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Chapter 603: Attack on the Sky World! The new home of the ancient tribe

Chapter 603: Attack on the Sky World! The new home of the ancient tribe
"Army attack!"

As Wang Jian's order fell, Xiao Yan beside him also directly opened the door to the sky world at this moment.


When the blue door began to slowly open in the Qinglong Legion's military camp, the soldiers in the Qinglong Legion looked at the scene in front of them, and all the soldiers showed excitement. expression.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

When the soldiers in the Azure Dragon Legion burst out with extremely terrifying murderous intent, the mighty Azure Dragon Legion also rushed towards the gate of time and space in front of them crazily at this moment.


In the blink of an eye, as the overwhelming figures of the Azure Dragon Legion began to rush towards the gate of the entire time and space, Xiao Yan, who was standing in the main camp of the Azure Dragon Legion, had a deep emotion in his eyes at this moment: "The next sky will... The world will face a blow from the Qin Empire."

Xiao Yan shook his head slightly and sighed.

For Xiao Yan at this moment, he has grown up in the world of the sky since he was a child, but the memories he had in his previous life still occupy the mainstream.

Therefore, he still recognized the Great Qin Empire more. Therefore, when facing the Great Qin Empire at this moment, when he directly launched an attack on the sky world where he was, Xiao Yan really did not have any mentality of being invaded in his heart. .

Even when Xiao Yan watched the troops of the Great Qin Empire pouring madly into the sky world behind this door, Xiao Yan had a deep sigh in his eyes.

Facing the indifference in Xiao Yan's eyes at this moment, Gu Xun'er standing next to him was different.

But at this moment, when Xun'er was facing the invasion of the Great Qin Empire in the world they were in, Xiao Xun'er really felt a deep sadness in her heart.

"This is the result of being weak."

At this moment, Gu Xun'er said with a heavy look in his eyes.

In Gu Xun'er's view, the Cangqiong World they are in will face an invasion from the Great Qin Empire. All this is because the strength of their Cangqiong World is too weak, which will eventually lead to their Cangqian World suffering from From the invasion of the Qin Empire.

What if the strength possessed by their firmament world is strong enough?

If the strength of their Cangqiong World is very strong, I am afraid that it is not the Great Qin Empire that invades their Cangqian World. Instead, their Cangqian World directly launches a counter-invasion against the Great Qin Empire. It is a pity that the strength of their Cangqiong World is completely unable to compete with the Great Qin Empire. To compete, the strength of both of them is not at the same level at all.

Listening to the words from Gu Xun'er, Xiao Yan nodded in agreement at this moment: "Yes, the reason why Cangqiong World was invaded by the Great Qin Empire is because of what the Great Qin Empire has The strength is greater than that of the Sky World.”

"Then if we want to suffer the ending that Cangqiong World has in the future, we must increase our strength now."

"As long as we stay in the Qin Empire now, our strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds in the future."

"It's even possible that by then your strength will be able to break through to the Dou Emperor realm in the Cangqiong World."

"Sister Xun'er, your future strength is 100% capable of breaking through to the Dou Emperor realm."

Xiao Yan directly spoke to Gu Xun'er to comfort him.

Although it was true that Gu Xun'er had deceived him, the other party had never done anything to harm him.

Since the other party has never done anything to harm him, he naturally chooses to ignore some of the things Xiao Xun'er did to him. After all, it also caused him some damage.

So at this moment, Xiao Yan's feelings for Xiao Xun'er are still the same as before.

"Well, even though I said that, I still felt a deep desolation." "After all, Cangqiong World is the world we have lived in since we were young. As a result, Cangqiong World is about to be invaded by the Qin Empire. , which naturally makes me feel deeply distressed.”

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er shook his head slightly.

For the current Xiao Xun'er, her feelings for the Cangqiong World are obviously deeper than that of Xiao Yan. For example, when faced with the current situation where the Great Qin Empire directly invaded the entire Cangqiong World, she felt a deep feeling. Sad, but Xiao Yan is gone. Xiao Yan does not have any particularly deep feelings for the world of the sky. After all, he has been in Wuchen since he was a child. As long as he can have some feelings for the world of the sky? It can only be said that Xiao Yan really has no so-called feelings at all.

But Xiao Xun'er also understood that what Xiao Yan said was indeed true, and all they needed to do now was to step up their efforts to improve their strength.

Cangqiong World is completely helpless. There is no existence that can stop the Great Qin Empire from annexing Cangqiong World. All they can do now is to watch helplessly.

But they must not be willing to end up being as weak as the Sky World one day. After all, the ending of the Sky World is to be at the mercy of others, and who wants to be at the mercy of others?

No one wants to be slaughtered by others, at least Gu Xun'er and Xiao Yan are absolutely not willing to do so.

At this moment, when Gu Xunyi'er and Xiao Yan were having a conversation, many elders from the ancient clan came to their side.

"Practice harder."

"Sometimes these so-called feelings are completely imaginary, and only one's own strength is real."

"Girl, prepare to practice well in the Qin Empire from now on."

"From now on, the Great Qin Empire will be our home. From now on, we will not have the same status in the Great Qin Empire as we have in the Sky World."

"You also need to step up your efforts to improve your strength."

I saw the great elder of the ancient clan speaking with emotion.

"That's right, girl, get ready to practice well."

The second elder of the ancient tribe on the side also came to Gu Xun'er and spoke to him.

Facing the words of the first elder and second elder of the ancient clan, Gu Xun'er nodded slightly: "Xun'er understands."

"Xun'er can definitely practice well in the Great Qin Empire!"

I saw Gu Xun'er's eyes showing firm words as she replied.

"great, good luck!"

"Your talent is among the best among the entire ancient clan. Your strength will definitely surpass mine in the future."

"Girl, come on, I'm waiting for you in front."

The great elder of the ancient clan patted Gu Xun'er on the shoulder and said.

And just as the elders of the ancient tribe were comforting Gu Xun'er, the Azure Dragon Legion from the Great Qin Empire also advanced directly and completely through the gate of time and space to the world of the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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