Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 260 Ying Zheng, who is at the top of his strength, and the arrival of the Jiujianxian

Chapter 260 Ying Zheng, who is at the top of his strength, and the arrival of the Jiujianxian
"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The soldiers on the Black Ice Platform replied seriously at this moment.

"Ah, Your Majesty, what happened?"

Li Xiaoyao looked at Ying Zheng with confusion in his eyes.

Although Li Xiaoyao didn't know what happened, looking at Ying Zheng's serious expression, he knew that something big had happened.

Facing Li Xiaoyao's inquiry, Ying Zheng said calmly: "It's just a little mouse that doesn't know whether to live or die."

"I'm going to deal with that little mouse right now. You guys wait here."

Ying Zheng just said so lightly.

"Uncle, I'm waiting for you!"

"You must not have any accidents."

After listening to Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er, who was standing aside, felt a trace of deep worry flash in her eyes.

Listening to Zhao Ling'er's words, Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Ling'er. Although I dare not say that I am an invincible existence in this world, my strength in this world can be regarded as that of a true top powerhouse."

"At the very least, is there really anyone who can easily defeat me?"

There was a sense of confidence in Ying Zheng's tone.

Regarding his own strength, Ying Zheng can be said to be 100% sure.

Let him definitely not be a symbol of invincibility in this world. After all, this world is not just filled with people!

In the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy I, there is also Legend of Sword and Fairy III. In Legend of Sword and Fairy III, there are the world of gods, demons, ghosts, and demons. Maybe the strong ones in the demon world and the ghost world look a bit stretched, but the demon world and The strong ones in the God Realm are extremely powerful.

Are Fuxi, the Emperor of the God Realm, and Zhenglou, the Supreme Being of the Demon Realm, dead?
No, no, no, they definitely didn't have any accidents. Even these two strong men definitely didn't have any accidents at all.

Facing such a boss-level existence, how dare Ying Zheng say that he is invincible?

But it's different in this world.

In the human world, Ying Zheng can be said to be 100% sure. Although he may not be able to defeat the Dugu Sword Master and the Moon Worshiping Master in Shu Mountain, they may not be able to defeat him.

Listening to Ying Zheng's reply, Li Xiaoyao didn't say anything, because it seemed to Li Xiaoyao that the power of the First Emperor was very powerful, so it was not normal for him to become a truly top-level existence in their world. a thing?

After listening to Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er could only suppress the worries in her heart slightly.

"Then, then I'll wait for you."

"I will wait for you."

Zhao Ling'er said deeply.

"Wait for me."

Just as Ying Zheng finished speaking, Ying Zheng's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.


As Ying Zheng's figure disappeared, Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Well, then I'll get to work first."

Facing Zhao Ling'er's gaze, Li Xiaoyao could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

"then you go."

Zhao Linger nodded slightly.

The soldiers from the Black Ice Platform next to him looked at every corner around them with solemn eyes.



Outside Yuhang Town, Ying Zheng's figure suddenly appeared in an open space.

"What?" "Do you want to hide again?"

"Do you think I can't see you?"

Ying Zheng looked at the open space in front of him and spoke with a calm look in his eyes.

As Ying Zheng finished speaking, a very lazy figure appeared in the open space.

"I remember you. You said your name was Ying Zheng, and you were the emperor from the Qin Empire."

There was a hint of confusion in Yong San's figure at this moment.

"After so many years, I have traveled to so many places, and I just want to know where the Great Qin Empire you are talking about is?"

"It seems that there is no such country as the Great Qin Empire in the world."

A confused voice reached Ying Zheng's ears.

Regarding these doubtful words, Ying Zheng looked at the existence in front of him and said with a thoughtful look in his eyes: "If I guessed correctly, you should be the Jiu Sword Immortal in Shu Mountain, right? "

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, Jiu Jianxian smiled softly at this moment: "I didn't expect that you can still remember me after so many years."

The Jiujianxian in front of Ying Zheng looked at Ying Zheng deeply, and then said calmly.

That's right, the guy in front of Ying Zheng belongs to the Jiu Sword Fairy in the plot.

"You, what did I do with you more than ten years ago?"

"You should know that I don't know what I did more than ten years ago. It was done by me in the future."

Ying Zheng looked at Jiu Jianxian with a calm look in his eyes.

Ying Zheng's current attitude towards this Jiu Sword Immortal is very simple. He wants to know what he did in the future more than ten years ago, and as the Jiu Sword Immortal in Shu Mountain, the other party should know He does not belong to that era.

Facing Ying Zheng's reply, Jiu Jianxian's eyes showed a hint of realization: "Sure enough, I knew that you didn't belong to that era at all."

"These past ten years have passed, and I haven't heard a single message from you in the entire world."

Jiu Jianxian just looked at Ying Zheng deeply, and a trace of calmness flashed in his eyes.

Ying Zheng did not feel any discomfort towards Jiu Jianxian's gaze.

"It seems that I should have done some big things with you back then, so you wouldn't have been looking for me for more than ten years."

Ying Zheng just said so lightly.

"Now that you have found me, although I don't know what you are here to do, I have a question to ask you."

Ying Zheng looked deeply at the Jiu Jianxian in front of him.

Regarding Ying Zheng's inquiry at this moment, Jiu Jianxian said calmly: "Tell me, no matter what you ask, as long as it is not a question of principle, I can reply to you."

Listening to Jiujianxian's words, Ying Zheng felt a little surprised and looked at Jiujianxian.

"Since you said so, I will ask."

"What realm does the strength I currently possess belong to?"

"What is the distribution of realms among cultivators?"

Ying Zheng looked at Jiujianxian with a trace of curiosity.

Looking at Ying Zheng's serious face and the words Ying Zheng asked, Jiu Jianxian just opened his mouth at this moment.

"If I weren't sure that you were the original Emperor of Qin, I would really think that you were someone else pretending to be you."

Jiujianxian shook his head slightly.

"Your current strength is in the Mahayana realm."


(End of this chapter)

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