

The attacks of the Azure Dragon Legion and the Qilin Legion began to attack the Centipede directly in front of them.


When this overwhelming attack poured towards the centipede crazily, even though the centipede was very powerful at its peak, it was a pity that in the face of the attacks of these two legions, it could only choose to drink hatred. northwest.


"I...I...I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"damn it!"

As the centipede said his last words, he was eaten alive by the soldiers of the two legions.

"Plop plop..."

When the centipede's body completely fell to the ground, the soldiers in the two legions breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally killed this centipede!"

"I never thought we could actually kill such a powerful being!"

At this moment, one after another Da Qin soldiers looked at the completely dead centipede, and their eyes flashed with unprecedented joy.

Although their strength is not comparable to this monster national master, it does not prevent them from being able to sense the powerful strength of the opponent. Now such a powerful being has been killed by them. The most important thing is that they have not suffered any casualties. , which can naturally arouse their excitement.

"Okay, I'm going to take this centipede apart and hand it over to His Majesty later."

Wang Jian gave the order seriously.

"Yes, Marshal!"

The soldiers in the Azure Dragon Legion replied excitedly.

Soon, Qinglong and the soldiers of the Qilin Legion began to walk directly in the direction of the killed centipede.

After a while, the monster, which could be considered very powerful, was completely disintegrated by the soldiers of the two legions.

And Qinglong and Qilin Legion also began to directly launch a great purge of the entire human world.

The previous Qilin Legion only eliminated most of the unyielding forces in the entire human world, but now when the Azure Dragon Legion joined in, the 400 million troops of the two legions directly launched a bloody war in the entire human world. of invasion.

The ruffians in some cities have absolutely no way to survive in the face of the attacks of the two legions. As for the high-ranking officials in the cities that they had bribed before?
Sorry, the soldiers who came to deal with them today belong to the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire, and the officials of the Great Qin Empire are not officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

So the guys in various cities who once connected with the Great Zhou Dynasty have a direct relationship with the Great Qin Empire?
There is no relationship at all. All the backers and channels they once had have completely lost any effect in front of the two legions.

In this way, Qinglong and the Qilin Legion directly launched a great purge in the entire human world. Under this level of purge, the entire human world also ushered in an unprecedented true peace.

The world of A Chinese Ghost Story was thus ruled by Great Qin.

"Next, some soldiers will stay in this world, while others will return to the Qin Empire."

A serious command flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Wang Jian and Han Xin at this moment respectfully replied: "I obey, Your Majesty."

After a while, some soldiers from the two legions stayed behind to maintain some of the most basic security in this world.

As for the White Tiger Legion in the underworld?

The White Tiger Legion in the underworld should stay there to guard it!After all, this is a world that belongs to the Qin Empire, so it is natural that the army of the Qin Empire needs to be stationed in this world.


The passage to the Great Qin Empire was completely opened.

As the passage to the Great Qin Empire opened, Ying Zheng rode the fire unicorn and walked leisurely towards the passage.

"Ta Tata..."

Facing Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn walking in front, the three legion marshals behind him followed closely, and behind them were the soldiers belonging to the two legions.


One after another, figures disappeared into the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.



"See Your Majesty!"

As the Prime Minister of the Great Qin Cabinet, Li Si spoke respectfully to Ying Zheng.

"Nothing happened recently, right?"

Ying Zheng asked calmly.

In response to Ying Zheng's inquiry, Li Si, who was beside him, replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, there hasn't been much happening recently. The only thing is that the number of common people in Great Qin is too few."

A hint of deep helplessness flashed in Li Si's eyes.

There are absolutely no problems in the Great Qin Empire today. Everything their Majesty comes up with can bring the Great Qin Empire to a new level. But the problem lies in that the number of ordinary people in the Great Qin Empire is too few. .

Although after these years of development, the number of people in Great Qin has reached more than one billion, but the number of more than one billion is somewhat insufficient among the several worlds controlled by the Great Qin Empire. .

The total population currently owned by the Great Qin Empire can be safely in one world without any crowding. If the population of more than one billion is scattered to several worlds, it can only be said that the Great Qin Empire is currently It has a vast territory and sparsely populated areas.

Listening to Li Si's helpless words, Ying Zheng also felt a wave of trouble at this moment.

"The number of common people is too small, so let the common people have as many lives as possible."

"The political aspect must keep up."

"After people give birth, subsidies must catch up!"

"Remember, today's Great Qin is not short of money. All the money needs is to make the people give birth to children willingly, rather than giving birth to children because of completing a certain task."


Ying Zheng spoke with a serious tone.

Regarding the population problem of the Great Qin Empire today, Ying Zheng can only say that the people of the Great Qin Empire can only give birth. But the people have children, but they must not have children because of completing a certain task. Ying Zheng hopes The thing is that the people in the Qin Empire are willing to have children!
As for how to make people willing to have children?

Ying Zheng said it was very simple. As long as the subsidies can keep up, which of the ordinary people would not want to have children?
The reason why I don't want to have children is simply because I can't afford to raise them. But once I have children and are raised by the court, I believe the number of children will increase rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After listening to Ying Zheng's order, Li Si's eyes flashed with respect: "I obey, Your Majesty."

At the same time, Li Si also began to think deeply in his heart: "If the subsidies can keep up, then we need to think carefully about how to implement them."

At the same time, Li Si also very much agreed with Ying Zheng's words. It was not about having children to complete a certain task, but to make the people give birth to children willingly!


(End of this chapter)

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