Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 269 The Ming Dynasty and the Wei Empire’s nationwide promotion

Chapter 269 The Ming Dynasty and the Wei Empire’s nationwide promotion

"Your Majesty, all the current troops have practiced this so-called technique."

At this moment, Wang Chengen, who was in the Ming Empire, respectfully reported to Zhu You.

After listening to the report from Wang Chengen, Zhu Youjian nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, remember."

"If anyone dares to reach out to this army, just cut off the stretched out hand completely!"

"I will never allow anyone to put their hands into the army!"

Zhu Youjian said with a serious look in his eyes.

With the Ming Empire ruling the entire world, the Ming Empire's army did not do anything except training. This naturally aroused the greed of some guys.

Some guys are trying to reach into the army and steal the military expenditures from the army.

Zhu Youjian absolutely cannot allow this kind of existence.

Although the Ming Empire now rules the entire world and no war has broken out in their world, it does not mean that the Ming Empire's army has lost any role.

Zhu Youjian believed that sooner or later, their army of the Ming Empire would follow the First Emperor in the chat group and send troops to attack other worlds.

But the premise is that he must have a strong army!

Regarding the powerful army owned by the emperor of the Qin Empire, Zhu Youjian at this moment can only say that the army currently owned by the Ming Empire is only as powerful as the first emperor of Qin who just joined the chat group.

This may seem very powerful, but the problem is that his current position is only the starting point of the Great Qin Shihuang. Ying Zhengdu has already led the army of the Great Qin Empire to occupy an unknown number of worlds.

And the army of the Ming Empire is currently just the initial appearance of the army of the Qin Empire. So is the army of the Ming Empire very powerful?

No, no, no, in Zhu Youjian's opinion, the Ming Empire's army will always need to be strengthened.

So Zhu Youjian bought a technique from the chat group that could make the soldiers in the army stronger.

Now that the Ming Empire has unified the entire world, let the resources in the entire world support the Ming army!
Let the army of the Ming Empire one day reach the size of the army of the Qin Empire!
In the meantime, who dares to reach out at this time?
Zhu Youjian said that even if he belonged to the group of guys from the Ming Dynasty royal family, he would not hesitate to cut off the opponent's hand completely!
Faced with Zhu Youjian's murderous words, Wang Chengen at this moment replied respectfully: "As you command, Your Majesty!"

Obviously, Wang Chengen at this moment can understand what Zhu Youjian wants to express, because Wang Chengen can understand what exactly their Majesty is pursuing!
At the same time, Wang Chengen can also understand that the army of the Ming Empire may look very powerful, but what if it is compared with the army of the Qin Empire that descended on Beiping City?
It may seem that it can be compared with the Great Qin army, but their army of the Ming Empire has become so powerful in such a long time, so is it possible that the army of the Great Qin Empire has never changed?
It is obviously impossible.

So at this moment, it seemed to Wang Chengen that the Ming Empire's army might be very powerful, but he deeply understood the truth that there are people outside the world.

"Go ahead and train hard."

"Whether the Ming Empire can become more powerful in the future depends on how far this army can cultivate."

Zhu Youjian's eyes were cold.

After listening to Zhu Youjian's order, the current Wang Chengen responded respectfully: "I obey the order."

At this moment, when the Ming Empire was just unfolding and wanted all the armies of the Ming Empire to practice, Cao Cao, another emperor in the chat group, also placed the secret books of the exercises in front of all the officials. "Everyone, what is placed in front of you now is the skill I obtained from another world."

"You should know what these are."

"What you need to do now is very simple, that is, let all the soldiers in the army practice these techniques!"

"It's time for the soldiers of the Wei Empire to become stronger!"

At this moment, Cao Cao, who was sitting on the dragon throne, looked at the civil and military officials below with serious words.

For Cao Cao at this moment, nothing big happens in the current chat group. Although there are no big things happening in the various worlds in the chat group, it does not mean that he can relax.

Cao Cao felt that all he needed to do now was to make the Wei Empire stronger.

The generals of the Wei Empire had already practiced these techniques long ago. Otherwise, how could Wei have the power to unify the entire world?

But it's different now. Cao Cao now thinks it's time to start promoting this technique.

All soldiers in the entire empire need to practice this technique!

Because only in this way can the Wei Empire keep up with the pace of chat groups in the future.

Facing what Cao Cao said at this moment, the current civil and military officials all fell into silence as they looked at the book of martial arts rules in front of them.

"Your Majesty, do we really want these skills to be introduced into the army?"

"If these skills are introduced into the military, I'm afraid it will cause chaos."

At this moment, Lu Bu, the number one general in the Wei Empire, said this.

Faced with Lu Bu's words, many generals and civil servants in the court couldn't help but nodded.

For them at this moment, if these exercises are really promoted to the entire army, once the soldiers in the army practice these exercises and the strength of those soldiers becomes stronger, it may be very difficult. It may cause what was previously called great chaos.

Even if they have absolute confidence in their own strength, it is impossible that none of the millions of soldiers in the Wei Empire is more talented than them, right?
If this is true, then it is really a bit self-deceiving.

Once a being with more talent than them appears, it won't be long before he can surpass them today.

Not to mention whether the Wei Empire would fall into chaos, just because of the threats that their position was likely to encounter, they felt that they could not introduce these techniques into the army.

Then facing what Lu Bu said at this moment, Cao Cao frowned slightly.


In an instant, an extremely powerful force poured directly from Cao Cao's body towards the entire hall.


(End of this chapter)

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