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Chapter 289 Qing'er: He came here to find me!

Chapter 289 Qing'er: He came here to find me!

"Is this the power possessed by the emperor from the Central Plains Dynasty?"

At this moment, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked in the direction of the city gate with an incredible look in his eyes.

Although the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has not seen that figure yet, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult at this moment can know from the huge national destiny that the other party's identity is a serious emperor.

And the identity of the other party is 100% that of the emperor who belongs to the Central Plains Dynasty!
As for why the leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect dares to be so sure?
It's very simple, it can be analyzed just by relying on the national destiny.

The huge power of national destiny represents the strength of the country behind the other party. Although the power of national destiny possessed by the king of Nanzhao Kingdom seems to be quite powerful on the surface, in a strict sense, their Nanzhao Kingdom has The national fortune possessed by the king of the country is not powerful at all, and can only be said to be very ordinary and average.

Just like the extremely huge national destiny that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Church has in his vision at this moment. If the national destiny that he has in his vision belongs to the serious ocean, then the power of the national destiny that their king of Nanzhao has is At most it can be regarded as belonging to an ordinary creek.

What is the difference between a creek and the sea?

I'm afraid anyone who is not a fool can know how broad the difference between the two sides is.

Around the Nanzhao Kingdom, it seems that only the Tang Empire, which is the Central Plains Dynasty, has such a strong power of national destiny. Even though the Banyue Cult has never been to the Central Plains Dynasty to see it, the Moon Worshiping Cult can understand the difference between them. How vast is the power gap between countries.

So at this moment, when the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked at the huge power of national destiny in the gate of the city wall, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult instantly knew that this was definitely the emperor of the Tang Empire who came from the Central Plains Dynasty and came to them in person. Nanzhao Kingdom.

"Why did the Emperor of the Tang Empire suddenly come here?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

At this moment, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult wanted to know why the emperor of the Tang Dynasty suddenly came to their Nanzhao Kingdom?

For the Tang Empire of the Central Plains Dynasty, Nanzhao Kingdom was completely a remote and remote place.

"Interesting, very interesting."

The Moon Worshiping Leader's eyes were filled with deep curiosity at this moment.

At this moment, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult really wanted to know why the Emperor of the Tang Empire came to them.

"Then let me see what your purpose is. You actually came to Nanzhao Kingdom in person."

At this moment, a deep thought flashed through the eyes of the Moon Worshiping Leader.

Just as the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was thinking deeply, the extremely powerful Great Qin Qilin Legion had completely defeated the entire capital city of Nanzhao as if they were entering an uninhabited land.

With the rapid advance of the Great Qin Qilin Legion at this moment, all the resistance forces in the entire capital of Nanzhao did not dare to make any movement at all.

It's not that they don't want to resist the Great Qin Empire. After all, the Great Qin Empire is a serious invader. Facing the invaders, how could the group of guys in Nanzhao Kingdom be so willing to accept the invasion from the invaders? rule?

They want to resist, but the problem is just right there.

That is, the strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire is a bit too awesome!

They were so awesome that they didn't react at all. The soldiers of the Qin Empire had completely defeated the entire capital of Nanzhao.

They wanted to resist, but the problem was that the strength of the soldiers owned by the Qin Empire was really a bit too strong. Anyway, they didn't dare to compete with the Qin Empire at all.

As for this group of guys who don't dare to compete with the Great Qin Empire at this moment, what should they do?

Then they can only choose to hide their heads and steal property, waiting for the rule from the Qin Empire.

As for being unwilling to accept the rule of the Qin Empire in your heart?Let's talk about it later, and plan carefully how to break away from the rule of the Qin Empire in the future, but at the moment, it is better to be honest.

While the entire capital of Nanzhao Kingdom was completely occupied by the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng rode the fire unicorn directly and slowly to the dungeon of Nanzhao Kingdom.

"It's here."

When Ying Zheng felt the extremely powerful power of luck and the incomparably strong power of life emanating from the dungeon, there was a deep emotion in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"The legendary descendant of Nuwa."

Ying Zheng was filled with deep expectations at this moment for the existence he had in the dungeon.

Although Zhao Ling'er is also a descendant of Nuwa, who has not yet truly awakened, Qing'er is obviously a descendant of Nuwa who has successfully awakened.

"You guys are just waiting here. If you feel like talking about something, I'll kill you without mercy!"

Looking outside the dungeon where they were, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

One after another, the soldiers replied with murderous words at this moment.


Soon, when soldiers one after another were looking around vigilantly, they saw Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn, plus Han Xin and some soldiers beside him, heading into the dungeon.

"Ta Tata..."

Along with the sound of footsteps, Ying Zheng's figure appeared directly in the dungeon. After Ying Zheng's figure was in the dungeon, Ying Zheng began to feel the luck and the power of life. Where you are.

Facing Ying Zheng's figure arriving in the dungeon, Qing'er, a descendant of Nuwa, suddenly opened her eyes.

"He actually came here?"

At this moment, Qing'er just looked in the direction of the dungeon door with a trace of doubt.

For Qing'er at this moment, she really didn't know what the emperor from the Central Plains Dynasty wanted to do here.

"Is it possible that the other party came here for me?"

A trace of deep doubt flashed in Qing'er's eyes.

Although she also found this a bit unbelievable, the situation was obvious.

The emperor from the Central Plains Dynasty seemed to really do it for her.

"What exactly is this?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Qing'er's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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