Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 266 The power of Wan Jian Jue, Ying Zheng who is not short of money

Chapter 266 The power of Wan Jian Jue, Ying Zheng who is not short of money

In an instant, a sudden burst of Aite directly disrupted Ying Zheng's thoughts.


I saw the moment when Ying Zheng looked at the chat group with a hint of doubt.

Aite from Li Xiaoyao directly entered Ying Zheng's field of vision.

"whats the matter?"

Ying Zheng said slightly to Li Xiaoyao.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Xiaoyao took a deep breath and said, "It's like this, Your Majesty, just when Your Majesty left, a guy driving a flying sword suddenly came In front of me."

"Then that guy asked me if you were there, so of course I could only say that you had left. Then after he left, that guy said that I was particularly destined to him, and finally he threw me a practice called Wanjian. Secret?"

Li Xiaoyao told Ying Zheng all the operations he had performed when the Jiu Sword Immortal arrived and left.

Facing Li Xiaoyao's words, Ying Zheng didn't say anything at this moment, but other people in the chat group showed an unprecedented expression of envy.

"and many more?"

"You just said that guy came with a sword and left with a sword?"

Yue Buqun's eyes flashed with unprecedented excitement.

Regarding Yue Buqun's excited expression at this moment, Li Xiaoyao nodded slightly: "Yes, the other party came with a sword and then left with a sword."

In response, Li Xiaoyao nodded and replied.

Facing the reply from Li Xiaoyao, Yue Buqun, who was in the world of Swordsman, had a flash of unprecedented excitement in his eyes at this moment.


"Knew it!"

"This day has indeed arrived!"

At this moment, I saw Yue Buqun talking to himself with an extremely excited mood.

For the current Yue Buqun, he naturally knows that sooner or later some people from the legendary world of cultivation will be added to the chat group. Even the world where the guy named Lin Zhengying currently lives can be regarded as belonging to cultivation. The world of the world, and even the world of Nie Xiaoqian who had just been pacified by Ying Zheng's army, could be regarded as a world of cultivation. However, Yue Buqun could know from what they said that their world could only be regarded as a world of cultivation. It can be regarded as a declining cultivation world.

But what Li Xiaoyao tells now is completely different.

Because from what Li Xiaoyao said at this moment, it can be known that Li Xiaoyao's world is completely a cultivation world that belongs to the Eight Classics. The most important thing is that the power system possessed by the opponent's cultivation is absolutely Just not weak.

After all, flying with a sword!
This is the dream of many people!
As a result, the world that Li Xiaoyao lives in now is no longer a dream, because this matter has been laid out as a fact!
Zhang Sanfeng, who is in the world of Heaven and Dragon Sword, can also understand Yue Buqun's excitement at this moment.

Because Zhang Sanfeng is also a member of serious Taoism, and that Taoist member also has the same incomparable desire for flying with a sword.

So when Zhang Sanfeng listened to what Li Xiaoyao said, there was also a deep excitement in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes. "It seems that I need to establish a good relationship with Li Xiaoyao. When will I go to the other person's world to see it? I want to embark on the real path of cultivating immortals!"

Zhang Sanfeng said to himself with a firm look in his eyes.

There are countless guys with the same idea in the entire chat group. It should be said that as long as they are guys with Chinese knowledge, after listening to the words spoken by Li Xiaoyao, they all have a common thought in their minds. An idea.

That means you must have a good relationship with Li Xiaoyao no matter what!

Because the world that Li Xiaoyao lives in seems to them to be the most serious world of cultivation. At least in a short period of time, the world that Li Xiaoyao lives in will definitely make them upgrade to more than one level.

At present, Li Xiaoyao has no idea that it was precisely because of his words that the entire chat group fell into unprecedented turmoil.

However, Li Xiaoyao didn't care at all. At this moment, Li Xiaoyao looked directly at Ying Zheng with an extremely nervous look: "That's it, Your Majesty, I want you to see the Ten Thousand Swords Jue that that guy gave me. How do you practice?"

Li Xiaoyao just said what he was thinking.

Regarding that guy, although Li Xiaoyao thought that he would never harm him, his origin was too special after all!
He didn't know what kind of situation this was.

The most important thing is that after the other party just threw this technique called Ten Thousand Swords Technique to him, the other party disappeared directly. He didn't know how to practice this Ten Thousand Swords Technique!
Even if Li Xiaoyao has not joined this chat group, he still knows that to obtain a skill, you must know how to practice it. If you practice blindly, you are likely to go crazy.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyao naturally could only target Ying Zheng. At least in Li Xiaoyao's mind, it seemed that Ying Zheng had no need to lie to him.

Listening to Li Xiaoyao's words, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with curiosity: "Ten Thousand Sword Jue?"

"Then please send me this Ten Thousand Swords Jue, and I will take a look at it for you and guide you on how to revise this Ten Thousand Swords Jue."

Ying Zheng spoke softly.

He thought that Li Xiaoyao was looking for something to do with him, but he didn't expect that Li Xiaoyao was just here to give him benefits!

The Thousand Sword Jue may not be particularly useful to him, because he already has powerful offensive methods, but if the Thousand Sword Jue is placed in the entire Great Qin Empire, then it can definitely create a powerful force. A large number of strong swordsmen.

There are still many strong swordsmen in the Qin Empire, so Wanjian Jue can be regarded as a particularly advanced skill for those strong swordsmen today, and even a particularly advanced swordsmanship.

Faced with Li Xiaoyao's contribution, does Ying Zheng have any objections?

Ying Zheng had no objection at all.

After receiving Ying Zheng's reply, Li Xiaoyao directly sent a red envelope to Ying Zheng.

Faced with this red envelope, Ying Zheng chose to click on it without hesitation.

"Brush brush..."

In an instant, streams of light poured directly into Ying Zheng's mind.


(End of this chapter)

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