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Chapter 617 The 5 million army of the Qin Empire!

Chapter 617 The million army of the Qin Empire!

In the blink of an eye, as Tony Stark stepped into the blue gate of time and space in his field of vision, his figure completely disappeared into the Qin Empire at this moment.

At the same time that Tony Stark disappeared into the Qin Empire, Ying Zheng also directly summoned Han Xin, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, at this moment.

"Han Xin."

In an instant, just as Ying Zheng finished speaking, a figure in the air force camp was stunned for a moment, and then the figure disappeared in the same place at this moment.


In an instant, just as a figure in the Tiangong military camp disappeared, his figure reappeared in the palace where Ying Zheng was training.

"See Your Majesty!"

I saw Han Xin, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, speaking respectfully to Ying Zheng at this moment.

Facing the tribute from Han Xin at this moment, Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "What is the current strength of the Qilin Legion?"

Ying Zheng asked directly to Han Xin.

In response to Ying Zheng's inquiry, Han Xin, who was at the bottom of the hall, replied honestly: "Your Majesty, the strength of the 100 million troops in the Qilin Legion has all reached the Hedao realm."

"The strength of the current officers is already in the Mahayana realm, and the strength of the generals is also in the realm of transcending tribulation."

Han Xin honestly told the truth about the strength of the soldiers in the Qilin Legion.

In today's Great Qin Empire, the strength of the five major legions is basically the same. Perhaps the strength of some soldiers is a bit beyond expectations, but overall the strength of the 500 million troops in the five major legions is at the same level.

The strength of the marshals in the five major legions is at the current Earth Immortal realm. Of course, the strength of these five marshals is moving towards the Heavenly Immortal realm, but their current strength is still at the Earth Immortal realm.

And when the strength of the five marshals are all in the realm of earthly immortals, the strength of the generals in the five legions are naturally all in the realm of transcending tribulation.

When the strength of the generals in the five major legions is at the level of transcending tribulation, then the strength of those officers is naturally also at the Mahayana realm.

When the strength of the officers is all in the Mahayana realm, the strength of the ordinary soldiers is naturally all in the Hedao realm.

The Hedao realm belongs to the strength possessed by the soldiers in the Great Qin Army. Without this strength, it is completely impossible to gain a foothold in the army. It can even be said that only by reaching this strength can one become an army soldier of the Great Qin Empire.

In the army of the Great Qin Empire, there are a total of 500 million soldiers in the Hedao realm. This is just the strength of ordinary soldiers. There is also a police department in the Great Qin Empire. The police department may not be as strong as the army. The strength is strong, but at least the strength possessed by the police department is definitely not weak.

There is also the Black Ice Platform that belongs exclusively to Emperor Ying Zheng of the Qin Dynasty.

The strength of the Black Ice Platform is absolutely unquestionable. If it can become a department unique to the Emperor of Qin and can supervise hundreds of officials and the entire Great Qin Empire, then the Black Ice Platform's strength is only stronger than that of the army. And not weaker than the army.

The black platform inside is not included in the army of the Great Qin Empire. The apparent strength of the Great Qin Empire is only five legions.

At this moment, Han Xin, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, reported directly to Ying Zheng.

Facing the report from Han Xin at this moment, Ying Zheng nodded slightly with satisfaction: "Very good, it seems that the strength of Da Qin soldiers is very good." Ying Zheng is extremely satisfied with the strength of the current army soldiers. .

Although the current strength of these soldiers seems to him to be extremely weak, after all, for him who is currently in the True Immortal Realm, the power of the Hedao Realm, isn't it just an ordinary strength that can no longer be ordinary?

But Ying Zheng did not look down on these soldiers of his Great Qin Empire because of this.

After all, despite the fact that the strength of the soldiers in the Great Qin Empire seems to be very weak, the reason why the Great Qin Empire can become so powerful, and even the reason why he can have such a strong strength is because of the fighting of these soldiers of the Great Qin Empire. .

These soldiers are completely the mainstay of the Great Qin Empire. Without these soldiers, the Great Qin Empire will really have accidents.

Moreover, although the strength of these soldiers is only at the level of Hedao, the power they currently possess in some worlds among all the worlds is completely at the level of real bosses.

Even in some worlds of cultivating immortals, the strength possessed by these soldiers can be said to belong to the foundation of a sect in those worlds, and there are as many as 500 million such soldiers in the Great Qin Empire!
Next, he will send the Qilin Legion directly to take over the entire Marvel world.

Although the strength of the Marvel world is very powerful, compared with the Great Qin Empire, the strength of the Marvel world is only one level lower, but can Ying Zheng directly send all the soldiers in the entire Great Qin Empire?

Just send a legion, and then send some strong men to go to the Marvel world. If nothing happens, the Marvel world will be directly captured by the Qin Empire.

Facing Ying Zheng's praise, Han Xin felt relieved for a moment: "The Qilin Legion is ready to fight for the Qin Empire at any time!"

A firm voice came from Han Xin's mouth.

Regarding Han Xin's words at this moment, Ying Zheng smiled: "Be prepared, the next Kirin Legion will go directly to the world where Tony Stark is."

"What the Kirin Legion needs to do is to completely conquer the world where Tony Stark lives."

Ying Zheng told Han Xin the next tasks that the Qilin Legion needed to complete.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, Han Xin also nodded thoughtfully at this moment: "Go and take over Tony Stark's world."

Han Xin immediately knew the next mission of their Qilin Legion, which was the barbarian who came to the Heavenly Palace before. All the Qilin Legion needed to do was to go directly to the barbarian world, and finally take over the barbarian world directly.

"Okay, go and get ready."

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

For a moment, Han Xin nodded respectfully.


In the blink of an eye, Han Xin's figure disappeared in the hall.


(End of this chapter)

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