Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 601 The rising dignitaries in the Qin Empire

Chapter 601 The rising dignitaries in the Qin Empire
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about whether your brother Xiao Yan is okay or not."

"I wonder, Brother Xiao, if you can open the door to time and space to your world?"

Wang Jian was seen looking at Xiao Yan with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He knew that whether the Great Qin Empire could invade this world of the sky, the most critical thing now was Xiao Yan.

Listening to Wang Jian's words at this moment, Xiao Yan's eyes revealed a trace of deep helplessness: "Since the other party said so, let's go to the sky world where I am."

"This is probably the best result for the people in the entire world."

Xiao Yan shook his head slightly and said.

Although he has lived in the Cangqiong World for so many years, Xiao Yan feels that this may be the best result if the civilians in the Cangqiong World can live a better life.

As for whether the various dignitaries in the world of the sky are willing to accept the rule of the Great Qin Empire?

Sorry, this has nothing to do with Xiao Yan. Anyway, he is on the side of all the common people in the entire Cangqiong World. He has absolutely nothing to do with the various dignitaries in the Cangqiong World.

"it is good!"

"Don't worry, since you have dedicated a world, your status in the Qin Empire will definitely not be weak when the time comes."

"When the time comes, you can have a high status in the Qin Empire!"

“And you can get some good stuff.”

Wang Jian smiled and said.

Wang Jian naturally recognized Xiao Yan who was so knowledgeable.

Although the Firmament World the opponent is in is not as good as their Great Qin Empire, from the strength used by many elders and clan leaders in the ancient capital, it can be known that the overall strength of this firmament world is quite good.

If the Great Qin Empire directly incorporates the entire world of the sky into the rule of their Great Qin Empire, then the strength that their Great Qin Empire possesses will be much stronger, and by then the warriors in their Azure Dragon Legion will also be able to gain some Military merit.

For Wang Jian, the marshal of the Green Dragon Legion, this is a truly great thing.

If Xiao Yan can directly and honestly contribute to the world of the sky, the other party will 100% gain their recognition.

Facing Wang Jian's words at this moment, Xiao Yan's eyes directly revealed a deep expectation.

Obviously, for Xiao Yan at this moment, he really felt a deep expectation.

After all, he can also know what Wang Jian's identity means. The other party is a serious military boss. The other party has said that he can get some status and some benefits. Xiao Yan has even started to Imagine what good things he will get by then.

For Xiao Yan who was imagining at the moment, Wang Jian who was standing aside waved slightly: "Go to the military camp."

In an instant, as Wang Jian's order came down, the soldiers he brought began to rush directly towards the Qinglong Legion with Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er.


In the blink of an eye, everyone's figures disappeared in this restaurant at this moment.

When the figures in front of everyone just disappeared into the restaurant at this moment, the figures in the restaurant looked at each other like this, and they all saw a sense of confusion in each other's eyes.

"So the two guys just now came from other worlds?" "And now they were taken away directly by the military?"

One of the guys couldn't help but said.

Just when Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er were directly surrounded by those soldiers, they thought that the other party must belong to some desperate people, at least some wanted criminals, and most importantly, they were necessary There must be characters like wanted criminals who need the army to dispatch.

This is definitely a very dangerous person!
But what's the result?

But when the result was really displayed in front of everyone, they really felt confused and even unbelievable.

Because Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er were not wanted criminals or dangerous people as they thought.

The other party is an existence from another world, and the other party even wants to dedicate the world the other party lives in to their Great Qin Empire.

When they thought that the other party would dedicate the world they lived in to their Great Qin Empire, the other party also received recognition from the marshal of the military and the head of the cabinet.

This alone is enough to make them all envious.

You must know that few people in the current Great Qin Empire can get that recognition. So facing people from other worlds at this moment, they can actually get the recognition of the Minister of Military Affairs and the head of the Cabinet of Great Qin. This really makes them I felt an unprecedented sense of envy.

"Well, it seems that there will be some powerful people in the court soon."

"I'm even afraid that his strength will be improved visible to your naked eyes!"

At this moment, all the customers in the restaurant had a look of deep envy in their eyes.

In their opinion, there is a 100% chance that a new dignitary will appear in the Great Qin Empire in the future, and the most important thing is that the strength possessed by the other party will break through to a new horizon in the Great Qin Empire.

There will definitely be one more powerful person in the next Great Qin Empire.

When they thought that they had eaten in the same restaurant as each other, the group of people in the restaurant all expressed deep emotions.

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it."

"It's incredible that we actually had dinner with such a big shot!"

Sounds of emotion started to sound one after another.

As these sighing voices began to sound, Xiao Yan was led by Wang Jian to the station of the Azure Dragon Legion.


"Has the strength of the Blue Dragon Legion become stronger?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan looked at the soldiers in the Qinglong Legion, and his eyes instantly revealed a look of disbelief.

Obviously, from Xiao Yan's perspective at this moment, the strength of the Qinglong Legion has completely changed from what he saw last time.

The strength of the Azure Dragon Legion has become even stronger!


(End of this chapter)

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