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Chapter 613: Of the two great empires that appeared in the world of Douluo Continent, will the Tiand

Chapter 613: Of the two empires that appeared in the world of Douluo Continent, will the Tiandou Empire be destroyed first? !


When the mighty army arrived directly at the city gate, the city lord directly led all the officials in his city to wait at the city gate.

Facing this scene at this moment, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian, who were in the army, looked at each other, and they both saw a glimmer of understanding in each other's eyes.

Obviously, they all know what they need to do next.

"Go and bring that guy over."

Zhu Youjian ordered seriously.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Facing Zhu Youjian's order, a Jin Yiwei walked directly out of the army and then came directly to the lord of the city.

"Ta Tata..."

Facing the figure of the Jin Yiwei, the city lord in this border city looked at the figure of the Jin Yiwei who appeared in front of him, and there was a deep tremor in his eyes.

Although he didn't know what the guy in front of him was, he could clearly sense the terrifying murderous aura emanating from the guy opposite him.

"How many people have to kill to have such terrifying murderous aura?!"

At this moment, the city lord could see a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Obviously, in the eyes of the current city lord, the guy in front of him has such terrifying murderous intent, will the other party just cut him with a knife?
Although it is very likely that this will not happen, the murderous aura emanating from the other party reminds him that the other party is not an idle person!

The other party can be described as terrifying.

His legs trembled at the thought of such a terrifying existence directly in front of him.

Facing the current guy whose legs were shaking, Jin Yiwei looked at the guy in front of him with a trace of disdain.


"See if this guy has any dangerous items on him."

When Jin Yiwei's words fell, ordinary Jin Yiwei quickly walked out of his living room one after another and directly came to the side of the city's lord.


In an instant, one after another, the Jinyi guards began to strip away everything owned by the city lord.

When looking at the naked city lord, the eyes of the many guys in the city behind him showed incredible expressions.

Obviously, they were really confused and forced by the current explosive appearance.

Regarding this explosive appearance, especially when looking at the trivial things that the city lord had, some people showed a trace of deep disgust in their eyes.

Most of the guys are men. Faced with the things that the city lord now has, the big guys will naturally compare their own in their hearts, and then they find that the few things that the city lord has are simply useless. Xiao Lai to describe.

And obviously, Jin Yiwei also saw what the city lord in front of him had.

"Oh, caterpillar."

The leading Jin Yiwei shook his head disdainfully.

"Commander, this guy has nothing left on him."

A Jin Yiwei beside him reported to the commander of the Jin Yiwei in front of him.

"Take him to His Majesty and ask him to interrogate this guy properly!"

In response, the Jin Yiwei commander waved his hand slightly.

"As ordered."

Soon, the city lord, who had put on his clothes again, was brought directly to Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao.

Facing the city lord at this moment, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian were both looking at the figure in front of him with thoughtful eyes.

"Tell me, what is the name of the world you are in now?"

"Or what is the name of the country you are in now?" Cao Cao asked with seriousness in his eyes.

Facing the inquiry from Cao Cao, the city lord in front of him had a confused expression in his eyes.

He was very confused, and the other party's inquiry really made him feel confused.

However, he was still confused. At this moment, the city lord still answered the questions honestly and directly: "Sir, the country I am currently in is the Tiandou Empire."

"The world we live in is collectively called the world of Douluo Continent."

I saw the city lord below speaking with fear in his eyes.

Facing the words spoken by the city lord at this moment, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian looked at each other, and they both saw a deep thought in each other's eyes.

"Tian Dou Empire?"

"Douluo Continent World."

"As for this world, well, I don't know it."

"Then what's next?"

"Should we directly destroy this so-called Tiandou Empire first, or should we?"

At this moment, Zhu Youjian asked directly to Cao Cao.

They will definitely need a territory for their two empires to settle down in this place.

The strength of their two empires is not weak. The number of 2000 million troops is here!

As for whether the Tiandou Empire is very powerful?

Sorry, neither Cao Cao nor Zhu Youjian took this so-called Tiandou Empire seriously.

Because based on the current strength of the city lord in front of them, the strength of this guy can be described as weak.

If it is in their respective empires, the strength of the city lords they have on the border must not be too weak, but the strength of the city lord in front of them seems extremely weak, which means that the strength of the world they are in may not be very strong. powerful.

Since the strength of the so-called Tiandou Empire is not very strong, then they may be able to directly take over the entire Tiandou Empire and use it as the base for their two empires.

Facing Zhu Youjian's words, Cao Cao nodded slightly: "No problem, just act like this."

"Let's take down the Tiandou Empire first, and let's talk about the rest later."

"Let's take down the so-called Tiandou Empire first. I believe the news one country will learn will be much better."

Cao Cao thought while stroking his chin.

Facing the words spoken by Cao Cao, the city lord who was kneeling on his horse showed a trace of confusion in his eyes.


"This, this, this..."

Facing the conversation between Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian, this really made the city lord feel incredible.

Why does the other party keep saying that he wants to directly destroy the Tiandou Empire?
Is their Tiandou Empire very weak?
But facing Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian, he could only suppress the problem deep in his heart at this moment, and then he kept silent.

"Kill this guy."

Zhu Youjian said calmly.

"As ordered."

The Jin Yiwei beside him spoke respectfully, and then as soon as he finished speaking, the extremely sharp Xiuchun knife slashed hard across the city lord's neck.

"Pfft puff..."

Scarlet blood began to spurt out crazily.


(End of this chapter)

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