Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 261: Division of cultivation realms, asking for skills

Chapter 261: Division of cultivation realms, asking for skills
"Your current strength is the Mahayana realm."

At this moment, Jiu Jianxian looked at Ying Zheng and replied with a calm look in his eyes.

In response to Jiu Jingxian's words, Ying Zheng replied with a flash of thought in his eyes: "The Mahayana realm?"

"Then what is the level of strength of your senior brother and that guy from Miaojiang?"

Ying Zheng asked with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He is obviously stronger than Jiujianxian. Jiujianxian is also the younger brother of Dugu Swordsman of Shushan Sect. The difference in strength between the two sides should not be particularly big. Then his current strength He is more powerful than Jiujianxian, so what is the gap between him and Dugu Swordsman?

Ying Zheng wanted to know very much.

In response to Ying Zheng's inquiry, Jiu Jianxian could calmly reply: "The gap between you and my senior brother is not that big."

Jiu Jianxian calmly shook his head.

"Your strength is at the Mahayana realm, and my senior brother's strength is at the Tribulation-Transcending realm. It's just one realm behind you."

"And once your strength is fully unleashed, you can compete head-on with my senior brother. I know this very well."

Jiu Jianxian looked deeply at Ying Zheng and said calmly.

Although the emperor of the Great Qin Empire in front of him had strength that belonged to the Mahayana realm, when the opponent's strength fully exploded, he could withstand a strong man from the Tribulation Realm.

As for why he is so sure?

That can only be said to belong to what he experienced back then.

After listening to the reply from Jiujianxian, Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "I, a being in the Mahayana realm, can compete with a strong man in the Tribulation Realm."

"That looks pretty good."

In this regard, although Ying Zheng doesn't know why Jiu Jianxian is so sure, since the other party said so, it means that the other party must have experienced something.

Or him in the future?

In the future, he will use the power of his current Dacheng realm to shoulder the Shushan Sword Master who is in the Tribulation Transcendence realm, or the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

"Oh, by the way, tell me more about what the realm of cultivation is."

"I really want to know."

Ying Zheng said with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

At present, his strength belongs to the Mahayana realm, but he really doesn't understand the realm of serious cultivation.

As for his martial arts realm in the Great Qin Empire?
The martial arts realm of the Great Qin Empire can currently only reach the Shattered Void Realm. As for what is behind the Shattered Void Realm?
Sorry, the current Great Qin Empire really doesn’t have any information about the road behind Shattered Void, because it has already reached the end!

There is no way to go from there, so they can only choose to practice immortality.

At the very least, no one would choose to refuse to practice the Immortal Way. The Immortal Way represents immortality and longevity. Which serious Chinese person can refuse this temptation?

So at this moment, Ying Zheng wants to make the Qin Empire completely embark on the path of immortality.

Faced with Ying Zheng's inquiry, Jiu Jianxian just said slightly: "As for the division of realms in this cultivation, let me tell you carefully."

"The realms are divided into refining qi to build the foundation, golden elixir and Yuanying, leaving the body and distracting the mind, integrating the Tao and Mahayana, and finally overcoming the tribulation."

"These are the current nine realms of cultivation."

I saw Jiu Jianxian speaking so calmly.

Listening to Jiujianxian's narration, Ying Zheng frowned slightly and thought. "The nine realms, if we change to the martial arts realm, that means that the acquired realm corresponds to the Qi refining realm, and the innate realm corresponds to the foundation building realm."

"Then the Shattered Void powerhouse in the Great Qin Empire is also the so-called existence in the realm of distraction?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng immediately compared the fifth to sixth realms in the Great Qin Empire, that is, the Shattered Void realm, to the distraction realm of the immortal cultivation realm.

Although I don’t know what the final result of the fight between the two sides will be like, they are currently in the sixth realm. The Shattered Void Realm, the sixth realm of the Great Qin Empire, should be comparable to the sixth realm of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Correspondence to the state of distraction.

"In the state of distraction, it seems that the Qin Empire still has a long way to go."

Ying Zheng probably has a clear understanding of the strength possessed by the Qin Empire today.

The strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire may be very powerful, but the overall strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire is not particularly powerful.

After all, apart from him, the Emperor of Great Qin, the strongest person the Great Qin Empire has is only in the state of distraction.

This state of distraction seems to be very powerful, but if it were placed in the fairy sword world he is currently in, I am afraid that there are a lot of people who can beat the state of distraction.

"It looks like it's going to be good and needs further progress."

Ying Zheng's eyes flickered slightly.

Regarding the current overall strength of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng felt that it might be necessary to make the Great Qin Empire even stronger.

At this moment, Ying Zheng stared directly at the Jiu Sword Immortal in front of him.

"Then I wonder if you have any training techniques that you can provide?"

Ying Zheng looked at Jiujianxian with a serious look in his eyes.

His Great Qin Empire didn't practice any martial arts at all, but the Jiu Sword Immortal in front of him did.

And he didn't know what he had told the past Jiujianxian in the future, so he just wanted to see if he could get some cultivation techniques from Jiujianxian.

Facing Ying Zheng's inquiry, Jiu Jianxian's face instantly turned dark.

"Cultivation techniques?"

"I only have some ordinary training techniques here. As for the Daqin soldiers under your command, I can only say that I cannot provide them with training techniques. Their overall strength is not weak at all. I want them to become stronger again." I don’t have any cultivation techniques.”

At this moment, Jiujianxian replied directly and helplessly.

He didn't feel particularly offended by Ying Zheng asking him so straightforwardly about practicing martial arts.

Because he already knew what kind of existence the other party was more than ten years ago, and he also knew how powerful the Da Qin army under the other party was.

Although it is an army, the soldiers of the Great Qin Army are not soldiers composed of ordinary mortals. They are all soldiers composed of a group of cultivators!
And the strength is not weak!

Where can he get the skills that can improve the strength of this Great Qin soldier?
He really had no choice.

Listening to Jiujianxian's reply, Ying Zheng could only shake his head in disappointment.

"Okay, if that's the case, then that's the only way it can be."

"Give me what you can teach me."

Ying Zheng said calmly.


(End of this chapter)

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