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Chapter 274 The unqualified spiritual father and the stupid Qing'er

Chapter 274 The unqualified spiritual father and the stupid Qing'er

"Uncle and brother, what kind of existence are my father and mother?"

At the same time, Zhao Linger, who was on Huo Qilin's back, asked Ying Zheng a question directly.

For Zhao Ling'er at this moment, her father and mother have long become a vague memory in her memory.

But now, she was going to see her father and mother, which made Zhao Ling'er feel a little nervous at the moment.

For Zhao Ling'er, she believed that Ying Zheng was an omniscient and omnipotent being. At this moment, Zhao Ling'er wanted to know what kind of existence her father and mother were.

Facing Zhao Ling'er's inquiry, Ying Zheng just fell into waves of thinking.

"What kind of existence do your father and mother belong to?"

Ying Zheng just thought to himself and said.

"Your father is the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, but your father is not a qualified king of Nanzhao Kingdom."

Regarding the current king of Nanzhao, who is Zhao Ling'er's father, Ying Zheng's judgment is that this guy is not a qualified king at all.

Although on the surface, the other party is still the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, the other party has been completely ignored by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. Is the other party still a king?

The other party is completely a serious puppet!

A puppet king, this is Ying Zheng's view of the king of Nanzhao.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er suddenly felt a little confused about her father.

"A failed king?"

"Is he just a failed leader of a country like my uncle and brother?"

In this regard, Zhao Ling'er's view is that her uncle and brother Ying Zheng himself is the leader of a country, but her uncle and brother are telling her that her father is the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, but he is not a qualified king. For Zhao Ling'er at this moment, she is still a little confused.

"Yes, your father is not a qualified king, and even your father is not a qualified husband."

"At the same time, your father is not a qualified father."

"It can only be said that your father is not a qualified existence."

"Unqualified in every aspect."

After Ying Zheng was silent for a while, he finally spoke to Zhao Linger.

What kind of existence is the king of Nanzhao today?
Ying Zheng can only say that no matter what aspect the other party is in, the other party is a failure.


The other party's father is obviously a failure!


They have all become puppet kings!


That is even more of a failure. Watching his wife being slandered and even killed, is this the responsibility a husband should have?

Ying Zheng didn't believe that the king of Nanzhao didn't know Qing'er's identity as a descendant of Nuwa.

It is understandable if the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty does not know that Qing'er's identity belongs to the descendants of Nuwa. After all, the sphere of influence of the descendants of Nuwa is basically in the Nanzhao Kingdom in the southwest. The king's understanding of Nuwa's descendants can be said to be more thorough than that of the emperors of the Central Plains Dynasty.

But the other party thinks Qing'er is a snake demon. What kind of behavior is this?
This is obviously a piece of trash!
The other party obviously knew that Qing'er was a serious descendant of Nuwa, but the other party insisted on doing this.

Obviously, the other party is not a qualified husband at all.

While listening to Ying Zheng's reply, Zhao Ling'er fell into an unprecedented silence.

Zhao Ling'er was full of illusions about her father before, but now Zhao Ling'er does not disbelieve Ying Zheng's words. Zhao Ling'er believes in Ying Zheng's words.

Precisely because Zhao Ling'er believed in serious words, Zhao Ling'er felt silent for a moment about the role of her father in Ying Zheng's mouth.Did her father actually fail like this with her uncle and brother?

Aware of Zhao Ling'er's silence, Ying Zheng continued to speak: "Your mother is a great being, maybe a little silly, but your mother's identity is a bit special."

"I can only say that your mother is a particularly great being, but she is a little persistent."

Ying Zheng did not make any special judgment on the operations of Qing'er, who was a descendant of Nuwa. He could only say that Qing'er was a particularly great being. For such a being who was willing to sacrifice himself, Ying Zheng did not make any special judgments. It is admirable from beginning to end.

He couldn't do it, but that didn't stop him from admiring the existence that could do it.

Regarding Qing'er, a descendant of Nuwa, Ying Zheng's judgment is that this guy is a great being.

"A great and persistent existence?"

After listening to Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er had a deeper understanding of her mother.

Just as Ying Zheng and Zhao Ling'er were riding fire unicorns and rushing towards Nanzhao Kingdom, Ying Zheng suddenly frowned slightly.


In an instant, listening to Ying Zheng's words, Huo Qilin, who was currently under Ying Zheng's crotch, came to a sudden stop!

Soon, as the fire unicorn stopped, Ying Zheng looked towards the horizon with a calm gaze.

"It's here now, you don't have to cover it up anymore."

Ying Zheng spoke with a calm look in his eyes.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, a trace of deep fear flashed in Zhao Ling'er's eyes.


"Is someone watching us?"

Zhao Ling'er instantly felt scared.

Soon, Zhao Ling'er was seen grabbing the corner of Ying Zheng's clothes.

In response to what Ying Zheng said, a figure suddenly appeared in the horizon.


With the appearance of this figure, a trace of seriousness flashed across Ying Zheng's brows: "You are that guy from Shushan Sect."

Regarding the existence in front of him that can cause him a sense of danger, Ying Zheng can be sure that the opponent's strength is definitely at the level of transcending tribulation.

Then in this world of fairy swords, aren't the most powerful people in the world apparently the Moon Worshiping Cult Master and the Shushan Sword Master?

Maybe there may be some strong people secretly, but on the surface there are only these two.

The other party is obviously not the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, so the other party has only one identity.

That is the Dugu Sword Master of Shu Mountain!

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the Juggernaut suspended in the sky at this moment said with a calm look in his eyes: "You should not appear in this world."

The Sword Master directly revealed Ying Zheng's identity with one word.

Ying Zheng didn't feel anything about the Sword Master's words.

On the contrary, Ying Zheng said calmly: "But I am here."

Then Ying Zheng and Juggernaut stared at each other.


(End of this chapter)

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