Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 610: The Wei Empire that captured the Qin Empire? The arrogant General Wei!

Chapter 610: The Wei Empire that captured the Qin Empire? The arrogant General Wei!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the mighty army crossed the gate of time and space and arrived at the Great Qin Empire, the soldiers from the two worlds looked at the world they were in, especially when they sensed the world contained in the Great Qin Empire. When the spirit energy came out, their eyes showed a look of deep surprise.

"this world?"

All the soldiers in the two empires showed confused expressions. At the same time, many generals in the two armies were feeling the world they were in now. There was also a look of disbelief in their eyes.


"Are we going to attack the world next?"

Many generals from the Ming and Wei empires had confused expressions in their eyes when they sensed the world they were in now.

They can clearly sense that the strength contained in the world they are in now is extremely powerful.

Can they really fix the world?
Suddenly, many generals used in the two empires felt a deep sense of solemnity.

And just when many generals in the two worlds felt a deep sense of solemnity, Lu Bu, the general in the Wei Empire, showed a serious expression at this moment.

"this world!"

"The Wei Empire can definitely take over this world!"

At the same time, Lu Bu spoke directly with murderous words at this moment.

Faced with Lu Bu's murderous words, the many generals behind him also looked at the Yanhuang world they were in now with murderous eyes.

Although they don't know where they are now, they have absolute confidence in their own strength!
Their strength can definitely solve the world. This is their absolute confidence in the powerful power of the Wei Empire.

Then facing the words spoken by the generals at this moment, many generals in the Ming Empire were not as confident as the generals in the Wei Empire.

When the generals from the Ming Empire sensed the world they were in now, their eyes showed a solemn expression and they looked around.

"It's definitely dangerous here!"

All the generals showed serious expressions.

At this moment, when the generals from the two empires arrived at the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng also came directly into the sight of this army for the first time.

Obviously, this is the first time that a large-scale visit to his Great Qin Empire has occurred in the chat group. Although it only belongs to Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian, after all, what the other party carries is tens of millions of serious items. Army!

The number of the opponent's army is there, so he must come and take a look.

Then just when Ying Zheng arrived in the sky, he soon heard bursts of sounds coming from below.

Facing the arrogance of the generals from the Wei Empire, Ying Zheng frowned slightly.


A slight breath spread directly from Ying Zheng's body from all around.

When this slight breath spread crazily from Ying Zheng's body to the surroundings, many generals in the Wei Empire below instantly noticed a strong pressure emanating from the sky.

"Thump thump..." Faced with the slightest pressure from the sky, for the generals in the Wei Empire below, the pressure from the sky was no less than Mount Tai throwing directly at them. .

In the blink of an eye, many generals from the Wei Empire were completely suppressed by the breath of Ying Zheng in the sky and fell to the ground, not daring to move at all.

For the general from the Wei Empire, he was directly pressed to the ground and had no power to move at all.

On the other side, the generals in the Ming Empire were watching this scene, with confused expressions in their eyes. The most important thing was that when they looked at the figure of Ying Zheng in the sky, he came from the Ming Empire. Many generals were stunned for a moment, and they immediately understood what kind of situation this was.

Obviously, the being in the sky should be the strong man in this world, and the words from the generals used in the Wei Empire were heard by the strong man in the sky, so the other party is now punishing Da Wei. Those generals in the Wei Empire.

Regarding this scene at this moment, many generals from the Ming Empire were so honest that they did not dare to say anything at this moment, and they even stayed in place and should not move at all.


Just when many generals from the Wei Empire were directly pressed to the ground and unable to move, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian, who were in the world behind them, also came to the Yanhuang of the Qin Empire at this moment.

As Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao both came to the world of the Great Qin Empire, they immediately noticed what was strange about what they had.

"what happened?"

At the same time, Cao Cao was watching his general in the Wei Empire being pressed to the ground, and a confused expression appeared in his eyes.

"This is?"

Seeing the appearance of the general from the Wei Empire, Zhu Youjian from the Ming Empire also showed a puzzled expression at this moment.

Obviously, Zhu Youjian also wanted to know what the situation was.

When there was confusion in Cao Cao's eyes and confusion in Zhu Youjian's eyes, a calm voice fell directly from the sky: "Cao Cao, I heard that your Wei Empire seems to be taking down the Qin Empire. ah?"

"Is your Wei Empire already so powerful?"

Ying Zheng spoke quietly to Cao Cao below.

"Is it possible that the real purpose of your Wei Empire this time is to directly bring your Wei Empire's troops to the Great Qin Empire, and then directly launch an attack on the Great Qin Empire and take down the entire Great Qin Empire?"

Ying Zheng spoke calmly.

Listening to the words spoken by Ying Zheng, Cao Cao in the sky suddenly showed a confused expression.


"Your Majesty, this, this, this..."

"What's happening here?"

Cao Cao was stunned by this.


(End of this chapter)

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