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Chapter 646 The war breaks out, the Ming Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty VS the coalition of soul master

Chapter 646 The war breaks out, the Ming Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty VS the coalition of soul masters

Soon, the armies of the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire began to move directly in the direction of the coalition forces headed by Wuhun Palace. At this moment, the coalition forces headed by Wuhun Palace were also ready to welcome the next attack from the Ming Dynasty. And the generals of the Wei Empire.

Not long after, as the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire advanced, they soon saw the coalition forces appearing in their field of vision.

Facing the coalition forces in his field of vision, the generals of the two empires showed serious expressions.

Regarding the serious expressions of the generals of the two empires at this moment, the emperors of the two empires looked at the coalition forces in their field of vision with a hint of disdain.

"Is this the so-called Spirit Hall coalition?"


Looking at the troops in front, Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian both showed a trace of ridicule at this moment.

For Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian at this moment, their strength is undoubtedly the most powerful among the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire. Their strength is the ceiling level of the two empires.

Although they don't do much, their strength is here!
So when they looked at the coalition forces that appeared in their field of vision, they instantly realized what level of strength they had in the coalition forces ahead.

It can only be said that the strength of the front coalition forces may be quite good, but unfortunately in front of their respective empires, the power of the front coalition forces can only be described as garbage.

At this moment, Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao both looked at the coalition forces ahead with a hint of disdain. Among the coalition forces at this moment, all the engineers in the Lin Army looked at them with solemn expressions. There was an overwhelming scene in front of them, as if the entire world was filled with soldiers from the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire.

Regarding this scene at this moment, they instantly realized how powerful the other party was!
They can only say that the strength of the Wei Empire and the Ming Empire is definitely not something they can defeat.

The senior officials in the coalition looked at the soul masters in their coalition and at the soldiers between the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire, and there was a look of silence in their eyes. color.

"Do we really have a chance of winning?"

At this moment, I saw a general from the Tiandou Empire talking to himself with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Regarding the armies of the Wei Empire and the Ming Empire in front of him, his only feeling at the moment is that they can really defeat each other?

Although this general in the Tiandou Empire did not dare to claim to be a peerless general, at least he still had the ability as a general.

Facing the strength displayed by the Ming and Wei empires ahead, the only feeling that the general of the Tiandou Empire had at this moment was that the strength of their coalition forces might not even be able to defeat either of the other two empires. !

As a result, now they have to compete with these two empires?

What do they have to contend with?
There is no hope left for them.

When he thought of this, the current Tiandou Empire general showed an expression of silence and even despair in his eyes.

While the generals in the Tiandou Empire showed a solemn and even despairing look, a general from the Star Luo Empire also saw the armies of the two empires in his field of vision.

"Marshal, how about we surrender later?"

"We can't compete with the Ming and Wei at all."

"The strength of the Ming Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty is beyond what we can compete with. Our fight with them now is not a battle at all." At this moment, in the Star Luo Empire, one of the generals couldn't help but He spoke to a marshal of their military.

Facing such powerful Ming and Wei empires, in today's Xingluo Empire, they have completely lost the idea of ​​fighting against Ming and Wei.

Because at this moment they can clearly understand a situation, because if their current strength is compared with that of the Ming Dynasty and the Great Wei Dynasty, it can only be regarded as the difference between ants and elephants.

Even if they had a slight chance of winning, they would not hold on to the current idea.

However, they could not see that they had any chance of winning. When they could not see any chance of winning, the thoughts of the many generals in the Star Luo Empire were very simple.

That is, facing the next battle, they may choose to surrender directly, because only by surrendering can they survive!

Regarding the words spoken by the generals under his command one after another, a marshal in the Star Luo Empire looked into the distance with a look of silence in his eyes.

Especially when he saw the powerful armies of the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire, looking at the coalition they had at the moment.

The vast gap between the two sides suddenly entered his field of vision.

Faced with the gap between the two sides, the current marshal of the Star Luo Empire showed an unprecedented silence in his eyes.

"Perhaps the only way to survive is to surrender."

At this moment, Marshal Xing Luo's eyes showed unprecedented despair.

Obviously, for the current Marshal Xingluo, he has also realized that if they really want to survive, it seems that they can only survive by surrendering. It is impossible for them to really know that they cannot defeat them, and then But he insists on committing suicide, right?
Sorry, he doesn't want to die.

His grandson had just been born, and he hadn't grown up with his grandson yet. How could he die? !

"Everyone, don't rush forward when you charge later."

"We stayed behind as much as possible. When the fight was over, we chose to run away."

"Then it depends on each person's ability and whether they can survive."

Marshal Xingluo said to the many generals under his command.

Facing the instructions from Marshal Xingluo, all the generals in the Star Luo Empire nodded and responded: "Please rest assured, Marshal, we will definitely remember the Marshal's orders!"

Soon, as the armies of both sides began to prepare to launch an attack, a voice came directly from the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire.



(End of this chapter)

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