Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 615 Tony Stark wants to become a pioneer, and discussion with Ying Zheng

Chapter 615 Tony Stark wants to become a pioneer, and discussion with Ying Zheng
"I will definitely combine science and metaphysics!"

At this moment, Tony Stark spoke with firmness in his eyes.

For Tony Stark at this moment, there is only one idea in his mind, and that is to combine science and metaphysics!
Although Tony Stark does not particularly understand the metaphysics currently possessed by the Great Qin Empire, Tony Stark also knows how powerful metaphysics is.

But it is a pity that his understanding of this metaphysics is not very good. What he is best at is science, and science also exists in the Great Qin Empire. Although the Great Qin Empire is a world dominated by metaphysics, But the science possessed by the Great Qin Empire is still not weak.

But it is a pity that science and metaphysics in the Great Qin Empire have never been truly integrated. Even though the science and metaphysics in the Great Qin Empire are very powerful, the problem is that the science and metaphysics in the Great Qin Empire really do not exist. Truly integrated.

But it’s different now. Facing this person who is extremely powerful in the field of metaphysics, the most important thing is that the other person is also extremely interested in science, and his understanding of science can be considered very good. .

This made Tony Stark seem to see the result of the fusion of science and metaphysics in the Qin Empire.

Although it has never been truly integrated, as long as they can start taking action, once science and metaphysics in the Great Qin Empire are integrated in the future, Tony Stark believes that his position in the Great Qin Empire will definitely not be weak, and even He could very well be a pioneer on the road.

Tony Stark was genuinely excited about his status as a pioneer.

"Wait for me, I will ask Your Majesty to send troops to my world!"

I saw Tony Stark speaking with firm words in his eyes.

"Go ahead, I'll be waiting for your arrival at the Research Institute."

Faced with the words from Tony Stark, the leader of the Moon Worshipers on the side did not express anything, but there was a trace of approval in the eyes of the leader of the Moon Worshipers.

For the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult at this moment, although he does not know what kind of world Tony Stark's world belongs to, he also knows that it is best for the world where Tony Stark lives to join the Qin Empire. a result.

As for whether people in Tony Stark's world are willing to join the Qin Empire?

Sorry, their strength is weaker than that of the Qin Empire, which means they have no right to choose at all.

Soon, Tony Stark was seen and headed directly to the Celestial Palace.


Facing Tony Stark who was heading to Tiangong, the Qilin Legion in Tiangong did a routine inspection and then directly chose to let him go.

Obviously, they still know who this guy Tony Stark is. They naturally know that the purpose of Tony Slack coming to the Heavenly Palace must be to come and meet their Majesty, so they certainly can't stop him too much, but they should Some procedures still need to be followed.

Tony Stark didn't say anything was wrong with the process that the Qilin Legion should go through, because Tony Stark also thought that this process was normal. The other party's identity was the emperor of the entire Great Qin Empire, and there was a certain process for wanting to see him. Isn't this a normal thing?
After a while, Tony Stark, who finished the process, started walking directly towards the hall where Ying Zheng trained.

"Ta Tata..."

And just when Tony Stark's figure arrived at Zhitian Palace and was walking in the direction of Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng also slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

"Marvel world?"

Ying Zheng already knows the purpose of Tony Stark coming here this time.

It is precisely because Ying Zheng knows the purpose of Tony Stark coming to him that Ying Zheng directly chooses to end his training.

Although Tony Stark's strength is extremely weak in his opinion, after all, Tony Stark is going to dedicate a world to the Qin Empire this time, so he still needs to have the appropriate attitude.

At the very least, Ying Zheng feels that Tony Stark will dedicate a world to the Qin Empire next. This contribution is absolutely incredible, so Ying Zheng will prepare to entertain him first.


Ying Zheng's thoughts suddenly moved. When Ying Zheng's thoughts suddenly moved, a table quickly appeared in the hall where he was, and this table was filled with a series of delicacies.

In the blink of an eye, Tony Stark's figure quickly arrived in the hall.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Tony Stark please see me!"

At the same time, a respectful voice was spoken directly from Tony Stark's mouth, and this respectful voice was also directly transmitted to the hall at this moment.

Facing the sound that was transmitted into the hall and the figure at the door of the hall, Ying Zheng smiled slightly: "Come in."

Hearing this voice, Tony Stark, who was at the door of the hall, stepped into the hall respectfully.

"Ta Tata..."

When Tony Stark stepped directly into the hall, he quickly saw Ying Zheng waiting for him on the table seat.

"See Your Majesty."

Tony Stark said respectfully.

Regarding the appearance of Tony Stark at the moment, Ying Zheng, who was sitting down, smiled slightly: "Come on, eat first."

"You have stayed in the Research Institute for so long. Although the food in the Research Institute is very good, it is somewhat different from what I eat. Come and eat better."

Facing the words from Ying Zheng, Tony Stark walked directly to Ying Zheng's table.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

For Tony Stark at this moment, it is obvious that although today's Great Qin Empire focuses on talents, as long as you are talented, you can obtain a corresponding status in the Great Qin Empire.

Although that is said, after all, there are still some proper etiquette and the like. For example, when discussing things, it is best to discuss them at the dinner table, not to mention that he is here to seek help from the First Emperor, so naturally he needs to be a guest. It's up to you.

Soon, under the leadership of Ying Zheng, Tony Stark began to taste the table of food in front of him.

"It's delicious. It's indeed food for His Majesty."

While eating, Tony Stark's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ying Zheng just picked up some of what he usually likes to eat and then looked at Tony Stark with a smile.

After a while, as the meal ended, Tony Stark took a deep breath and spoke to Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty, I came here to ask your Majesty for a favor."

I saw Tony Stark speaking with determination in his eyes.

In response to Tony Stark's words, Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "Say it, I'm listening."

"Your Majesty, I want the army of the Great Qin Empire to attack my world directly and bring my world under the rule of the Great Qin Empire!"

In an instant, Tony Stark began to speak out his inner thoughts.


(End of this chapter)

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