Chapter 268 Li Xiaoyao in Versailles

Waves of wild laughter came from Ying Zheng's mouth.

"You just accept it."

A hint of smile flashed in Ying Zheng's tone.

"The prices of these things may be quite good, but for me they are just average."

"This is not the only thing that the Great Qin Empire has. This is nothing to the Great Qin Empire."

"So just accept it with confidence."

Ying Zheng just smiled softly and said.

He has no habit of taking back the things he gave away. Besides, the price of the things he gave away may be very precious to other people, but the problem lies in his identity. , he doesn’t lack these things at all!
This is like a rich man giving a sum of money to a beggar, and then the beggar feels that the thing given by the rich man is too valuable and asks the rich man to take it back. How could the rich man choose to take back the thing he gave away?

Because those things may be an astronomical number to ordinary beggars or even ordinary people, but to the richest man, that thing is just an ordinary number, and even this number is not as good as his own net worth. One thousandth or even one ten thousandth.

That's why Ying Zheng had such an attitude when faced with what Li Xiaoyao said.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Xiaoyao opened his mouth at this moment. He didn't know what to say for a moment. What should he say? He really didn't know what to say. After all, the situation was... Here, he didn't know how to deal with these extremely precious medicinal materials in his hands.

"Okay, then I'll just accept these things."

Li Xiaoyao opened his mouth and finally had no choice but to keep these things.

What if you don't?
Ying Zheng has already said this. If he doesn't put these things away, it will be tantamount to not giving Ying Zheng face.

So what are the consequences of not giving Ying Zheng face?
No matter how stupid Li Xiaoyao is, he can understand how heavy the consequences of not giving Ying Zheng face will be.

So at this moment, Li Xiaoyao could only accept these things honestly.

Faced with the entanglement Li Xiaoyao was having at the moment, the tyrant in the world suddenly flashed a hint of curiosity and said, "Li Xiaoyao, what are those things His Majesty the First Emperor gave you?"

"let us see."

Xiong Ba said with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Regarding the thing that Ying Zheng gave to Li Xiaoyao, Xiongba at this moment expressed very, very curiosity, because he was very curious about what Ying Zheng gave to make Li Xiaoyao have such an attitude.

Faced with Xiong Ba's curiosity, other people in the chat group also looked at Li Xiaoyao with curious eyes.

Obviously, they were all equally curious about what was in the red envelope that Ying Zheng sent to Li Xiaoyao.

In response to everyone's curiosity, Li Xiaoyao could only start taking a photo of the medicinal materials in front of him.


Soon, Li Xiaoyao directly sent the photo in front of him to the chat group.

As Li Xiaoyao sent the scenes in front of him to the chat group in the form of photos, the guys in the chat group fell into an unprecedented silence after looking at Li Xiaoyao's photo. .

After Uncle Jiu, who was in the zombie world, looked at the photo sent by Li Xiaoyao, his eyes opened with silence.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is all measured in millennia, right?"

After Uncle Jiu looked at the appearance of each medicinal plant, a deep silence flashed in his eyes.The spiritual power contained in medicinal materials measured in thousands of years can be said to be extremely terrifying. How many medicinal plants are there in the photo?
Anyway, from Uncle Jiu's perspective, the amount of medicinal materials can be said to be extremely huge, and the most important thing is that the medicinal power contained in each medicinal plant is almost a thousand years old.

"This this this..."

Uncle Jiu's eyes flashed with an unprecedented trace of envy.

"I'm so jealous, I really wish this was me!"

But after Uncle Jiu experienced such deep envy, he could only start typing the word envy on the screen.

Facing the words spoken by Uncle Jiu, several other people in the chat group at this moment also guessed the year of possession of these medicinal materials based on the appearance of their use.

"This, these are all medicinal materials that are over a thousand years old!"

When Xiong Ba just looked at the pile of medicinal materials in front of Li Xiaoyao, an unprecedented trace of envy flashed in Xiong Ba's eyes.

Although it is not true that the Tianxiahui does not have these medicinal materials, the number of medicinal materials in the Tianxiahui is not so huge!
The most important thing is that you can see from the photos that all the medicinal materials are more than a thousand years old, and none of the medicinal materials are less than a thousand years old.

If these medicinal materials belong to his Tianxiahui, then Xiongba has absolute self-confidence and can fully utilize the medicinal properties of these medicinal materials. He may even have a lot of powerful people in the Tianxiahui, and even his The strength may also become stronger.

"This, this, this, is this what the First Emperor gave away casually?"

In response, Xiong Ba's eyes flashed with a trace of unprecedented envy.


Xiongba also followed Uncle Jiu and typed the word "envy" on the screen.

Facing the actions of Xiong Ba and Uncle Jiu at this moment, several other people in the chat group also saw the approximate appearance of the medicinal plants through the appearance used in the photo.

When they all confirmed that the weight of these medicinal materials were at least a thousand years old, all the guys showed the same expression as Uncle Jiu and Xiong Ba.


Messages appeared directly on the screen of the chat group.

One after another, a trace of unprecedented envy flashed in the eyes of the guys.

Regarding the many medicinal materials in this photo, they have begun to imagine what will happen if they obtain these medicinal materials.

What is certain is that the enhancement of strength is only the most basic. It can even be said that these medicinal materials are a second life to a certain extent!
This medicinal material that they regarded as their second life was casually rewarded to Li Xiaoyao by the First Emperor, and the quantity was so large.

This will naturally make them feel a little bit more envious than ever before.

Regarding the appearance in the chat group, Li Xiaoyao, who was currently in the world of Fairy Sword, scratched his head.

"Ah, are these medicinal materials really precious?"

Li Xiaoyao directly made a Versailles-style speech.


(End of this chapter)

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