Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 631: Magneto was crushed, Magneto was terrified

Chapter 631: Magneto was crushed, Magneto was terrified
As the beautiful country was directly occupied by the Great Qin Empire, the power of destiny from the Great Qin Empire also began to appear directly over the territory of the current beautiful country.

Oh, no, it should be more appropriately described as the territory of the Qin Empire.

When the power of destiny from the Great Qin Empire began to float in the sky, an uninvited guest also arrived in the Great Qin Empire.

"This is the Great Qin Empire!"

Magneto's eyes looked with emotion at the country he was currently in.

That's right, as the beautiful country began to fall into the territory of the Great Qin Empire, the name of the Great Qin Empire naturally spread throughout the world.

Magneto always feels a deep sense of joy in his heart for this country, which in Magneto's view is entirely formed by mutants.

Forming a country formed by mutants is what Magneto dreams of accomplishing, but unfortunately his strength does not support him in doing so.

But it is different now.

Now this Great Qin Empire has popped up from nowhere. In Magneto's view, the soldiers in this Great Qin Empire are all serious mutants!

When he thought that what he had dreamed of accomplishing was directly accomplished by the Qin Empire, the current Magneto naturally felt a burst of deep joy.

"It looks like we need to meet the leader of this army."

At this moment, Magneto was seen looking at the Daqin soldiers patrolling in the distance, with Magneto's eyes twinkling slightly.

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, under the gaze of some people, Magneto was seen walking directly towards the Da Qin soldier nearest him with arrogant steps.

At this moment, the Great Qin soldiers also noticed Magneto who was walking towards him. Facing Magneto, the Great Qin soldiers looked at him with a trace of doubt in their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Magneto arrived directly in front of the Great Qin soldier.

"What do you want to do?"

The Great Qin soldier looked at Magneto in front of him and asked with confusion in his eyes.

For the Great Qin soldier at this moment, he can naturally sense what level of strength the guy in front of him has. The strength of the guy in front of him can be described as an ant to him, but this It has to be said that the opponent's strength can be described as an unparalleled powerhouse to ordinary people.

Therefore, Magneto was able to attract the attention of this Great Qin soldier.

Facing the gazes from the Da Qin soldiers, Magneto said directly and arrogantly: "Take me to see your leader."

"I'm going to meet with your leader."

Magneto said with a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

Regarding what Magneto said at this moment, the Daqin soldiers in front of him looked at Magneto with a confused expression.

"what did you just say?"

"You want to see our marshal?"

Regarding this, the Daqin soldiers in front of Magneto felt really confused.


"Yes, then take me to see your marshal!"

"I'm going to have a nice chat with your marshal."

King Wanci nodded and said.

However, facing the words coming from Magneto at this moment, the Great Qin soldier in front of him still looked at Magneto with a strange look: "Say it one last time."

"I didn't hear clearly just now. What did you just say?"

The Da Qin soldiers looked at Magneto with confusion in their eyes. Listening to the words of the Great Qin soldiers, Magneto frowned and looked at the Great Qin soldiers in front of him: "I said, take me to see your marshal!"

"Let me have a chat with your marshal."

Magneto said with a serious face.

Listening to Magneto's words, the Great Qin soldier at this moment could finally be sure that the guy in front of him was not joking with him.

"Boom boom boom..."

The next moment, a force that could be described as terrifying to Magneto burst out crazily from the body of the Great Qin soldier.


When these incomparably powerful forces began to burst out crazily from the bodies of the Qin soldiers, Magneto's originally arrogant face turned into disbelief and confusion at this moment.

"Thump thump thump..."

Magneto's body was also directly pressed to the ground at this moment, unable to move.

"This, this, this..."

"This power, this!"

For a moment, Magneto seemed a little incoherent. He looked at the man in front of him who was obviously an ordinary soldier, but the strength exuded by this ordinary soldier made Magneto feel incredible.

That's right, when faced with the strength exuded by this ordinary soldier in front of him, Magneto's only feeling at the moment is that the strength exuded by this ordinary soldier can be described as terrifying.

But it shouldn’t be!

Isn't the other party an ordinary soldier?
Why does an ordinary soldier have such powerful power?
"Is it possible that the other party is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

For a moment, an idea appeared directly in Magneto's mind.

But when this idea appeared in Magneto's mind, he directly dismissed the idea in his mind.

Because no one knew what his purpose was before this time. There were probably only a few people who knew his purpose this time, because he didn't tell anyone.

In other words, what he encountered was not some relatively powerful being specially arranged by the Great Qin Empire.

If the other party is specially arranged, for example, if the other party is a marshal in the Great Qin Empire, then it does not seem impossible that the other party has such a powerful force.

However, the clothes the other party wears and the words he speaks all mean that the other party is not the Marshal of Qin at all. The other party's identity is just an ordinary soldier.

When he thought that his famous Magneto was pinned to the ground by an ordinary soldier in the Great Qin Empire, Magneto's eyes showed an unprecedented horror.


Seeing the incredible look in Magneto's eyes, the Great Qin soldier in front of him snorted coldly: "Who gave you the land deed to provoke the Great Qin Empire?"

"You have to respect our marshal even when you open your mouth, are you qualified?!"

"Where did you come from?!"

"Who gave you the courage to be so bold?"

The Great Qin soldiers looked at Magneto with disbelief in their eyes, as if they were looking at a mentally retarded person.

"Tell me, who gave you the courage?"


(End of this chapter)

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