Chapter 637 Ming Qilin Legion VS Asgard
As the whole of Asgard went into complete riot, Asgard's God King Odin showed a solemn expression and looked at the large army they had on the border of Asgard.


At this moment, Asgard's God King Odin had a solemn expression in his eyes.

Obviously, as Asgard's God King Odin, he can clearly sense how powerful the opponent is.

It is precisely because God King Odin at this moment can sense how powerful the enemies they have on the border of Asgard are, so God King Odin at this moment shows a solemn expression.

"Where did this existence come from?"

"Why does the other party have such powerful power?"

Obviously, at this moment, God King Odin did not know where the other party came from.

But one thing is for sure, that is, the strength possessed by the other party is extremely powerful. He does not know where the other party came from, but the strength possessed by the other party directly made God King Odin understand that they Asgar Germany may encounter their biggest crisis next.


"There is an enemy invasion!"

At this moment, God King Odin did not hesitate to sound the alarm that was related to the life and death of the entire Asgard.


When bursts of alarm bells resounded throughout Asgard, they began to spread toward the entire Asgard centered on the palace of God King Odin. All the divine soldiers in Asgard showed their emotions. Incredible expression.

If the previous alarm bell reminded them that there was an enemy invasion, then the alarm bell sounded by God King Odin himself now means that the strength of this enemy may be related to the life and death of their entire Asgard.

Thinking that the next battle would be related to the life and death of their entire Asgard, all the protoss soldiers in Asgard immediately began to take action.

"Fight for Asgard!"

In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers in Asgard began to move continuously. They began to equip their weapons and armor as quickly as possible.

While all the soldiers in Asgard moved as fast as possible, the soldiers of Qin Dynasty on the border of Asgard were seen. At this moment, the soldiers of Qin Dynasty looked at what they had in their field of vision. In Asgard, one after another Da Qin soldiers showed disdainful expressions.

"Marshal, the strongest person in this place seems to belong to a state of transcending tribulation."

General Da Qin, who was behind Han Xin, sensed the power contained in Asgard ahead, and spoke with disdain in his eyes.

Facing the words spoken by the Great Qin General at this moment, another general beside him also nodded and responded: "Yes, Marshal, the strongest person in this place seems to be a person who belongs to the realm of transcending tribulation."

"We can destroy each other easily!"

Confident words began to come out from the mouths of one Da Qin general after another.

For many Da Qin generals at this moment, although the strength possessed by this place is indeed good, they cannot refute this.

After all, the situation is here, and the strength possessed by the other party is indeed quite good. The most powerful existence in the place is only an existence that belongs to the realm of transcending tribulation, and it does not represent the existence of the realm of transcending tribulation. It's weak.

It can only be said that the strength of their Great Qin Empire is too strong, which makes the opponent's strength look weak, but the opponent's strength is really not weak.

But since their Great Qin Empire is so powerful, they naturally have absolute confidence to despise each other.

Facing the disdainful words of the generals behind him, Han Xin in front narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Asgard in front of him.

"This place is just a small part of it."

"You, lead your army to deal with the other planets together." Han Xin waved his hand and ordered.

The strength possessed by Ashgaard is just the most powerful existence he has ever observed. It does not mean that there is only one Asgard. There are existences similar to Asgard in several other places. , but their strength is not as strong as Asgard.

Facing Han Xin's order, General Qin behind him immediately expressed his understanding solemnly: "I obey, Marshal."

"We will take action immediately."

As he spoke, General Da Qin, who was directly behind Han Xin, began to lead his soldiers in the direction of several other planets.


As the mighty soldiers began to rush towards the distance, the soldiers in Asgard were also ready at this moment to welcome the arrival of the next enemy.

"All troops attack!"

"Occupy this place as quickly as possible!"

Han Xin waved his hand calmly.

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

In an instant, Da Qin soldiers one after another began to shout loudly.

As Da Qin soldiers drove one after another and kept shouting, the mighty Da Qin soldiers began to rush towards Asgard ahead without hesitation at this moment.


Facing the charge from the Qin soldiers, the soldiers in Asgard also began to pick up their weapons at this moment and attack the Qin soldiers on the opposite side.

"go to hell!"

One after another, the Asgardian soldiers began to show ferocious expressions.

For the soldiers of Asgardton, they seemed to have seen the scene where the enemy on the opposite side died tragically under their attack.

Although the bell from God King Odin just reminded them that the opponent can definitely be regarded as the most powerful enemy in Asgard.

But the Asgard soldiers, the arrogance in their hearts, subconsciously chose to ignore this. They firmly believed that the strength they used could easily defeat the opponent.

"Boom boom boom!"

One after another, Asgardian soldiers began to attack.

Facing the attack launched by the soldiers from Asgard, the soldiers in Da Qin did not hesitate to attack the Asgard soldiers on the opposite side at this moment: "Overlord Slash!"

For a moment, streams of extremely powerful force began to burst out from the weapons of the Da Qin soldiers towards the opposite side crazily.


One after another, visible slashes began to pour directly from the weapons in the hands of the Da Qin soldiers towards the opposite side.


(End of this chapter)

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