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Chapter 279 Dugu Sword Master was defeated and headed to Nanzhao Kingdom!

Chapter 279 Dugu Sword Master was defeated and headed to Nanzhao Kingdom!

When Ying Zheng, who was holding the Xuanyuan Sword, launched a fierce attack on the Sword Master, a terrifying force began to burst out from the Xuanyuan Sword towards the Sword Master.

Facing the power that burst out from the Xuanyuan Sword, the most important thing is that the powerful power that Ying Zheng possessed when holding the Xuanyuan Sword directly made the current sword master aware of what a fatal crisis was.

Even though the sword master at this moment has entered the ruthless state through the special Tao method he has practiced, it does not mean that the sword master who has entered the ruthless state has lost his sense of danger.

Especially the terrifying power that Ying Zheng exudes at this moment makes the sword master stand up, because the power that Ying Zheng currently possesses can simply be described as terrifying.


In an instant, when the sword master raised the sword owned by the leader of the Shushan Sect, a vast sword energy burst out crazily from the sword in the sword master's hand.

Facing the powerful force erupting from the Sword Master's sword, the Xuanyuan Sword in Ying Zheng's hand also launched a powerful attack against the Sword Master at this moment.


Vibrating sounds just started to erupt in the entire sky.

Facing these vibrations that started to erupt crazily in the entire sky, the power of humanity contained in the Xuanyuan Sword also flew directly and fiercely toward the opposite Sword Master at this moment.

The power of humanity contained in Xuanyuan Sword itself is extremely terrifying. In addition, Ying Zheng himself is a serious human emperor. The power contained in the people mobilized by this human emperor will naturally completely crush Shushan. The power of heaven contained in the sword master's physical strength.


The two sides only fought for a few rounds, and even Ying Zheng's strength was not as good as that of Shushan Sword Master, but there was already a slight gap between them.

A trace of seriousness flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes as he looked at the Shushan Sword Master opposite him. For the leader of the Shushan Sect, Dugu Sword Master, Ying Zheng's attitude from beginning to end was without any contempt.

Because Ying Zheng understands that the opponent's strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface. The opponent is one of the best in the entire human world.

Therefore, Ying Zheng unleashed all his strength from beginning to end to compete with Dugu Sword Master.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Facing the attack from all the power unleashed by Ying Zheng, the power contained in Dugu Sword Saint's body was directly suppressed by the power of humanity in Ying Zheng's body at this moment.


At this moment, the power of heaven contained in the body of Dugu Sword Master, who was holding the accessories of the head of Shushan, was severely suppressed by the power of humanity in Ying Zheng's body. At the same time, the ruthlessness in Dugu Sword Master's eyes also gradually appeared at this moment. A little bit of clarity.


When Dugu Sword Master came back to his senses from the cold state, Ying Zheng appeared beside Dugu Sword Master with Xuanyuan Sword in hand, and directly pressed Xuanyuan Sword against Dugu Sword Master's neck.


In an instant, when Ying Zheng held the Xuanyuan Sword against Dugu Sword Master's neck, a cold flash flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes and he said: "Now you should know what the situation is like, right?"

"You still want to capture Zhao Ling'er and go to your Demon Locking Tower?"

"I give you a chance to reorganize the language."

Ying Zheng looked deeply at the Dugu Sword Master in front of him, and spoke with a cold flash in his eyes.

Regarding Dugu Sword Master, Ying Zheng also knew that although he had suppressed Dugu Sword Master now, it did not mean that he could kill Dugu Sword Master.

If Dugu Sword Master can be killed so easily, is this Dugu Sword Master still one of the first-class strong men in the entire human world?

It's hard to say, but the fact that Dugu Swordsman can be the first-class strong man in the entire human world, or even one of the two strong ones, means that Dugu Swordsman is not as simple as he seems on the surface.

Ying Zheng would not think that he could completely kill Dugu Sword Master just by initially suppressing him.

