Chapter 647 Cao Cao: Get that wife!


In an instant, facing the order, the soldiers of the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire began to point their bows and arrows forward.


In the blink of an eye, one soldier after another began to condense the mana in his body into an arrow, then put it on the bow and shot it out.


In an instant, the number of workpieces in units of tens of thousands poured directly forward.


The sun in the sky was obscured by the bows and arrows poured in by soldiers from the two empires.

The coalition of soul masters below were looking at the sun covered by bows and arrows, and all the soul masters showed expressions of confusion and even disbelief.

"Ah ah ah, this, this, this..."

In the blink of an eye, one soul master after another showed confused expressions.

And when this confused expression appeared in their eyes, they instantly realized how dangerous the bows and arrows in the sky were.


The soldiers from the soul master coalition began to wail continuously.

While the soldiers in the Soul Master Alliance kept wailing, figures of many generals from the Star Luo Empire in the Soul Master Alliance came directly to the rear of the battlefield without knowing when.

Also arriving at the rear of the battlefield were Tang San and Xiao Wu beside him.

Facing Tang San and Xiao Wu who came to the back of the battlefield together, the generals in the Star Luo Empire just looked at each other in surprise, but did not say anything.

In their view, the other party should be a life-saving being just like them. Facing an unmatched enemy ahead, it is normal for them to choose to escape like them.


Facing the attacks from the Ming and Wei Dynasties, the alliance leader Bibi Dong gave a serious order in his eyes.


Listening to Bibi Dong's orders, the soul masters in the coalition army also began to use their soul skills at this moment.


Just when the soldiers in the coalition army began to continuously display their soul skills, the attacks from the Ming and Wei empires also fell hard at this moment.

"Pfft puff..."

When bows and arrows fell fiercely from the sky, the soul masters below quickly suffered devastating blows from the Ming and Wei empires.


Facing the attack of this bow and arrow, countless soul masters were directly hit hard by this densely packed bow and arrow.

"Thump thump thump..."

When the soul masters were hit by bows and arrows, they completely lost all aura.

Because these bows and arrows are not ordinary bows and arrows, strictly speaking, these bows and arrows can be regarded as attacks launched by soldiers of the Ming and Wei Dynasties.

After all, the situation is that these bows and arrows are not real objects. These bows and arrows belong to the bows and arrows condensed by the magic power of the soldiers of the Wei and Ming Dynasties. Therefore, these bows and arrows themselves contain the will of those soldiers, so these bows and arrows The power contained in it cannot be underestimated.

And those soul masters were not just hit by one soldier's bow and arrow. Each soul master was basically attacked by several soldiers. In this way, even if they wanted to clean up the bows and arrows of Ming soldiers and Wei soldiers, The power contained in it, they also have to start to remove the power one by one. This is usually fine, but the problem is that the place they are in now is a battlefield!

There is no time for them to calm down and clean up the power in their bodies on the battlefield. Death will be their fate.

"Thump thump thump..."

One corpse after another fell directly to the ground and lost its breath.

Seeing the soul masters falling in a crash, the eyes of many senior officials behind the soul master coalition suddenly showed a look of distress and even despair.

"It's over, this..." "Is this how powerful the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire are?"

One after another, the sect leaders showed expressions of despair.

Even at this moment, after Bibi Dong looked at the situation on the battlefield, Bibi Dong's eyes revealed an unprecedented despair.


"This coalition must not allow any accidents!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong spoke with determination in her eyes.

"Everyone, let's do it!"

"Since ordinary soldiers can't kill each other, it's up to us!"

Bibi Dong spoke seriously to the many sect leaders and those titled Douluo beside him.

Facing the words from Bibi Dong, one after another the sect masters and many titled Douluo looked at each other, and they all saw a serious look in each other's eyes.

"no problem!"

Obviously, for them at this moment, they also realize what exactly they need to do now.

All they need to do now is to survive the next attack. The best way is to capture the thief first!
Thinking of this, one after another the sect masters and one titled Douluo looked at the army ahead with solemn expressions.

"Do it!"

At Bibi Dong's order, many sect leaders and many titled Douluo began to rush towards the Ming and Wei armies.


Facing the attack from the top leaders of the allied soul masters, many generals and marshals in the Ming army and the Wei army showed a hint of smile at this moment.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect that these ants would choose to take action at this time."


"Take them all down!"

"Oh, by the way, keep that woman!"

At the same time, when Cao Cao looked at Bibi Dong who was rushing at the front, especially Bibi Dong's appearance, he was directly attracted to Cao Cao.

So Cao Cao directly ordered to his Wei generals that others could be killed, but Bibi Dong could not be killed.

Facing the order from Cao Cao, many generals from the Wei Empire instantly and respectfully expressed their understanding.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured!"

"We will definitely show mercy to that woman."

As soon as he finished speaking, many generals in the Wei Empire rushed directly in the direction of Douluo and the sect leader of the Soul Master Alliance, and the generals in the Ming Empire did the same.


In the blink of an eye, the figures of Ming generals one after another appeared directly in front of many sect masters and titled Douluo in the soul master alliance.

"go to hell!"

Regarding the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them, the sect masters and titled Douluo from the soul master alliance launched an attack directly opposite them without hesitation.

However, facing the attacks from the sect masters and titled Douluo from the allied forces of soul masters, Ming Dynasty and Wei Dynasty smiled slightly.

"Ant, let me see what real power is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, demon-like power began to burst out from the generals of Wei and Ming dynasties.

"Boom boom boom!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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