Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 632: Magneto’s despair, Tony Stark is frightened after the first battle

Chapter 632 Magneto’s despair and Tony Stark’s fear

"Who gave you the courage?"

At the same time, the Great Qin soldiers looked at Magneto in front of them with a look in their eyes that looked like they were mentally retarded.

Facing the look in the eyes of the soldiers from Da Qin that looked like they were mentally retarded, Magneto really didn't know how to speak for a moment.

He had never thought that he would end up in such an ending before. In Magneto's opinion, shouldn't the ending be when he made his request known, and the Great Qin soldier in front of him should tell him directly and honestly, Where is the position of their marshal?

Then he directly found the generals in the Great Qin Empire, and finally started discussions between him and the generals in the Great Qin Empire. Then he directly gained a high status in the Great Qin Empire?
This is a result that Magneto had envisioned before.

Then when the ending was in front of him, Magneto discovered that the result he imagined and the real result were completely different things.

The strength of an ordinary soldier in the Great Qin Empire could directly push him to the ground. He could not imagine how terrifying the strength of the marshal in the Great Qin Empire was?
"How powerful is the Marshal of Great Qin?"

Magneto couldn't help but think secretly in his mind.

And just when Magneto couldn't help but secretly think about it, the Great Qin soldier in front of him directly picked up Magneto with one hand: "Haha, ant."

"Since you want to pay tribute to our marshal, then I will take you to see our marshal."

The Da Qin soldier said with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He really wanted to slap Magneto in front of him to death, but his reason told him that Magneto's strength was quite good on today's earth, and the other party could actually come directly and say that he wanted to see their marshal. , then I believe the other party should have something important to report.

In this case, he would take the other party directly to see their marshal, but the other party should not think about how good the treatment would be. He would just carry the other party like a dog.


In the blink of an eye, the Da Qin soldiers carrying Magneto disappeared instantly.

Facing the Qin soldiers who had completely disappeared, when he reappeared, he had already appeared directly in the Stark Tower where Tony Stark was.

That's right, the Qin soldiers carrying Magneto now directly arrived at Tony Stark's Stark Tower, and their Marshal Han Xin was inside the Stark Tower.

As the figures of the Great Qin soldiers instantly appeared in Stark Tower, Tony Stark and Han Xin were discussing continuously inside Stark Tower.

"Marshal, are you saying that our world is not as simple as it seems?"

"Is there a strong person in the depths of the universe who is no less powerful than you?"

At this moment, Tony Stark looked at Han Xin in front of him with disbelief in his eyes.

After the conversation between them, Han Xin told Tony Stark everything he knew about the world.

But when Han Xin directly told Tony Stark what he knew, Tony Stark fell into confusion and disbelief.

He originally thought that there would be some alien civilizations in his world, which was a normal thing.

Although he has also come into contact with some mutants, in Tony Stark's opinion, those mutants can be explained by science.

In other words, the world he lives in is entirely a world dominated by technology. But what now?
Han Xin, who was considered a big boss in the Great Qin Empire, told him directly that there were powerful men in their world who were no less powerful than Han Xin.

When Tony Stark learned the news, he really felt confused and unbelievable.

Regarding the confusion and disbelief in Tony Stark's eyes, Han Xin beside him said calmly: "Yes, you do have some beings in this world whose strength is not inferior to mine."

"Of course, it just belongs to the same level as the current me in terms of realm."

"If there's a real fight, there's no guarantee who will win."

"And my realm does not mean that I will remain in this pure realm for the rest of my life. It is very likely that my realm will break through to the next immortal realm at any time."

"But the group of guys you have in this world are different. If nothing happens to the top experts in your world, they may not have been in this realm for tens of thousands of years. Even they The time spent in this realm is completely measured in units of ten thousand.”

Han Xin said with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

For Han Xin, although there are strong men in this world who are not inferior to him, Han Xin has never been afraid.

Because in Han Xin's view, if there really was a fight, he could completely suppress the strong men at the same level as him in this world by himself.

And it doesn't mean that his strength is in the realm of Earth Immortal, which means he will stay in this realm for the rest of his life. He belongs to the peak realm of Earth Immortal that can directly break through to the realm of Celestial Immortal at any time.

Once his strength directly breaks through to the realm of immortals, then Han Xin seems to have seen the scene where the Qilin Legion under his leadership directly hangs up and beats everyone in this world.

Han Xin was extremely looking forward to the scene where the Qilin Legion under his leadership would directly hang everyone in the world and beat them.

Regarding Han Xin's current expectations, Tony Stark beside him instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since the marshal is so powerful, then I will leave this world to the marshal."

In this regard, Tony Stark said that the world he lives in is too dangerous!

He really never thought that his world would be so dangerous. If the Great Qin Empire hadn't come to his world, I'm afraid he wouldn't know how long it would take for him to know the secrets of his world, and he might not even know it for the rest of his life. Know the secrets of his world.

Regarding Tony Stark's words, just when Han Xin was about to say something, a voice came directly into Han Xin's ears: "Marshal, there is someone who wants to see the marshal. I wonder if the marshal wants to meet him? "

At the same time, facing the appearance of this voice.

Han Xin said with a trace of doubt in his eyes.


"The soldier who caught him said the guy's name was Magneto."


(End of this chapter)

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