Chapter 636 Invasion of Asgard!

"Marshal, currently all the forces on this planet have become part of our Great Qin Empire."

At this moment, a general was seen reporting to Han Xin.

Facing the report from the current general, Han Xin nodded slightly: "Since all the countries on this planet have completely become a part of the Great Qin Empire, then what we need to do next is to set our sights on Out of this planet."

Han Xin looked directly beyond the earth.

Although all the forces currently on this planet have been completely reduced to the territory of their Great Qin Empire, in other words, the Great Qin Empire has completely become the only country on the entire earth.

But this does not belong to the whole world.

Yes, Han Xin can naturally sense that the earth they are currently on does not belong to the entire world. Strictly speaking, this world probably belongs to a world dominated by the universe type.

In other words, their current Great Qin Empire only occupies one planet, not the entire world?

I'm afraid they have only completed 1%, or even 1‰ or one ten thousandth.

"Marshal, what are we next?"

The general next to him spoke with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.


"Then naturally we must occupy that place first!"

Han Xing pointed to a place among them.

In Han Xin's perception, the strength possessed by that place is much stronger than all the strengths currently possessed by the entire earth, and that place barely possesses some strong men.

Then all they need to do next is occupy that place.

Facing the order issued by Han Xin, the general beside him immediately expressed his serious understanding: "I obey, Marshal!"

Soon, all the Qin soldiers on the earth were soon ready to start a war again.

When all the soldiers on the earth were ready, Han Xin's figure appeared directly in front of all the soldiers: "Soldiers!"

"Next, we are going to launch a real attack on the world!"

"Are you ready?!"

Han Xin spoke with a serious look in his eyes.

Facing what Han Xin said, the soldiers one after another showed serious expressions and replied: "Always be prepared!"

In an instant, a monstrous murderous aura began to erupt directly from the soldiers.

As a monstrous murderous aura began to burst out from the soldiers, Han Xin, who was opposite him, nodded with satisfaction as he sensed the terrifying murderous aura emanating from the soldiers.

"Very good, this is the attitude you need!"

Obviously, Han Xin was extremely satisfied with the terrifying murderous aura exuded by the current soldiers.

"Army attack!"

"You just stay on this planet."

I saw Han Xin randomly assigning dozens of soldiers to prepare to garrison the current earth.

That's right, for the earth he currently owns, Han Xin just sent a small team to garrison the planet.

Maybe it sounds a little unbelievable, just sending a small team of soldiers to garrison the entire earth?
But if you look carefully, you will find that this is probably a bit overkill.

That's right, it can be described as overqualified and underqualified. You want to know where the strength of Da Qin's soldiers is. What about the strength on earth?

The strength possessed on the earth or in the eyes of people from many countries that once existed on the earth, the strength they possessed on the earth was very powerful.

But sorry, in the eyes of Da Qin soldiers, the strength they have on the earth can be described as weak.

Facing such a weak planet, their ability to send a small team to garrison this planet is completely overqualified. It is impossible to really send a large force to garrison this planet, right?

impossible things.

As a small team stayed to guard the entire earth, the mighty army began to attack in the direction pointed by Han Xin before.


When the mighty army began to attack directly in the direction that Han Xin just pointed, everyone on the earth just watched the army leave.

Regarding the departure of the army, everyone on the earth showed a silent expression.

Although the current army of the Great Qin Empire has left, the Great Qin Empire still leaves a small team stationed on the earth.

For this team, no one on earth means to look down on each other.

Although the opponent's number is only a tiny amount, the opponent's tiny number may be able to turn over the entire earth.

That's right, in the eyes of everyone on earth, although the opponent's number is just a tiny bit, the opponent's tiny number can completely wipe out all their ambitions.

You must know that the other side's soldiers can survive in the center of a nuclear explosion!

Since the other party can survive in the center of the nuclear explosion, it means that the strength of the other party is definitely not something that their earth can compete with.

Moreover, the opponent's army has only left, not that the entire army has been destroyed. The opponent's army is likely to return at any time.

Therefore, facing the team stationed on their planet, no one on the planet dared to have any thoughts that they shouldn't have.


The Qilin Legion led by Han Xin now began to continuously attack in the direction he just pointed with his hand.

After a while, the figure of the Qilin Legion arrived directly at the place where Han Xin had just pointed.

When the Qilin Legion arrived at the target, the forces in this place looked at the Qilin Legion that appeared in their field of vision with a confused expression.

"Be bold!"

"How dare you invade Asgard!"

"The enemy invades!"

In an instant, the soldiers of Asgard who discovered the Qilin Legion's invasion soon began to sound the alarm.


In an instant, waves of alarm bells began to ring throughout Asgard.

As bursts of alarm bells began to ring throughout Asgard, the entire Asgard instantly understood that an enemy was invading their Asgard.

"There is an enemy invasion!"

In an instant, the entire Asgard was in complete riot.


(End of this chapter)

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