Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 286 The panicked Miao people of Nanzhao came from Ying Zheng’s appreciation

Chapter 286 The panicked Miao people of Nanzhao came from Ying Zheng’s appreciation
"Where did this army come from?"

"Why is this so different from the army of the Central Plains Dynasty?"

When some soldiers in the capital of Nanzhao looked at the Qilin Legion in their field of vision, a trace of deep doubt flashed in their eyes.

Although they don't know what the soldiers of the Central Plains Dynasty look like, they can probably know the difference between the armor of the Central Plains Dynasty soldiers and the armor of their Nanzhao Kingdom soldiers.

After all, the culture between the two parties is there, so the gap is quite obvious.

But what about this moment?
At this moment, when they were looking at the armor of the soldiers in their field of vision, a trace of deep doubt and confusion flashed in the eyes of the Nanzhao soldiers.

However, although the soldiers of Nanzhao Kingdom felt confused at this moment, the figure of the soldiers of the Qilin Legion still brought an unprecedented fear to the soldiers of Nanzhao Kingdom.


Soldiers one after another just swallowed their saliva on the city wall and looked at the Qin soldiers below.

"I think we are really going to be doomed this time. Although we don't know where these soldiers came from, the strength of these soldiers is definitely something we cannot compete with."

At this moment, some Nanzhao soldiers suddenly spoke with a hint of sadness.

As for going to fight with the Qin Qilin Legion?

Sorry, they are still a little nervous in their hearts.

How could they fight with the Qin Qilin Legion with their strength?
The difference in strength between the two of them is simply earth-shaking, and they have absolutely no confidence to compete.

"All we need to do later is to honestly choose to surrender. As for these soldiers who look a bit like the Central Plains Dynasty, this is not an existence for us to provoke."

"Anyway, we just need to honestly choose to surrender."

On the city wall of the capital of Nanzhao, some veteran soldiers started to make suggestions.

Let them fight with the Qin Qilin Legion?
Sorry, this is impossible!

But if they are asked to surrender directly if they encounter the slightest danger later, then they said that this is simply a very simple thing to complete.

"I understand, that's what it is!"

One after another, the guys showed a look of realization at this moment.

Just when some soldiers on the city wall showed a look of realization, the nobles of Nanzhao and the ordinary Miao people inside the city wall all felt an unprecedented tremor. among.

At this time, there is no distinction between some noble Miao people and some ordinary Miao people.

Ordinary Miao people are afraid that the next battle may affect ordinary guys like them. As for the noble Miao people?
That's even simpler. They won't willingly give up everything they have now. So is this useful if they don't want to?
These armies from the Central Plains Dynasty are not the armies of their Nanzhao Kingdom. If they are the armies from the Nanzhao Kingdom, then they can use their own identities to command the other side. Their identities are serious. The senior officials of Nanzhao Kingdom.

But it is a pity that the existence surrounding the entire capital of Nanzhao Kingdom is not their army of Nanzhao Kingdom at all. The other party is from the Central Plains Dynasty!
How could the people of the Central Plains Dynasty obey the orders of the nobles of Nanzhao Kingdom?
It can be said that the soldiers of the Central Plains Dynasty will not take their group of Nanzhao nobles seriously at all. Let alone these ordinary nobles, even the king of their Nanzhao Kingdom may not be able to be regarded by those from the Central Plains. The soldiers of the dynasty took it seriously.

"It's over, it's over."

"No, I absolutely can't have any accidents!"

"Hurry up and hide all the gold and silver jewelry in your home!"

"No matter what, even if we are really robbed by then, we can still make a comeback with the hidden gold and silver jewelry!" At this moment, in the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom, one after another from Nanzhao Kingdom The nobles began to hide the gold and silver jewelry in their homes one after another. When they began to hide boxes of gold and silver jewelry in cellars or even in secret rooms, in the royal palace in the capital of Nanzhao , The King of Nanzhao swallowed deeply at this moment.

"The capital has been completely surrounded by the enemy."

"This this this..."

At this moment, the King of Nanzhao swallowed deeply.

For the current King of Nanzhao, it is no joke that the entire capital of Nanzhao is completely surrounded by the enemy.

At least now he is simply not ordinary scared.

It even made him feel extremely trembling.


"Calm down, be sure to be calm!"

"The leader will protect you, you must calm down!"

The King of Nanzhao just started to cheer himself up in his heart.

Although he is currently in crisis, he has already turned to the leader of the Moon Worship Sect in Nanzhao for help. He believes that the leader of the Moon Worship Sect can definitely protect his life from danger.


The king of Nanzhao took a deep breath again.

"You must hold back!"

"You must calm down!"

"You can do it, you think you can be fine!"

I saw that the King of Nanzhao Kingdom still began to cheer for himself secretly in his heart.

Just when everyone in the capital city of Nanzhao Kingdom was in turmoil, Ying Zheng said with emotion in his eyes on the back of the fire unicorn outside Nanzhao Kingdom. .

"This is the capital city of Nanzhao Kingdom. It looks pretty good."

When Ying Zheng looked at the city in his sight, there was a deep approval in his eyes.

Although the city in front of him was certainly inferior to the Xianyang City of the Qin Empire, it could still be regarded as a magnificent city.

You must know that this is a serious cultivation world. The city in the cultivation world is also the capital of a country. It is quite good to have such a scale.

"Not bad. Although it's not as good as Xianyang City, it's not bad."

Ying Zheng looked at the capital city of Nanzhao in his field of vision and commented on it.


(End of this chapter)

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