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Chapter 602 The Qinglong Legion under the Qilin Legion!

Chapter 602 The Qinglong Legion under the Qilin Legion!
"Of course, the strength of the Azure Dragon Legion must be strong!"

"As one of the five major legions of the Great Qin Empire, the Green Dragon Legion's duty is to guard the entire Great Qin Empire. Even the Green Dragon Legion needs to expand its territory. If the Green Dragon Legion is not strong enough, how can it afford to be so powerful? What about the important task?”

At this moment, Wang Jian spoke with a dull look in his eyes.

Their Azure Dragon Legion is known as the second most powerful legion in the current Great Qin Empire!

Yes, their Azure Dragon Legion is the second most powerful legion in the current Great Qin Empire. As for which legion is the most powerful?

The most powerful legion in the Great Qin Empire today must belong to the Qilin Legion!
After all, the Qilin Legion is a legion led by the current Emperor of Qin himself. The mission of the Qilin Legion is to defend Kyoto. The place where the Qilin Legion was stationed before was Xianyang City. The place where the Qilin Legion is now stationed belongs to the current Great Qin Empire. Kyoto Tengu.

That's right, the place where the Qilin Legion is currently stationed is the place that once belonged to the Heavenly Court. Of course, with the takeover of the Great Qin Empire, it can no longer be called the Heavenly Court.

So it is directly called the Tiangong. As the name suggests, it is a palace in the sky.

The place where the Qilin Legion is stationed belongs to the Tiangong. Although the overall strength of the five major legions is basically the same, if you say who is more powerful, it must belong to the Qilin Legion, the most powerful besides the Qilin Legion. That is their Blue Dragon Legion.

Do we need to talk about the strength of their Azure Dragon Legion?

The strength of their Azure Dragon Legion is naturally extremely powerful.

In response to Wang Jian's words, Xiao Yan on the side nodded slightly.

Obviously, although Xiao Yan does not know how powerful the Green Dragon Legion is, Xiao Yan does know that the names of the five legions of the Qin Empire are Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu Qilin.

At the same time, Xiao Yan also knew that the Qilin Legion was the Imperial Guard he knew. As the Imperial Guard, the Qilin Legion must be the most powerful among the five legions of the Great Qin Empire.

The four legions except the Qilin Legion must belong to the Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu. Therefore, the strength of the Qinglong Legion must be among the top four remaining legions in the Great Qin Empire.

Soon, I saw that all the soldiers in the entire Qinglong Legion were ready.


As the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Legion began to gather together, overwhelming murderous aura began to emanate from the Azure Dragon Legion.

When the murderous aura emanating from the Azure Dragon Legion began to rush into the sky, a trace of deep curiosity flashed in the eyes of some people around the Azure Dragon Legion.

"Is the Azure Dragon Legion about to move out?"

At this moment, the people around the Azure Dragon Legion looked at the scarlet murderous aura in the sky, with a hint of deep curiosity in their eyes.

They are not afraid of the Azure Dragon Legion. After all, there is no reason to be afraid of the Azure Dragon Legion.

The Azure Dragon Legion is one of the five major legions of their Great Qin Empire. They all dream of joining the Azure Dragon Legion, so how can they be afraid of the Azure Dragon Legion?

However, at this moment, they felt deeply curious about the current actions of the Azure Dragon Legion.

Because the current actions of the Azure Dragon Legion obviously mean that the Azure Dragon Legion will definitely start to launch a war.

As for the Blue Dragon Legion's current appearance of a war, this naturally made them feel deeply curious.

Regarding the curiosity of these ordinary people, all the soldiers in the Azure Dragon Legion showed extremely excited expressions at this moment. Because they also know that what they need to do next is definitely to fight. They don't know where to go to fight, but it does not prevent them from knowing that what they need to do next is to fight. They want to go Go to the battlefield to kill.

And just when the soldiers in the Qinglong Legion showed excited expressions, Wang Jian, the marshal of the Qinglong Legion, also appeared directly in front of all the soldiers at this moment.


"I won't say anything else. I believe you all know what we need to do next!"

I saw Wang Jian speaking seriously.

Listening to Wang Jian's words, all the soldiers in the Qilin Legion showed excited expressions.

Obviously, although they knew that they would definitely go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, they did not receive an accurate answer after all. Their marshal's order had not yet been issued, and they did not know what they were going to do in the end.

But it was different now. As Wang Jian gave them an accurate answer, all the soldiers showed an expression of great excitement.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The next moment, all the soldiers in the Qinglong Legion began to burst out the murderous aura contained in their bodies.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the soldiers who entered the legion began to burst out their murderous aura, the sky above the Azure Dragon Legion turned completely blood red.

Looking at the scene above the Azure Dragon Legion, a look of deep horror instantly appeared in the eyes of the ordinary people around them.


All the common people could not help but swallow their saliva and look in the direction of the sky.

"This, this, this..."

"Isn't the Azure Dragon Legion going to go directly to the battlefield soon?"

Looking at this scene at this moment, the people around them spoke with an expression of disbelief in their eyes.

They all know that the next Blue Dragon Legion will 100% rush to the battlefield, but this posture is enough to mean that the Blue Dragon Legion will rush directly to the battlefield now.

This really made the people around him feel deeply horrified.

Regarding the horrified expressions of the people around him at this moment, Wang Jian, who was among the Qinglong Legion, nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, the whole army will attack!"

Wang Jian waved his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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