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Chapter 612 The cooperative Ming and Wei empires, the desperate border city lord

Chapter 612 The cooperative Ming and Wei empires, the desperate border city lord
"Is this the new world?"

When Cao Cao led the army directly to the new world at this moment, Zhu Youjian beside him said with a thoughtful look in his eyes: "Old Cao, I think we need to be safe next time." a little."

"Now we have to unite to stand firm in this world."

For Zhu Youjian at this moment, although they have come to this new world, what they need to do next is naturally to completely win this world.

The Ming Empire is very powerful, but Zhu Youjian feels that they still need to be more secure next time, and at least they need to join forces with the Wei Empire owned by Cao Cao.

They need to work together to solve the current new world. No one knows what the power in this world is like, and no one knows whether the power in this world is strong or not.

In order to avoid this happening, I think they have to be more careful.

Facing the words from Zhu Youjian, Cao Cao nodded slightly at this moment: "What you said makes sense, let's join hands first."

"There must be no accidents!"

In this regard, Cao Cao really felt that this was very reasonable.

After all, the situation is here. The world they are in now is not any world they are familiar with. In this unknown world, if there is the slightest accident, they are likely to be severely damaged by then.

This is not what he wants to see. He came to this world with the purpose of making his Wei Empire more powerful, so there must not be any accidents, otherwise it is very likely that this will happen. The entire Wei Empire suffered unprecedented heavy losses.

The safest way for them now is to unite. The forces of the Wei Empire and the Ming Empire unite. Under the power of their 2000 million troops, even if the strength of this world is very powerful, they will never be able to compete with them in the end. To counterbalance.

This is Cao Cao's self-confidence.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's attack with the whole army!"

"First occupy a territory, and then start spreading around with that territory as the center!"

After Zhu Youjian thought for a while, he said with a serious face.

"No problem, let's go!"

In response, Cao Cao on the side nodded in agreement.

"set off!"

Soon, the mighty army began to rush directly into the distance.

When the mighty army began to rush towards the distance, the earth soon began to tremble.

When the earth began to tremble deeply, a city in the distance immediately ushered in an unprecedented vigilance.

"what happened?"

"Why is there such a vibration all of a sudden?"

At this moment, the city lord in this city suddenly showed a confused expression.

As the city lord of a city, although I can understand what these bursts of sounds represent, this overwhelming sound definitely represents the sound of a large-scale march.

Facing such a huge marching sound, this naturally caused him to panic, because according to the news he knew, no troops would pass by them recently.

Since no army would pass by them, where did this huge marching sound come from?

This had to remind him of some bad things, because it probably meant the arrival of the enemy. Sure enough, just when the city lord in this city felt a deep anxiety, a dense black shadow soon appeared in the distance.

Facing the dense black shadow that appeared in the distance, the city lord in the city suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of solemnity.


The next moment, he directly started to use the power in his body to gather into his eyes, and soon he saw what the dense mass that appeared in the distance was.


When the city lord looked at the figure appearing in the distance, his eyes instantly showed an unprecedented panic.

Because he discovered that the densely packed area in the distance represented an overwhelming army!
That's right, the city lord in this city discovered that all the secrets in the distance belonged to the overwhelming army!
"How much does this have to be?"

"I'm afraid it's several million or even more, right?!"

At this moment, the city lord in this city suddenly showed a trembling expression.

Regardless of whether the opponent is strong or not, just relying on the army they have is directly placed here. The opponent's huge army is enough to solve everything they have at this level.

Although the strength they have in this city is quite good, after all, they are on the border, and the strength in the border is definitely not bad, but even if it is not bad at all, their strength cannot compete with the opponent.

The number of soldiers in their city is only tens of thousands at most. How can these tens of thousands of soldiers fight with millions more than them?

Use the tens of thousands of soldiers in their city to directly compete with the millions of troops used by the opponent?
Sorry, for the city lord in this city at this moment, he thinks this is completely impossible.

"Surrender, surrender!"

"The whole city surrenders!"

The next moment, the city lord in this city shouted loudly without hesitation.

Listening to the words spoken by the city lord in this city, all the soldiers in the city looked at each other, and they all saw a deep confusion in each other's eyes.

However, they still chose to obey the orders of their city lord.

Of course, the most important thing is that after they looked at the soldiers appearing in the distance, they felt that they could not compete with the other party with their own strength.

Since they were unable to deal with each other, especially when faced with the order from their city lord to surrender, they naturally had no psychological burden at all.


In the blink of an eye, one soldier after another was seen putting down their weapons without hesitation.

As soldiers one after another put down their weapons without hesitation, the gate at the city gate slowly opened at this moment.


In an instant, the city on the border was completely opened to the world.


(End of this chapter)

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