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Chapter 278 The resurgence of Nuwa’s will and the ambitions of demons and ghosts

Chapter 278 The resurgence of Nuwa’s will and the ambitions of demons and ghosts
Just when the unyielding will possessed by Ying Zheng and the Xuanyuan Sword soared into the sky, in the Nuwa Temple in the direction of Nanzhao Kingdom, a consciousness directly revived and covered up the will that shot straight into the sky.


The unyielding will that was supposed to break out of the world was completely obscured by the power possessed by Nuwa Temple.

"Human Emperor?"

"No, he is not the Human Emperor of this world."

The consciousness he had in the Nuwa Temple in Nanzhao Kingdom was just talking to himself at this moment.

As for her identity?
It can be easily distinguished that she belongs to Nuwa in Nuwa Temple, or that she does not belong to Nuwa, she just belongs to a consciousness that Nuwa has, but even if she only just It is just a consciousness that belongs to Nuwa, but it is also a consciousness that belongs to the serious Nuwa.

"Is he a human emperor from another world?"

"And it is also involved with the contemporary descendants of Nuwa."

At this moment, Nuwa was talking to herself and looked at Ying Zheng, who was fighting Dugu Sword Master, and most importantly, Zhao Ling'er, who was being carried on Huo Qilin's back.

Even though she is not the real Nuwa, she is still a consciousness left by the serious Nuwa. From a side perspective, she belongs to the Nuwa in this world. Therefore, for Zhao Ling'er's body, The Nuwa bloodline he possesses is particularly conspicuous in front of the consciousness he possesses in the Nuwa Temple.

In front of the consciousness in Nuwa Temple at this moment, the situation has been laid out clearly.

That is, the human emperor from other worlds came to their world for some reason, and then got involved with the contemporary descendants of Nuwa.

"Interesting, I didn't expect such an interesting scene to happen."

The consciousness he had in Nuwa Temple was showing a hint of deep curiosity at this moment.

For this news from other worlds?
Nuwa could only say that this was not a secret at all.

Having reached her level of existence on the ground, other worlds are no secret at all. Even her body has gone directly to other worlds, but she doesn't know which world she has gone to.

When her body went to other worlds, only her consciousness was left in this world.

So the consciousness she had in Nuwa Temple was able to understand what was going on in other worlds, but she really never thought that guys from other worlds actually came to their world. The most important thing is When he came to their world, he was still involved with the contemporary descendants of Nuwa.

"This Human Emperor doesn't look simple."

The consciousness he had in Nuwa Temple looked at Ying Zheng with a sigh of relief.

Let’s not talk about the strength that Ying Zheng possesses and the power of the great Qin national destiny that Ying Zheng possesses. Ying Zheng was able to come to their world and abduct the descendants of Nuwa in their world just like this. A little, this is enough to make Nuwa a little curious about Ying Zheng.

"I'm waiting for you, I hope you don't let me down."

Looking at Ying Zheng who was still fighting with Dugu Sword Master, Nuwa had no intention of watching.

Because Nuwa can already see that the victory will 100% belong to Ying Zheng. If she can't see the final result of this battle, then the strength she possesses will be in vain.

Plus she saw it right here.


The consciousness of being in the Nuwa Temple fell silent once again.

And when he was once again immersed in the consciousness he had in Nuwa Temple, Ying Zheng burst out with an unyielding will and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand slashed hard at the Dugu Sword Master who exuded the ruthless meaning of heaven. go. "go to hell!"

Ying Zheng looked at Dugu Sword Master with a hint of coldness in his eyes.


In an instant, an unimaginable force burst out crazily from Ying Zheng and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.


At this moment, the entire sky in the world was completely cut open by the Xuanyuan Sword in Ying Zheng's hand.

Facing the entire sky in the world, a huge hole was cut directly. At the same time, even those who were far away saw the sky being broken.

The demons and monsters who escaped from this area looked at the place where they once stayed with trembling eyes.


"This this this..."

"Is this the battle that broke out among those strong men?"

At this moment, those demons and monsters spoke with trembling eyes and words.

Although they had long known that the battles that broke out between the strong men were definitely earth-shattering, they had never encountered any battles between the strong men before.

Therefore, they did not have an intuitive concept of the scene of the battle between strong men. Now when they looked at the battle between Ying Zheng and Dugu Sword Master, they had no idea what the scene of the battle between these strong men was. With a more intuitive concept.

"Destroy the world..."

These four simple words appeared in the minds of those monsters and monsters.

They couldn't imagine that if they were in the center of the battle, would they be completely defeated by the power emanating from it?
They felt that they were really likely to be completely blown away by the power emanating from them.

They are still a bit weak in terms of their own strength. Their strength may be synonymous with being quite powerful to some ordinary people, but for those who are strong at that level, their bodies are not that strong. Isn't it the same with guys who are at the ant level?
"I must increase my strength!"

"I want to reach that level too!"

One of the fox demons said with determination in his eyes.

The scene caused by the battle between Ying Zheng and Dugu Sword Master directly stimulated the fox demon. He believed that he must reach that level, and he must have such strong strength in the future.

There are many people who have this idea. At least these monsters and monsters really hold this idea. They don't want to run away next time.

While the demons and monsters in the distance were sighing, the struggle between the sword master at the center of the battle and Ying Zheng at this moment was still going on.



(End of this chapter)

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