Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 264 Jiujianxian: You are destined to me!Fusu wants to be the prince for life?

Chapter 264 Jiujianxian: You are destined to me!Fusu wants to be the prince for life?
"what happened?"

"The person was here just now, why did he suddenly disappear?"

Jiu Jianxian said with doubt in his eyes.

Regarding the doubts Jiu Sword Immortal currently had, Li Xiaoyao took a deep breath in front of Jiu Sword Immortal.

"This, this, this senior."

"I don't know who you are?"

Li Xiaoyao asked tentatively.

Regarding the words spoken by the Jiujianxian, Li Xiaoyao currently had an idea in his mind, but he was not sure.

In response to Li Xiaoyao's inquiry, Jiu Jinxian looked at Li Xiaoyao with a flash of thought in his eyes and said, "I think you should know."

"As an emperor, I think you don't need to guess too much about this."

At this moment, the Jiujianxian spoke in a calm tone.

When faced with the words from Youjiu Sword Immortal, Li Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

"You should be looking for His Majesty the First Emperor, right?"

"he has gone."

"If there's anything you need, maybe you can tell me and I'll tell you."

Li Xiaoyao looked at Jiujianxian with a questioning look.

However, in response to Li Xiaoyao's inquiry, Jiu Jianxian looked deeply at Li Xiaoyao.

"Boy, I don't know why."

"Although I am certain that I have never seen you before, I seem to sense a familiar feeling in you."

"It's like you and I are destined to be together."

Jiu Jianxian looked at Li Xiaoyao with a serious look.

Regarding Li Xiaoyao, the only thing Jiu Jianxian could be sure of was that he had no idea who this guy was.

However, facing this guy whom he didn't know at all, Jiu Jianxian noticed a sense of familiarity in this guy, as if they knew each other.

For such a feeling, Jiu Jianxian could only say that there must be a real fate between them.

The most important thing is that the path of his cultivation is here!
What he practices is a serious way of immortality!

Sometimes, this thing is all about fate, and now Li Xiaoyao is obviously very destined to him.

But when facing Jiu Jianxian's words at this moment, Li Xiaoyao looked at Jiu Jianxian with a trace of expectation.

Regarding this Jiu Sword Immortal, Li Xiaoyao had no idea where this guy came from, but one thing was certain.

That is to say, this guy is definitely not simple. After all, this guy suddenly appeared in front of him. So can this guy be an ordinary person?
That is 100% definitely not an ordinary person!
The most important thing is that this guy can actually know the identity of the First Emperor in the chat group!

As for how the other party learned about Ying Zheng?
Sorry, this is really not among Li Xiaoyao's guesses. Anyway, it is certain that the guy in front of him is definitely not an ordinary existence.

Then the guy in front of him, who was obviously no ordinary guy, said that there was a fate between them. That one would naturally make Li Xiaoyao feel bursts of joy at this moment.

Regarding the joy in Li Xiaoyao's eyes, Jiu Jianxian said calmly: "Since we are so destined, I will teach you something. As for how much you can understand, it depends on you. It’s up to you.”

As Jiu Jianxian spoke, he pointed his finger at Li Xiaoyao's forehead.


In an instant, a stream of power surged directly from Jiujianxian's hand toward Li Xiaoyao's mind.

As this power poured into Li Xiaoyao's mind, words appeared directly in Li Xiaoyao's mind.

"Wan Jian Jue?"

When Li Xiaoyao's eyes flashed with unprecedented curiosity, the Jiujianxian in front of him had already left the place with his flying sword.

"Sweep Sweep!!!"

A sharp sword rose directly into the sky.

Watching the Jiujianxian flying away with his sword, Li Xiaoyao showed a trace of unprecedented envy: "Will we meet again?!"

Li Xiaoyao said with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

In response to Li Xiaoyao's inquiry on the ground, Jiujianxian, who was already in mid-air, said so coolly: "Let's meet again if we are destined!"

"Just like today, you and I have a special fate. As for the next time we meet?"

"Then it depends on when fate strikes..."

As the Jiujianxian spoke, he increased the speed of his sword.


The next second, Jiujianxian's figure disappeared directly from Li Xiaoyao's sight.

When the figure of Jiujianxian disappeared from Li Xiaoyao's field of vision, Li Xiaoyao's eyes flashed with excitement as he looked at the articles in his mind.

"It looks like I'm about to truly rise!"

In this regard, no matter how stupid Li Xiaoyao is, he can realize what kind of situation this is.

It was obvious that he had met the legendary cultivator!

The important thing is that he has a fate with this cultivator, and then this cultivator directly gave him a book of exercises. This naturally made Li Xiaoyao feel more excited than ever before.

"But is this really certain?"

Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao felt a trace of unprecedented contemplation.

Although the cultivator did teach him a sword technique before leaving, the question is, can this thing really be practiced?

This is a crucial issue.

He had never come into contact with this knowledge before. Li Xiaoyao was really confused for a moment when he was suddenly asked to practice cultivation.

Facing Li Xiaoyao, who was a little confused, Ying Zheng had already led Zhao Ling'er back to the Qin Empire.




After Zhao Ling'er led by Ying Zheng crossed the crossing gate, the two figures came to the palace.

"This, is this where we will live in the future?"

Looking at the splendid decorations in his palace, no matter how stupid Zhao Ling'er is, he can realize that the value of this palace is definitely high.

Facing what Zhao Ling'er said, Ying Zheng smiled so easily: "Yes, from today on, this is your home." "The Qin Empire will be your backer from now on. "

In this regard, Ying Zheng naturally assured Zhao Linger directly without any hesitation.

