Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 609: The actions of the Ming Dynasty and the Wei Empire, and the gathering in the Qin Empire

Chapter 609: The actions of the Ming Dynasty and the Wei Empire, and the gathering in the Qin Empire
"It looks like we can open a world channel for the Ming and Wei empires."

At this moment, Ying Zheng had a smile in his eyes and said to himself.

For Ying Zheng at this moment, if Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian did not mention this matter to him at all, then he really has no idea at all. After all, the strength of his Great Qin Empire is here, and the Great Qin Empire's Strength represents the goal of the Great Qin Empire, and it can only belong to worlds that are weaker or stronger than the Great Qin Empire, or at the same level.

As for those very weak worlds?

It can only be said that the current Great Qin Empire and Ying Zheng have never taken this into their hearts at all, because there is absolutely no need for it.

Although it is not necessary, it does not mean that this thing is of no use to the Qin Empire.

At least judging from the current actions of the Ming and Wei empires, there is no harm in Ying Zheng's view.

If the Ming Dynasty and the Great Wei Empire went to conquer the world, then the benefits gained by the Great Qin Empire could only be described in general terms. But if the Great Qin Empire and the Great Qin Empire attacked like crazy What about world after world?
Then this situation seems to be uncertain, and the final situation is likely to evolve into the Wei and Ming Empires bringing huge benefits to the Qin Empire.

Ying Zheng believed that these two emperors would never let go of such a great opportunity.

They will definitely seize this great opportunity to rise the empire behind them.

After all, he chose to agree to Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian now, but what if he gets bored and refuses to agree in the future?
Therefore, in order to avoid this happening, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian will definitely start to attack other worlds directly in the shortest possible time like crazy, and all his Great Qin Empire needs to do is to open one after another Through the passage, in the end he can reap a lot of benefits. Maybe those benefits may not be that great, but at least they are obtained in vain. In Ying Zheng's view, why don't he want the things that are obtained in vain?

At this moment, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian's thoughts were the same as those of Ying Zheng.

In the eyes of Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian at this moment, perhaps the 60% share is really a bit of a stretch, but compared to the 60% benefit, the 20% benefit they have gained is completely enough for them to directly launch an attack on other worlds. Attacked.

They have completely plundered every corner of the world they live in. If they want to become more powerful, unless the world they live in undergoes a qualitative mutation, then it will really be impossible. Not a simple matter.

At least they seem to have no hope at all at the moment. Now there is such a great opportunity in front of them. The two empires directly dispatch their armies to directly launch attacks on other worlds. Although in the end The benefits they gain are only 20% of those in that world. The benefits gained in one world may be a bit meager, but what about the benefits gained in the two worlds?

The benefits of two worlds are not enough, what about three worlds, four worlds or even five worlds?
In their opinion, as long as they can keep fighting, the benefits they will reap will definitely allow the country behind them to directly start a qualitative mutation, and in the end it is very likely that they can even directly embark on the path of the Great Qin Empire.

Soon, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian began to separate their minds from the chat group, and they quickly issued orders one after another.

"Mobilize tens of millions of troops!"

"Next, prepare to follow me to another world to fight!"

At this moment, Cao Cao spoke directly with a serious expression.

Facing the order from Cao Cao, although the officials in the Wei Empire said they did not understand what the situation was, they honestly began to mobilize tens of millions of troops according to Cao Cao's wishes.

At the same time that Cao Cao of the Wei Empire began to mobilize tens of millions of troops, Zhu Youjian of the Ming Empire also directly began to mobilize the troops of the Ming Empire. Regarding the tens of millions of troops in the Wei Empire, after thinking for a while, Zhu Youjian finally chose to directly mobilize tens of millions of troops like Cao Cao.

Mobilizing an army of millions is obviously not enough. You must know that what they need to go to next is a serious different world. Although they do not know what kind of world this different world belongs to, But they must not have any accidents this time.

In order to avoid accidents, it is best to use all our strength, but we cannot directly pull all the power in the entire empire to another world. So after thinking about it, the tens of millions of troops Scale is extremely important.

When the tens of millions of troops in the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire were all ready, they once again directly selected Aite Yingzheng in the chat group: "@贴正, His Majesty the First Emperor, we are ready."

After Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao were ready, Ying Zheng also spoke directly to Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao at this moment: "Since you are ready, then come directly to my world, Let’s go straight from my world to another world.”

Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao expressed no problem with Ying Zheng's words.

Obviously, both Zhu Dejian and Cao Cao knew that Mr. Ying Zheng could not directly open a passage to another world for them in the world they were in, right?
They would definitely have to go to the Great Qin Empire. At the same time, they also wanted to see what the development of the Great Qin Empire was like.

"set off!"

Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao waved their hands.

Facing the orders from Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao, the armies in their respective empires began to walk directly towards the gate of time and space that appeared in their field of vision at this moment.


At this moment, the mighty army began to surge directly towards the world of the Qin Empire.

Seeing this mighty army pouring directly towards the world of the Qin Empire, both Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian showed deep excitement in their eyes.

"Okay, okay, finally we can set foot on the path of the Great Qin Empire!"

At this moment, both Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian spoke with excitement in their eyes.

"Boom boom boom..."

Soon, a mighty army of 2000 million people came directly to the Qin Empire.


(End of this chapter)

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