At this moment, Dugu Sword Master was looking at the Xuanyuan Sword on his neck, and Dugu Sword Master's eyes were shining slightly.

As for what Dugu Sword Master is thinking in his heart?
It can only be said that only Dugu Sword Master himself knows what he is thinking in his heart.

"I have to say, I underestimated you."

"The power you have can completely protect the descendants of Nuwa, and you can even compete with that guy from Miao territory."

At this moment, Dugu Sword Master looked towards Ying Zheng with a hint of calmness in his eyes.

Although he was defeated by the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, this did not make Dugu Sword Master feel any so-called disappointment. What Dugu Sword Master now thinks is that the power that Ying Zheng possesses is completely comparable to what he has. To contend with the crisis.

While listening to Dugu Sword Master's words, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with calmness and he replied: "The power I possess is not as simple as what you see."

Regarding the issue of his own strength, Ying Zheng is still 100% sure. As for the issue of protecting Zhao Ling'er?
That goes without saying!
Although Ying Zheng can understand that the power he possesses cannot defeat the two guys from the God Realm and the Demon Realm, and even the guys from several other planes may not be able to defeat them, similar to those guys from the Ghost Realm and the Demon Realm. , the power those guys possess are all serious immortal-level powerhouses, and each of them can defeat Ying Zheng, and Ying Zheng still understands this clearly.

He can't beat them.

But for enemies in the human world?

For example, the Dugu Sword Master in front of him and the leader of Nanzhao Kingdom's Moon Worshiping Cult in the Miao Territory?

Sorry, in Ying Zheng's vision, he did not regard them as invincible beings. The power he possessed as the Emperor of Qin could completely compete with them. At the same time, the power possessed by the Great Qin Empire was completely unparalleled in the entire human world. It can be regarded as a first-class powerful one, even completely defeating the human world in this fairy sword world.

Therefore, Ying Zheng is not complacent about the words of Dugu Sword Master, because this is the power that the Qin Empire itself should have.

While listening to Ying Zheng's words, Dugu Sword Master looked at Ying Zheng deeply.

"Just go ahead and do it, and I'll leave first."

In response, Dugu Sword Master said calmly.


In an instant, just as Dugu Sword Master finished speaking, Xuanyuan Sword, which was tied to Dugu Sword Master's neck, was completely pushed aside by a powerful force.


When Xuanyuan Sword was directly pushed aside, Ying Zheng's eyes looked at Dugu Sword Master with a hint of seriousness.

"Sure enough, the power this guy possesses is still very powerful."

Ying Zheng was not surprised at all that Dugu Sword Master was able to push the Xuanyuan Sword away from his neck. However, Ying Zheng also had a deep understanding of the power possessed by Dugu Sword Master. .

"But I can still fight even if I try my best."

As for the power that Dugu Sword Master currently possesses, Ying Zheng can only say that the power possessed by Dugu Sword Master is indeed very powerful, but it does not mean that he really cannot defeat Dugu Sword Master.

If he really fights with Dugu Sword Master, then the power he possesses can completely defeat Dugu Sword Master.

Since he can deal with Dugu Sword Master, it means that the Moon Worshiping Cult Master is not a major crisis.

"very good."

Regarding this, Ying Zheng felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.At this moment, Dugu Sword Master looked deeply at the emperor of the Qin Empire in his field of vision.


In an instant, the figure of Dugu Sword Master flew directly towards the sky, and completely disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As the figure of Dugu Sword Master completely disappeared from the spot, Ying Zheng, who was in the same spot, looked at the figure of Dugu Sword Master with a thoughtful look.

"It seems that Dugu Sword Master captured Zhao Ling'er into the Demon Locking Tower. Although it looks like he is punishing Zhao Ling'er, from the side, it seems that he is protecting Zhao Ling'er."

Regarding Dugu Sword Master's behavior, Ying Zheng said to himself with a slightly thoughtful look in his eyes.

