Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 619: Angry Nick Fury goes to Stark Group again

Chapter 619: Angry Nick Fury goes to Stark Group again

"What is he going to do?!"

I saw Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D. facing Tony Stark's action, and Nick Fury's eyes showed an unprecedented anger.

For Nick Fury at this moment, ever since Tony Stark took away the Cosmic Cube from SHIELD, SHIELD has been under pressure from the authorities, asking them to get the Cosmic Cube out.

As for the fact that they said the Cosmic Cube was taken away by Tony Stark?
Sorry, even if someone believes what he says, the other party doesn't care. The other party only knows that the Cosmic Cube was kept by SHIELD before this, but now the Cosmic Cube has disappeared, which naturally requires SHIELD to be responsible. , all SHIELD needs to do now is to find the Cosmic Cube!

As for how to find out?
Sorry, they don't care, what they want is the Cosmic Cube.

As for Tony Stark?
Sorry, what stands behind Tony Stark is the military of their beautiful country. Even if their strength can be described as powerful in today's beautiful country, no matter how powerful they are, when facing the military, In front of violent organizations, their strength is somewhat insufficient.

It is precisely because of this that they don't care about Tony Stark's problem at all. They directly set their sights on Nick Fury. Anyway, the Cube was lost from Nick Fury, so they naturally set their sights directly on Nick Fury. Ray, they need Nick Fury to get the Tesseract out!

Faced with a series of suppression, Nick Fury's life was very uncomfortable during this period, and he couldn't find where Tony Stark was.

That's right, he really didn't know where Tony Stark had gone. According to their SHIELD news, Tony Stark seemed to have completely disappeared from the entire earth.

Regarding such news, Nick Fury's attitude was one of anger, but no matter how angry he was, he could only begin to hold back the anger in his heart and began to put the pressure directly on his shoulders to bear the pressure coming from all directions. of suppression.

Well now, there is finally news about Tony Stark, but the news about Tony Stark is that Tony Stark spent a huge amount of money to buy some daily necessities and donated them directly to the orphanages and nursing homes in China.

This really made Nick Fury feel confused.

Although he didn't know what Tony Stark was thinking, why did he spend huge sums of money to buy these daily necessities and the like?

Even if Tony Stark really spends huge sums of money to buy daily necessities and the like, shouldn't the target of the donation be their beautiful country?
Why would Tony Stark donate these things to that country across the ocean?
Isn't this tantamount to siding with the enemy?

Thinking that he had withstood the pressure from all sides of the beautiful junior high school, but now Tony Stark actually joined the enemy at this juncture, this moment made Tony Stark fall into unprecedented anger.

"Go to Stark Group!"

At this moment, Nick Fury spoke with anger in his eyes.

Faced with the order from Nick Fury, all the agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. instantly understood.

"Let's go to Stark Group!"

Soon, a vast team of agents began to rush towards the Stark Group.

And when faced with the mighty team of agents who were just rushing towards the Stark Group, the country on the other side of the ocean faced the donation from Tony Stark and directly chose to accept it at this moment. Although they don't know why Tony Stark donated to them, since the materials donated by Tony Stark have already appeared in their land, they can't just pretend they didn't see it, right?
That was impossible. They just came and took advantage of the situation and started sending the materials donated by Tony Stark directly to various orphanages and nursing homes.

And in order to avoid some subsequent troubles, they directly publicized Tony Stark's donation. Anyway, they never asked Tony Stark to donate. This was Tony Stark's initiative to donate to them.

For a time, the name of Tony Stark as a good man began to spread throughout the entire land of China.

After all, Tony Stark donated these materials openly, and he was a proper philanthropist.

In this way, the name of the great good man in China was directly placed on Tony Stark's head.

As for Tony Stark, he didn't feel unhappy at all about the title given to him by the great benevolent man from the land of China. Tony Stark could even be happy when facing this title. Let’s describe it!
"Very good, everything is stable!"

I saw Tony Stark talking to himself with excitement in his eyes.

"As long as the Great Qin Empire comes to this world next, I will definitely gain a high status in the Great Qin Empire."

At this moment, Tony Stark's eyes showed excitement and he said to himself.

For Tony Stark at this moment, he seemed to have seen the army of the Qin Empire come to his world and then saw the title of his great kindness.

As long as he has the title of Great Good Man, Tony Stark believes that his status in the Qin Empire will never fall.

After all, the land of China in this world is a direct descendant of the Great Qin Empire, and he has the title of a great good man in the land of China.

At this moment, Tony Stark felt a burst of excitement about the title he had received as the Great Good Man. Agents from SHIELD led by Nick Foley also arrived directly at the Stark Group at this moment.

"SHIELD is doing its work, and those who don't have anything to do with it will go away!"

The vicious S.H.I.E.L.D. agents directly stopped some security personnel in the Stark Group.

For these ferocious SHIELD agents, especially when looking at the firearms held by these SHIELD agents, they honestly chose to pretend they didn't see them.

Otherwise, what else can be done?
Is it possible that we really have to fight them to the death?
Sorry, they have no intention of sacrificing their lives for Tony Stark, a capitalist.

Soon, many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents headed by Nick Fury directly arrived at the top of the Stark Group again.


(End of this chapter)

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