Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 618: Tony Stark helps poor children, the confused top leaders of the two countries

Chapter 618: Tony Stark helps poor children, the confused top officials of the two countries
"came back."

Looking at everything familiar around him, Tony Stark nodded slightly.

"Jarvis, in my name, donate materials to some orphanages in China."

"Buy these supplies as quickly as possible, and then transport them directly to those orphanages as quickly as possible!"

"Use all the money on your books to purchase supplies and deliver them."

At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly showed a serious expression and said.

For Tony Stark at this moment, the next Great Qin Empire is about to come to his world. Since the next Great Qin Empire is about to come to his world, then Tony Stark feels that he is now Something must be done.

What should be done?

After thinking about it, Tony Stark felt that he might as well go directly to the land of China to gain a good impression.

Because he understood that the Great Qin Empire was the ancestor who belonged to the land of China. Although he was not the ancestor of the land of China in their world, after all, the blood flowing in the body of Emperor Ying Zheng of the Great Qin Empire was the same as the blood flowing in the land of China today. They are all consistent.

They all belong to the blood of the Chinese clan!

Since both of them belong to the same race, why does Tony Stark think he can't build a good impression there first?

As for donating money directly?

Sorry, their world will be completely reduced to the territory of the Great Qin Empire. It is obvious that the dollar cannot be used in the Great Qin Empire. The Great Qin Empire does not recognize the dollar at all. After all, the dollar can only be used in the Great Qin Empire. How could the Great Qin Empire use US dollars in this world?

The Great Qin Empire had its own currency system, and the U.S. dollar obviously only belonged to the same level as paper in the Great Qin Empire.

Therefore, all the money owned by the Stark Group will be reduced to waste paper in the coming Great Qin Empire. But now that the Great Qin Empire has not yet come, the money owned by the Stark Group has become useless. It can play a very powerful role.

But it won't take long, because the army of the Qin Empire is coming soon.

What he needs to do now is to use all the money owned by the Stark Group to purchase supplies, and then transport them directly to the land of China as quickly as possible, and give all these supplies to those orphanages.

At least let the land of China feel the kindness of his Tony Stark.

Facing the order from Tony Stark, Jarvis instantly understood: "No problem, boss."

Obviously, in the face of this order from Tony Stark, others may choose to subconsciously refuse or even block it. After all, Tony Stark's order seems to be crazy.

But Jarvis is different, because Jarvis does not belong to human beings at all. Jarvis only belongs to artificial intelligence, and even if he really possesses human intelligence, when facing Tony Stark, Faced with the situation, Jarvis would still choose to execute it without hesitation.

"Yeah, remember."

"You must be fast!" "Even if you encounter some obstacles, you don't have to pay attention!"

"Mark my words, as fast as you can!"

"Spend all this money as quickly as possible, convert all this money into supplies, and deliver them to nursing homes and orphanages across the land of China."

"And let my name Tony Stark be resounding throughout the land of China."

Tony Stark smiled and said.

"Okay, boss."

Jarvis understood.

Soon, under the operation of Jarvis, the funds on the books of the Stark Group continued to be consumed at a rapid speed. As the funds on the books of the Stark Group began to be consumed at a rapid speed, , these funds directly began to purchase daily necessities and the like, and these daily necessities and the like also began to be transported directly to the land of China at this moment.

Even these funds directly purchase things in the mainland of China, and then these things are directly required to be transported to one nursing home after another and one orphanage after another.

Regarding the current commotion of the Stark Group, the first person who feels something is wrong must be the domestic bank of the beautiful country. After all, the Stark Group belongs to a large group in their beautiful country. Coupled with such a large-scale capital mobilization, it will naturally Attract the attention of the Bank of America.

Then the next person who noticed the movements of the Stark Group was the spy organization belonging to the Beautiful Country. When the spy organization of the Beautiful Country learned that the Stark Group actually used all the funds on its books to purchase supplies, and also purchased supplies from the land of China. , and then donate all these materials to nursing homes and nursing homes.

The spy organization from the beautiful country was naturally confused.

Why didn't they know how Tony Stark, the chairman of the arms group, could do such an incredible thing? However, although they said they felt confused, they still reported the news directly to their superiors.

In just a moment, the president of the United States quickly learned about the news owned by the Stark Group.

When the president of the beautiful country learned about the news owned by the Stark Group, the country on the other side of the ocean also learned about the order issued by Tony Stark, the chairman of the Stark Group from the beautiful country on the other side of the ocean. of this order.

Regarding the order that Tony Stark received, the country opposite the beautiful country was instantly confused.

Obviously, they also want to know why Tony Stark spent such a huge amount of money to buy some daily necessities, and then donated these daily necessities directly to those nursing homes and orphanages?
Is it a act of kindness?
But it’s not necessary!
It would make sense if the other party had good intentions in the Beautiful Country. After all, the other party was from the Beautiful Country. However, the relationship between their Chinese land and the Beautiful Country could even be described as hostile, but now the other party actually made such a move.

This really made the top leaders of both the beautiful country and the land of China feel confused for a moment.

Just when the top leaders of both Beautiful Country and China were in a state of confusion, all media in the world began to continuously report on the actions of Tony Stark of the Stark Group in Beautiful Country.

For a time, the whole world was shocked.


(End of this chapter)

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