Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 265: At the core of the Qin Empire, who dares to cut military spending? ? ?

Chapter 265: At the core of the Qin Empire, who dares to cut military spending? ? ?

"See Your Majesty!"

The marshals of the five legions were respectfully paying homage to Ying Zheng.

Facing the visit of these five marshals, Ying Zheng just nodded lightly: "Here we come."

"What level of strength do the soldiers in the army currently have?"

Ying Zheng asked with a calm tone.

In response to Ying Zheng's inquiry, the military minister at this moment replied honestly: "See your Majesty."

"Currently, all the soldiers in the army are in the realm of heaven and humans. The strength of the officers belongs to the realm of Shattered Void. The strength of the generals is above the realm of Shattered Void. As for our strength, we are not very sure yet."

Wang Jian just reported the report honestly.

While listening to Wang Jian's report, Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at Wang Jian.

"The strength of the army soldiers has reached this level."

"Next, the whole army will listen to the order and need to change the way of training."

"Martial arts training is no longer suitable for today's Great Qin Empire. What today's Great Qin Empire needs is immortality cultivation."

As Ying Zheng spoke, he began to throw jade slips one by one towards the five marshals.


When these jade slips were suspended directly in front of the five marshals, a trace of deep curiosity flashed in the eyes of the five marshals.

Because if they heard correctly just now, what they said seemed to be that from now on, what the Qin Empire needs to do is to cultivate immortality, right?

Does their Great Qin Empire need to transform from a martial arts empire to an immortal cultivation empire?

In response to the curiosity in the eyes of the five marshals, Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "I believe you already know from my words what the Great Qin Empire needs to do next."

"What the Great Qin Empire needs to do next is to completely transform from a martial arts empire to an empire of cultivation!"

"The strength of the Martial Arts Empire may be very powerful, but unfortunately the future of the Martial Arts Empire is not very certain. The future of the Cultivation Empire is on the bright side."

"Cultivation of the Immortal Empire is the most suitable path for today's Great Qin Empire."

"From now on, all you need to do is to transform all the power in your body into the power contained in this technique."

Ying Zheng asked calmly.

Since the Great Qin Empire is to be transformed into an empire of cultivating immortals, the power in the bodies of these soldiers and the guys in the army must be transformed into serious true power.

Facing Ying Zheng's instructions, the five marshals below all showed extremely excited expressions.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

For the five marshals at this moment, although their current strength can be considered very, very powerful, if they are asked to choose to cultivate immortality, then I am afraid that there is really no marshal. You can refuse this temptation.

There is no way around it. To attain enlightenment and become an immortal is an idea that is deeply imprinted in their bones.

Therefore, when they can really achieve enlightenment and become immortals, no marshal can really refuse this temptation.

"Remember, all soldiers in the army must practice this immortal cultivation technique." "The army must be the most powerful department in the Qin Empire!"

Ying Zheng ordered with a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

For Ying Zheng, there is no problem if other departments in the Great Qin Empire are weaker, but the strength of the army in the Great Qin Empire cannot be any surprise!
After all, it is the army!

If the strength of the army is unexpected, then does the entire Great Qin Empire still have a future?
The army must not allow any accidents!
This is the most basic requirement of Ying Zheng.

Facing Ying Zheng's request, the marshals responded solemnly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured!"

"We will never disappoint His Majesty's expectations!"

At this moment, one after another the marshals replied seriously.

They also had no refutation of Ying Zheng's opinion.

After all, they are marshals in the army, so they will naturally not watch the strength of the army decline. The strength of the soldiers in the army must become stronger, because only the strength of the soldiers in the army is strong. Only with the status of these five marshals can they remain so powerful in the Qin Empire.

What's more, the core of the Great Qin Empire belongs to these armies. Only when the strength of the army is strong can the Great Qin Empire have the capital to be proud of. But if the strength of the army does not meet the standards, even if the strength in other aspects is very strong, for an entire country What role does it play?

The Great Qin Empire is not the kind of country that only exists in one world. If the Great Qin Empire is only limited to one world, then the Great Qin Empire is really likely to choose to put aside the development of the army and develop other aspects. Let the entire people's livelihood be better and more powerfully developed.

But it is a pity that the eyes of the Great Qin Empire are not limited to one world. The eyes of the Great Qin Empire are all over the world!

Since the Great Qin Empire has set its sights on the world, it must have strong strength to resist the strong men from other worlds in the world.

So if anyone dared to talk about reducing military expenditures in the court of the Great Qin Empire, let alone these five marshals, even the civil servants were extremely incomprehensible.

Those civil servants also know that the reason why the current Great Qin Empire is in its current situation is purely because of the military.

If you reduce military expenditures for the army, doesn't this mean you are reducing the strength of the army?

Once the strength of the army is reduced, what should we do if something goes wrong?
This is no joke!

Therefore, the strength of army soldiers is completely a top priority in the Qin Empire.

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, the five marshals began to walk towards the major military camps with an excited attitude.

From now on, all that needs to be done is to transform the martial arts power in their bodies into the power of cultivation.

Watching the five marshals leave, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon throne, nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, it seems that the Great Qin Empire will undergo another unprecedented great leap forward in strength."

In this regard, Ying Zheng seemed to have seen a scene in which the tens of millions of soldiers in the Qin Empire rapidly improved in strength after practicing these cultivation techniques.

When he thought of that scene, Ying Zheng felt happy.


Just when Ying Zheng fell into happy thoughts, a sudden Aite directly interrupted Ying Zheng's thoughts.


(End of this chapter)

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