From what Dugu Sword Master said just now, we can know that the other party's attitude towards Zhao Ling'er is also one of protecting, but there is something wrong with Dugu Sword Master's method of protection.

And when Ying Zheng looked at the leaving figure of Dugu Sword Master, Zhao Ling'er, who was outside the battle scene, shouted loudly with words of surprise: "Uncle, brother, you are so awesome!"

"You beat the bad guys away!"

At this moment, Zhao Ling'er looked at Ying Zheng with joyful eyes, and even encouraged Ying Zheng.

Just now, Zhao Ling'er looked at the scene of the battle between the two sides. Although Zhao Ling'er didn't know how powerful the power between them was, Zhao Ling'er could also analyze it. The power they possessed was beyond the power of a little scum like her to intervene.

Zhao Ling'er could only pray to her uncle and brother in her heart, hoping that her uncle and brother could defeat the enemy.

Fortunately, her uncle and brother really defeated the enemy!

This scene directly made Zhao Ling'er feel a wave of surprises.

Regarding the surprise that Zhao Ling'er had, Huo Qilin's eyes below him also flashed a trace of deep joy.


While the Fire Qilin roared in a low voice, Ying Zheng, who was in the sky, heard the roar from the Fire Qilin and Zhao Ling'er's words.


In an instant, Ying Zheng's figure disappeared directly from the spot.

When Ying Zheng's figure appeared again, it was already in front of Zhao Linger.

"Ling'er, the enemy has been beaten away."

"We're safe."

At this moment, Ying Zheng spoke to Zhao Linger with a hint of smile in his eyes.

In response to Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er clenched her fists and said, "That's right, uncle and brother, we beat the enemy away!"

"That's great!"

Zhao Linger just spoke with a hint of anger.

It's just that the angry look that Zhao Ling'er has at this moment looks extremely cute in Ying Zheng's vision.

"Haha, don't worry, I'm here, I can completely protect you."

In response, Ying Zheng just smiled and said.

Regarding the issue of Zhao Ling'er's safety, Ying Zheng said that he could completely solve this problem.

This problem is not a problem at all for him.

"Well, Ling'er believes in uncle and brother!"

Regarding Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er said that she absolutely believed them unconditionally.

Facing the trust from Zhao Ling'er, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with a smile and he replied: "Since you should trust me so much, let's set off now."

"Go to Nanzhao Kingdom. The next thing we need to do is to meet your parents."

"Meanwhile, go see that damn guy again."

Ying Zheng's eyes flickered slightly.

There is also a top powerhouse in the human world in Nanzhao Kingdom, the leader of the worshiping moon!

As the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, who is the most powerful person in the human world, Ying Zheng has long wanted to deal with him.

Now, all they need to do next is to meet this alternative strong man who belongs to the world of fairy swords.

"Okay, okay, let's set off now!"

Zhao Ling'er's eyes flashed with deep anticipation at this moment.

"Go, let's go."

In an instant, the figures of Ying Zheng and Zhao Ling'er appeared directly on Huo Qilin's back.

"Ta Tata..."

At this moment, the Fire Qilin also started running wildly into the distance.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

While the fire unicorn was running towards the Nanzhao Kingdom with its flaming hooves, in the Shu Mountain, the Dugu Sword Master who returned to the Shu Mountain looked at him with a thoughtful look. In the direction of Nanzhao Kingdom.

"The next Emperor of Qin will probably go back to the past through the power of Empress Nuwa, right?"

At this moment, Dugu Sword Master's eyes flickered slightly.

Although Dugu Swordsman has not come into contact with the consciousness in Nuwa Temple, Dugu Swordsman can understand that the consciousness in Nuwa Temple represents Nuwa to a certain extent. The most important thing is that It is some classics in Shu Mountain that clearly record the power of the being in Nuwa Temple.

The power of time and space.

And the next Emperor of Qin should also be able to use the power of time and space in Nuwa Temple to go back to the past.

"Destiny has changed."

Dugu Sword Master said to himself.


(End of this chapter)

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