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Chapter 614: The crazy attacking Ming Dynasty and the Wei Empire, the possibility of the union of sc

Chapter 614: The crazy attacking Ming Dynasty and the Wei Empire, the possibility of the union of science and metaphysics

"Army attack!"

Soon, the mighty Ming Dynasty and the tens of millions of troops from the Wei Empire began to rush directly in the direction of the Tiandou Empire.

Faced with the attack of tens of millions of troops from the Ming and Wei empires, the city lords of some cities in the Tiandou Empire faced this overwhelming army. Naturally, their response was to surrender directly. .

That's right, for the city lords in the Tiandou Empire, their response is to directly surrender!

What else can you do but surrender?
Is it possible that they really have to rely on the strength they have in the city to fight directly with the opponent?
Sorry, as the lords of a city, they can barely be regarded as high-level people in the Tiandou Empire. They still have some understanding of the strength of the Tiandou Empire. In this world, it can be described as powerful.

But facing this army that jumped out of nowhere, it seems that the strength of their Tiandou Empire is not enough!

Yes, their Tiandou Empire is very powerful, but facing this army that jumped out of nowhere, their Tiandou Empire's strength seems a bit inadequate.

Therefore, the city lords in one city after another chose to surrender without hesitation.

Faced with the city lords in one city after another, they chose to surrender without hesitation. At this moment, the territories of the Ming and Wei empires were expanding crazily in the entire Tiandou Empire at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the territory of the Wei and Ming empires began to expand crazily in the Tiandou Empire, the entire Tiandou Empire, and even all the forces in the entire Douluo Continent, set their sights on the Tiandou Empire. emerging forces.

According to the information they knew, the names of the two forces that emerged in the Tiandou Empire were the Ming and Wei Empires.

For these two empires that popped out of nowhere, under normal circumstances, they must be completely annihilated in one fell swoop. However, the Ming and Wei empires that jumped out of nowhere have at least tens of millions of troops. about!
Each empire has tens of millions of troops!
They don't know where the Ming and Wei empires came from. They only know that the strength of the Ming and Wei empires can be described as terrifying.

Facing such a terrifying existence, all the forces in the entire Douluo Continent world felt an unprecedented sense of solemnity.

Just when the armies of the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire began to madly attack the Tiandou Empire, the two names of the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire also spread crazily throughout the Douluo Continent world at this moment.

At the same time, when a man in a certain city listened to the two countries of Ming and Wei, there was a trace of deep doubt in his eyes.

"The Ming Empire?"

"The Wei Empire?"

"Why do these two names seem a bit like the country in my previous life?"

At this moment, I saw a hint of deep thinking in his eyes.

He does not belong to this world. It is said that he belongs to this world, but his soul does not originate from this world.

His soul comes from a world called Earth in his previous life, and the country he owns belongs to the Chinese Empire.

The ancient history of the Shenzhou Empire contained the names of the two great empires, the Great Wei and the Great Ming. Therefore, when he heard the Great Ming Empire and the Great Wei Empire popping up from nowhere, they began to attack crazily in the direction of the Tiandou Empire. , he really felt a deep doubt.

"Probably not. This is probably not the Ming and Wei empires that I know."

I saw a thoughtful look in his eyes, and then he shook his head slightly. As for why he had such a fantastic experience?

He didn't know either, he only knew that he came to this fantasy world after jumping off the cliff, and his name was Tang San.

Just when the two empires of Ming and Wei began to launch crazy attacks in the world of Douluo Continent, Tony Stark, who was now in the Qin Empire Research Institute, had a look of deep thinking in his eyes at this moment.

"Tell me, should I let my world be directly annexed by the Qin Empire?"

"Do I want my world to directly become a part of the Qin Empire?"

At this moment, Tony Stark said to himself with a flash of thought in his eyes.

Facing the words from Tony Stark, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult next to him showed a smile: "Although I don't know much about your world, if you want to stay in the Qin Empire, If you win, then the best way is to let your world directly become the territory of the Qin Empire."

"Because only in this way can you stay in the Great Qin Empire at any time. After all, your world already belongs to the Great Qin Empire, so you will naturally directly become a subject of the Great Qin Empire."

"And you can also get some preferential treatment in the Qin Empire by virtue of your contribution to your world."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said with a smile in his eyes.

For the current leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, there is no shortage of geniuses in the current Great Qin Empire, but in the face of this genius that their majesty did not know which world he came from, after talking to him, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult discovered that this guy has The understanding of some things can be described as true genius.

Faced with such a genius, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult really wanted to keep him in the Qin Empire, so he directly gave him such an idea.

Facing these words from the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult at this moment, Tony Stark nodded deeply: "It makes sense, maybe let my world directly become the territory of the Great Qin Empire, so that I can always be here." Stay in the Qin Empire."

Tony Stark's eyes also showed a hint of approval at this moment.

"No problem, then let me discuss this issue with His Majesty, senior."

"You wait for me here. When I come back, I will continue to discuss with you the issue of whether science and metaphysics can be combined."

I saw Tony Stark taking a deep breath.

For Tony Stark at this moment, the existence in front of him called the Lord of the Moon Worshipers is definitely one of the best in metaphysics in the current Qin Empire, and the most important thing is that the other party's research on science is not the same. behind.

There is a person who is a strong person in the metaphysics and the knowledge used in the science is not far behind. At least Tony Stark is really hard to find in today's Great Qin Empire.

The Moon Worshiping Cult Leader in front of him was the only existence he had found.

Tony Stark has only one idea now. He wants to discuss the possibility of combining science and metaphysics with the leader of the Moon Worshipers.


(End of this chapter)

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