After all, for Ying Zheng, the identity held by Zhao Ling'er is not an ordinary identity.

Putting aside the issue of Zhao Ling'er's appearance, the actor who played Zhao Ling'er can be said to be at the peak of his appearance when he played Zhao Ling'er. Therefore, although Zhao Ling'er has no connection with that actor, among them It's more or less similar.

At least in the eyes of Ying Zheng at this moment, Zhao Ling'er's appearance completely belongs to Liu's peak period, and even completely scorns Liu's peak period.

In terms of appearance, she is Zhao Ling'er who belongs to the truly top level, and now her opponent's identity is that of a serious descendant of Nuwa.

This is a descendant of Nuwa!

Although the other party does not belong to the legendary Nuwa, the blood flowing in the other party's body is the blood of the serious Nuwa.

Even if the other party is not his wife, the fact that the other party is a serious descendant of Nuwa is enough for Ying Zheng to treat her with such caution.

Not to mention that the other party is his wife and a descendant of Nuwa, so Ying Zheng's attitude towards Zhao Ling'er will naturally be completely reversed.

But Zhao Ling'er didn't know.

When Zhao Ling'er listened to Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er's eyes flashed with unprecedented excitement.

"it is good!"

"Uncle, this is my home from now on."

A hint of deep excitement flashed in Zhao Ling'er's eyes.

For the current Zhao Ling'er, even though she grew up on Fairy Island, the memories used in her childhood are affecting Zhao Ling'er all the time, and that is the problem of her parents.

Since her parents left Zhao Ling'er when she was young, Zhao Ling'er is particularly impressed by the concept of home.

Even if she grew up with her grandma, and even if she had nothing to play with, it was a pity that those maids would never play with Zhao Ling'er sincerely.

So for Zhao Ling'er, she has had a special need for the concept of home since she was a child.

Now, although she is no longer young, her concept of home has not weakened at all. Now she truly has a family.

A home for her!

Seeing the joy in Zhao Ling'er's eyes, even Ying Zheng at this moment showed a hint of unprecedented satisfaction.

"Very good, just be happy."

Regarding the happiness that Zhao Ling'er had now, Ying Zheng felt a wave of satisfaction.

"Then let's go, I will take you to see the palace where you will live next."

I saw Ying Zheng speaking softly to Zhao Linger.


Zhao Ling'er smiled happily at Ying Zheng's words.

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, as Zhao Linger, led by Ying Zheng, began to walk towards the palace, the news that Ying Zheng suddenly had a new woman was immediately spread throughout the palace.

But when this news was delivered to the princes, many princes had different expressions at this moment.

"By the way, father, what's going on?"

At this moment, Young Master Gao showed a confused expression.

For their father, Young Master Gao naturally didn't dare to have any thoughts at this moment, but at this moment, their father suddenly brought another woman, and he really felt a little bit surprised.

Because since they were sensible, and even since the earth-shaking changes that took place in the Great Qin Empire, their father had really not taken in any concubines for a long, long time.

But what about now?
Now their father suddenly took in a concubine, which had to make the current group of Da Qin princes feel the slightest bit surprised.

Faced with the confusion from Gongzi Gao, Hu Hai, who was beside him, glanced at him lightly: "What?"

"Is it possible that you still think that this new concubine will give birth to some younger brothers and threaten your status?"

At this moment, Hu Hai said with such disdain.

That's right, even if Ying Zheng has traveled through time and become the Ying Zheng in history, even history has already changed.

But regarding the child's name, Ying Zheng didn't interfere much, because Ying Zheng had absolute confidence that he could make these guys completely different from the original historical trajectory.

So when the princes of the Great Qin Empire learned about their original fate, the outcome for the young master Hu Hai was tragic.

Maybe those ministers couldn't deal with Hu Hai, but it was different for those guys who were also princes. During that time, the young master Hu Hai was beaten badly.

However, it is still a brotherly relationship, and they naturally know that the history of the entire Great Qin Empire has undergone earth-shaking changes since their father was able to enter other worlds.

Will the history of the Qin Empire remain the same as before?

No, no, no, the history of the Qin Empire will definitely never be the same as its original trajectory.

Then they will naturally not be killed by Hu Hai like in the original trajectory.

At this moment, Young Master Gao shook his head slightly when he listened to Hu Hai's words: "That's not true. If this concubine of our father's Xinna can give birth to a younger brother, it will be good news for us. .”

"Anyway, there will be no such thing as a next emperor in the future Great Qin Empire."

"Isn't it?"

At this moment, Young Master Gao looked at Fusu on the other side with helpless words.

In the former Great Qin Empire, Fusu was a well-deserved candidate for the crown prince position. However, unfortunately, since the changes in the Great Qin Empire, Fusu's crown prince position has already changed.

Nominally speaking, Fusu still belongs to the crown prince of the Qin Empire, but is there any possibility for this crown prince to succeed to the throne?

No, no, no, the prince of Fusu has long since lost any possibility of succeeding to the throne. Maybe Fusu needs to be the prince for the rest of his life.

Facing the words from Gongzi Gao, Fusu just shook his head helplessly: "Oh, be quiet."

"Since my father has a new concubine, we will naturally treat each other as our mother in the future."

"Remember, never underestimate the other party!"

Fusu said with a serious look in his eyes.

In response to Fusu's words, many princes responded respectfully: "I understand, brother."

The news that Ying Zheng had adopted a new concubine also began to reach the court, but the civil and military officials above the court did not take this seriously at all.

In this way, Zhao Ling'er's arrival did not cause any disturbance at all.


(End of this chapter)

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