Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 287 The captured city wall of the capital of Nanzhao came from the unwillingness of the vete

Chapter 287 The captured city wall of the capital of Nanzhao came from the unwillingness of the veteran
"Not bad."

When Ying Zheng looked at the capital city of Nanzhao in his sight, there was a faint hint of appreciation in his eyes at this moment.

"But no matter how good this city is, there is only one ending for today!"

"The whole army is ready!"

"Take this city down as quickly as possible!"

I saw a stern flash in Ying Zheng's eyes and he ordered.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Han Xin, who was behind him, spoke with serious words at this moment and ordered: "I obey, Your Majesty!"

Finally, Han Xin turned his gaze to the soldiers of the Qilin Legion behind him.

"Soldiers, are you ready?!"

At this moment, Han Xin flashed a serious look and looked at the soldiers within his field of vision.

In response to Han Xin's words, one soldier after another began to reply loudly: "Always be prepared!"

"Very good, kill!"

Han Xin waved his hand.


The overwhelming number of soldiers immediately began to prepare their weapons at this moment.

"Archer ready!"

"Kill all the guys on the city wall completely!"

Han Xin looked at the traces of the soldiers on the city wall, and then ordered without hesitation.

"Crash crash!"

One after another, the soldiers began to pick up the bows and arrows on their backs, and pointed them directly at the city wall in front of them.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in the world began to be continuously gathered by many soldiers on the bows and arrows in their hands.

As the soldiers began to draw all their bows and arrows, waves of murderous aura began to burst out from the soldiers' bodies.

Facing the terrifying murderous intent erupted from many soldiers, the guys in the capital of Nanzhao just flashed a look of deep fear.

"This this this..."

"This is indeed an existence that comes from the Central Plains Dynasty. Just based on the current appearance of these soldiers, it is not an existence that our Nanzhao Kingdom can compare with."

One after another, the soldiers couldn't help but sigh slightly.

But when they looked at the appearance of the soldiers from the Great Qin Qilin Legion, they now really felt a wave of sadness.

If nothing else, the appearance of the soldiers owned by the Qilin Legion is really not something ordinary beings can compare with. Anyway, the appearance of the soldiers owned by your Nanzhao Kingdom definitely does not belong to this kind of soldiers from the Central Plains Dynasty. opponent.

"Oh, this is the gap between us!"

One after another, the soldiers sighed slightly on the city wall.

While the Nanzhao soldiers on the city wall were sighing slightly, Han Xin at this moment ordered with cold words: "Let go!"

In an instant, when many soldiers listened to the orders issued by their marshal, one after another the soldiers released the bows and arrows gathered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without hesitation.


One soldier after another looked at the bows and arrows they released with murderous eyes.


An overwhelming barrage of bows and arrows filled the entire sky at this moment.Facing the entire sky filled with bows and arrows released by the Qin soldiers, the soldiers on the side of the Qilin Legion did not feel anything. Even the soldiers from the Qilin Legion looked at it with expectant eyes. The bows and arrows released by them.

They all want to know how many enemies they can kill with the bows and arrows they release.

When the Nanzhao soldiers above the city wall looked at the dense scene in the sky, all of them had a deep sense of disbelief in their eyes.

"This this this..."

One after another, after the soldiers looked at the situation in the sky, all the guys had a deep sense of disbelief in their eyes, and even a trace of deep shock and despair flashed in their eyes.

"It's over, it's over..."

"It's all over."

One after another, one after another, the old fritters are looking at the scene in the sky with a look that can be called despair.

They are not some beings who have not experienced war. These veterans are all guys who have experienced war and survived, so they can clearly understand how powerful the densely packed bows and arrows in the sky are.

What can they use to compete with what they have in the sky?

There is absolutely no power to compete with the scene in the sky, so most of these veterans who have experienced war now choose to wait for death.

But not all old fried dough sticks chose to wait for death. Some old fried dough sticks gritted their teeth and shouted loudly: "I must not have any accidents!"

"I want to live!"

As each soldier after another prepared to live with a firm gaze, their figures also made the same preparation.

"Ta Tata..."

One after another, figures began to run wildly towards the outside of the city wall.

Then facing the movement of the soldiers on the city wall, the bows and arrows fired by the Qin soldiers in the sky also fell hard at this moment.

"Puff puff!"

One after another, the extremely sharp bows and arrows stabbed the bodies of the soldiers who were waiting to die one after another and those who were preparing to escape.

"Plop plop..."

When many soldiers were hit with bows and arrows by Da Qin soldiers, they fell to the ground with a look of reluctance.

"Tick tock..."

Drops of bright red blood began to flow from their bodies along the bows and arrows to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers on the city wall were completely wiped out.

After all the soldiers on the city wall were completely eliminated, Ying Zheng, who was riding a fire unicorn below the city wall, nodded slightly.

"Very good, quickly take over the city wall, and then push towards the inside of the city wall!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand.


One after another, the soldiers showed respectful expressions after listening to their Majesty's orders.


Just like that, one soldier after another began to tighten their weapons and rushed towards the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom.

With the fall of the city wall, all the Miao people in the capital of Nanzhao once again fell into an unprecedented panic.


(End of this chapter)

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