Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 288: The brutally massacred Miao people and the confusion of the Moon Worshiping Leader

Chapter 288: The brutally massacred Miao people and the confusion of the Moon Worshiping Leader

"Help, help!"

In an instant, calls for help began to sound from inside the city wall one after another.

Within the city wall, the Miao people one after another looked at the soldiers of the Qilin Legion in their field of vision with frightened eyes.

The ferocious looks of the Kirin Legion soldiers one after another really scared these guys.

The murderous intent in those faces meant that the powerful members of these Qilin Legions really wanted to completely kill all the enemies in their sights.

Regarding the appearance of the soldiers from the Qilin Legion, the Miao people at this moment really felt a tremor.

In response to the trembling of this group of Miao people, many Daqin soldiers who had already entered the city looked at all the Miao people in their world with murderous eyes.


"Anyone who dares to resist will be killed completely!"

At this moment, Han Xin ordered coldly.

"As ordered!"

Facing the orders from Han Xin, the soldiers one after another shouted loudly with extremely excited eyes.


Soon, the mighty army began to attack the front.

When the mighty army began to attack forward, facing the uniform attack of the Qilin Legion, the Miao people from Nanzhao had no idea of ​​resisting.

Even when the Miao people of Nanzhao faced the appearance of the Qin army, their minds were filled with deep fear.


For a moment, guys one after another just stayed where they were without knowing where to go.

Facing this group of Miao people who didn't know where to go, Da Qin soldiers would not let them go.


Soon, one after another Da Qin soldiers dropped their butcher knives without hesitation.


In just an instant, countless Miao people were completely killed in the face of the attack from Da Qin soldiers.


A scream broke the situation where the Miao people were afraid to move.

As the Miao people came to their senses, they immediately saw the horrifying scene in their field of vision.

One after another, the Miao people who stayed in place and didn't know what to do were directly killed.

Maybe this is a little cruel, but for the soldiers of Great Qin, this is something that must be done!
Quite simply, this kind of thing has never happened to them before.

Since their Da Qin army was at an absolute advantage, when they captured the enemy's city wall, they did not take any other action against the enemy civilians who stood there blankly and didn't know what to do.

But the result?
As a result, they were attacked by the enemy. Those ordinary guys seemed unable to cause any damage to them, but the power they possessed could still cause them considerable casualties.

Because their soldiers have no defense at all against ordinary people. Since there is no defense, it is natural that they belong to the kind of existence that can be killed at any time.In order to avoid this happening, all they need to do is to beware of everything that may happen, such as the ordinary people they encounter when they invade the enemy's city.

If those ordinary people honestly choose to surrender, then they will not do anything to them at all, or if they honestly choose to return to their homes, then they will also not do anything to them.

But these guys are standing on the street like fools, so don't blame them for taking action against these guys.

There is no way, these guys are really too conspicuous!


Soon, ordinary Miao people began to retreat behind him one after another.

Facing the attacks launched by Da Qin soldiers, the Miao people one after another instantly understood that what they need to do now is not to stay where they are and wait for the killings from Da Qin soldiers. What they need to do now is obviously To survive.

No matter what, all they need to do now is leave the place where they are staying.

Because if they don't leave the place where they are now, no one is sure what will happen then. The soldiers from the Qilin Legion will probably kill them all. Kill.

To avoid death, running away is the best option.

"Ta Tata..."

Just as the Miao people began to flee frantically one after another, at the city gate, Ying Zheng, surrounded by many Black Ice Platform soldiers, rode a fire unicorn and slowly arrived at the Nanzhao Kingdom. in the capital of the country.

"This is the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom, so that place should be where Qing'er, a descendant of Nuwa, lives."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the monstrous fortune in a corner of the capital of Nanzhao with a thoughtful look.

There are many people with such strong luck in the entire Nanzhao Kingdom. At least from Ying Zheng's perspective, there are many, many people with strong luck in the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom. However, because of such strong luck, At the same time, it also possesses such a strong life force.

The other party's identity has been made clear. The other party's identity is a well-deserved descendant of Nuwa, and the other party is Qing'er, a descendant of Nuwa of this generation.

Facing the gaze from Ying Zheng, Qing'er in the dungeon looked at Ying Zheng's direction with a flash of deep and solemn eyes.

"There, there is a gaze there, and if I hadn't noticed it, the aura exuding from the other party is definitely a terrifying existence."

At this moment, Qing'er said to himself with solemn words.

Faced with the solemnity that Qing'er possessed at this moment, in the palace, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult also looked in the direction of the city gate with an extremely solemn gaze.

"This breath, and this power."

"With this power of national destiny, could it be that this is the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty?"

When the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked at the huge power of national destiny in the sky, he felt confused for a moment.

Because at this moment, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult seems to have such a powerful power of national destiny, the identity of the opponent will definitely be the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty.

"But when did the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty possess the strength of the Mahayana realm?"

There was a deep confusion in the eyes of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

Obviously, the appearance of Ying Zheng made the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult feel incredible.


(End of this chapter)

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