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Chapter 275 Zhao Linger going to the Demon Locking Tower?Battle with the Juggernaut!

Chapter 275 Zhao Linger going to the Demon Locking Tower?Battle with the Juggernaut!
"But I'm here."

Ying Zheng spoke calmly.

Listening to Ying Zheng's calm words, Shushan Dugu Sword Master suspended in mid-air looked deeply at Zhao Ling'er behind Ying Zheng.

"She shouldn't be here. She should follow me back to Shushan to the Demon Suppression Tower."

At this moment, the sword master spoke so calmly.

For the Sword Master at this moment, he has already known about Ying Zheng's problem, but the problem is that he will not go too far to solve Ying Zheng's problem.

The situation is very simple. Ying Zheng's problem is no longer his problem, and he can't attack Ying Zheng casually. The things behind Ying Zheng's back really don't belong to him and he can touch it. Touched.

Apart from anything else, can Ying Zheng be able to touch it just by relying on the power of Great Qin's destiny that he possesses?

How vast is the destiny in the Qin Empire?
The power of destiny in the Great Qin Empire can be described as huge. So how strong is the destiny of the emperor of the Great Qin Empire?
Anyway, those who dare to attack the Ming Emperor will not have any good results.

Even if the strength of the Sword Master is among the first-class beings in the entire world of fairy swords, he would not dare to easily attack a being with such a powerful national destiny, because the consequences are simply not something he can bear. .

Faced with the current attitude of the Sword Master, Ying Zheng spoke with disdain: "You should know the identity of the other party. The most important thing is that the other party's current identity is the emperor of the Great Qin Empire. Concubine."

"The other party's current identity is my woman. According to your wishes, do you want to suppress my woman under the Demon Locking Tower?"

Ying Zheng said coldly to the sword master.

Regarding Ying Zheng's cold words, the Juggernaut's eyes were also filled with a hint of indifference.

"She shouldn't be here!"

"Her identity is not something you can touch."

The sword master still looked at Ying Zheng closely with a hint of extremely cold words.

Regarding the conversation between Ying Zheng and Juggernaut at this moment, Zhao Ling'er was holding on to Ying Zheng's clothes so tightly.

Because at this time, no matter how stupid Zhao Ling'er is, she can realize what the Sword Master's attitude is towards her, because the other party has said that she will be pressed into the Demon Locking Tower, even though she does not know about the Demon Locking Tower. What kind of thing is the tower, but that doesn't stop him from knowing that the Sword Master's attitude is to take her away and suppress her.

Unless Zhao Ling'er was stupid, there was no way he would follow the Sword Master even if he was beaten to death.

"Ling'er won't go with you."

Zhao Linger was seen looking at the Sword Master in the sky with a nervous look.

Regarding what Zhao Ling'er was saying so far, Ying Zheng looked at the sword master in the sky with a smile on his face.


"Haven't you heard that yet?"

"Do you need me to come and talk to you properly?"

Ying Zheng looked at the sword master opposite him with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Regarding Zhao Ling'er's words, this can be regarded as an ultimatum.

If Dugu Sword Master is still determined to capture Zhao Ling'er and force him under the Demon Locking Tower, then don't blame him for taking action.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, and facing the trace of nervousness in Zhao Ling'er's eyes at this moment, a deep look of solemnity flashed across the face of the sword master suspended in mid-air.

As for Zhao Ling'er's opinion?

Sorry, Dugu Sword Master just chose to ignore it, but the strength possessed by Ying Zheng is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Not to mention that Ying Zheng's strength itself has reached the Mahayana realm. The gap between Ying Zheng and him is just a gap in realm. The most important thing is that Ying Zheng's own power of great Qin's national destiny is also Put it here.He really didn't dare to attack Ying Zheng casually, because once he attacked Ying Zheng casually, it would mean that to a certain extent, he would attack the entire Great Qin Empire.

What is the current population of the Qin Empire?

That is definitely a population in hundreds of millions. As the Emperor of Qin who controls such a huge population, who dares to do anything to it?

Dugu Sword Master did not dare.

"Do you really want to stand in front of her?"

Dugu Sword Master looked deeply at Ying Zheng.

Regarding what Dugu Sword Master said, Ying Zheng replied calmly: "What?"

"Is it because I didn't speak clearly or is there something wrong with your ears?"

"Don't you understand what I mean?"

Ying Zheng's eyes gradually turned cold.


In an instant, waves of extremely powerful power spread crazily from Ying Zheng's body towards the surroundings.

When the power in Ying Zheng's body spread towards the surroundings, Dugu Sword Master, who was suspended in mid-air, looked at Ying Zheng with a look of ugliness on his face.

"You shouldn't do this. You should know what I'm doing. What you're doing now is simply digging your own grave!"

Dugu Sword Master looked at Ying Zheng coldly.

His current idea is very simple, he just wants to bring Zhao Ling'er to the Suo Yao Tower.

Of course, this does not mean that he took Zhao Ling'er to the Demon Locking Tower to suppress it as a real monster. Regarding Zhao Ling'er's identity?

As long as the guy is a little stronger, who doesn't know?
Who would really treat Zhao Linger as a snake demon?
No, it would be a real big joke if anyone really treated Zhao Ling'er as a snake demon.

However, facing the words of the Sword Master, Ying Zheng showed a disdainful smile: "How much do you know about the Qin Empire?"

"Do you think you still want to compete with the Qin Empire with the strength you have?"

"It's just a mere Shu Mountain. How can it be that the power possessed by Shu Mountain can actually compete with the Great Qin Empire?"

"What are you using to compete with Da Qin?"

Ying Zheng looked at Dugu Sword Master in the sky with a hint of coldness in his tone.

The other party may not be as simple as it seems on the surface to bring Zhao Ling'er to the Demon Locking Tower, but is it possible that Zhao Ling'er will have any accidents in the Great Qin Empire?
No, no, no, Zhao Ling'er will not have any accidents at all in the Great Qin Empire. As long as he is here, Zhao Ling'er will have no worries for the rest of her life!
"It looks like it can only be done once."

Regarding Ying Zheng's cold attitude, Juggernaut could only speak calmly.

"Then come, let me see how powerful this so-called sword master is!"

In an instant, as Ying Zheng's words fell, an extremely powerful aura burst out directly from Ying Zheng's body again.



(End of this chapter)

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