Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 659: Supporting the Kirin Legion, the Suzaku Legion attacks!

Chapter 659: Supporting the Kirin Legion, the Suzaku Legion attacks!

When Meng Tian's figure disappeared from the station of the Suzaku Legion, and when Meng Tian's figure appeared again, it was already in the sky.

Facing Meng Tian's figure, Ying Zheng, who was practicing in the sky, calmly opened his eyes at this moment.

"See Your Majesty!"

For a moment, Meng Tian spoke respectfully.

Looking at Meng Tian's figure, Ying Zheng nodded with a smile: "Very good, General Meng, it seems that you are not lazy. You will soon break through to the realm of immortals."

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and spoke about the power of Meng Tian, ​​which was at the peak level of earthly immortal.

"Your Majesty, the general's strength can directly break through to the realm of immortals at any time."

Meng Tian replied honestly.

Listening to the reply from Meng Tian, ​​Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

"it is good!"

"Since your strength can break through to the realm of immortals at any time, now, I have a task for you. I don't know if you have the ability to complete it."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian with a smile.

Facing the gaze from Ying Zheng, Meng Tian below showed an excited expression and replied: "Your Majesty, I will always obey your Majesty's orders!"

A firm voice came out of Meng Tian's mouth.

Facing the words from Meng Tian, ​​Ying Zheng smiled slightly and nodded: "Very good, since you have such confidence, now I will give this task to you."

"Meng Tian listens to the order!"

As soon as the words fell, Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian with a serious expression.

And just when Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian with a serious expression, Meng Tian in the main hall was standing like a pine tree.

"Meng Tian listens to the order!"

A firm voice sounded in the hall.

And just when these firm words sounded in the hall, Ying Zheng, who was sitting above the emperor's throne, also said seriously at this moment: "Meng Tian listens to the order, from now on, you will lead the Suzaku Army to assist Qilin. Legion, take down the Marvel world where the Qilin Legion is as quickly as possible!”

At this moment, Ying Zheng gave an order directly to Meng Tian.

Facing the order from Ying Zheng, Meng Tian replied directly without hesitation: "I obey, Your Majesty!"

"The general will obey your orders!"

In an instant, Meng Tian replied without hesitation.

At the same time, Meng Tian felt a sense of deep surprise in his heart at this moment: "Go and support the Qilin Legion?"

"Could it be that something unexpected happened to that guy Han Xin?"

Obviously, in Meng Tian's view at this moment, his Suzaku Legion will be asked to support the Qilin Legion next, which has to make Meng Tian wonder if there is an accident with the Qilin Legion.

Otherwise, why would the Suzaku Legion support the Qilin Legion?
The strength of the Qilin Legion is not weak. The strength of the Qilin Legion can even be described as powerful. After all, it is one of the five legions of the Great Qin Empire, and the most important thing is that the one the Qilin Legion defends belongs to the current Emperor of Qin.

The Qilin Legion is called the Imperial Guard, but at this moment, he is needed to support the Qilin Legion, which makes Meng Tian feel a little confused.

But doubts were doubts, and Meng Tian just suppressed this doubt deep in his heart.

"Marvel world?"

"My Suzaku Legion is here!"

"Next, let the Marvel world take a look at the strength of the Suzaku Legion!"

In response, Meng Tian could see excitement in his eyes and said to himself in his heart.

For Meng Tian, ​​although he needs to lead the Suzaku Legion to the Marvel world where the Qilin Legion is located, which is somewhat suspected of taking credit, but for Meng Tian, ​​this is not something he has to come here, this is They came here under His Majesty's order. This obviously belonged to the Qilin Legion, which was too slow. That's why His Majesty was very dissatisfied with the Qilin Legion's attack speed, and finally sent his Suzaku Legion directly to the world where the Qilin Legion needed to attack.

Whose reason is this?

This is exactly why it belongs to the Qilin Legion!
Seeing the excitement in Meng Tian's eyes, Ying Zheng waved his hand slightly: "Stay back and mobilize the soldiers of the Suzaku Legion. It's time to take action!"

Ying Zheng said calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In an instant, Meng Tian replied respectfully.

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, with the sound of footsteps, Meng Tian's figure left directly in Ying Zheng's field of vision. After a while, Meng Tian's figure completely disappeared in the sky at this moment.

When Meng Tian's figure completely disappeared from the Heavenly Palace, when Meng Tian's figure appeared again, it appeared directly at the station of the Suzaku Legion.

"All officers and above come to my tent!"

In an instant, when Meng Tian's words rang out directly in the Suzaku Legion's station, all the officers in the Suzaku Legion's station showed a confused expression.

It was obvious that they had no idea what was going on.

But although they didn't know what happened at all, at this moment they understood what they needed to do now.


In the blink of an eye, one officer after another began to rush towards the tent where Meng Tian was.

After a while, the tent where Meng Tian was standing was directly filled with all the officers and generals in the Suzaku Legion.

Looking at the officers of the Suzaku Legion in his field of vision, Meng Tian nodded with satisfaction.


"Have you rested enough?!"

Meng Tian said with a smile.

When Meng Tian finished speaking, the eyes of many officers in the tent instantly brightened.

"Marshal, could it be that our Suzaku Legion can take action next?!"

At this moment, one of the officers spoke with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Although Meng Tian did not say it clearly, with Meng Tian's current attitude, the result is almost obvious.

Meng Tian smiled at the surprise this officer had at this moment: "That's right!"

"It's time for the Suzaku Legion to join the Qilin and Azure Dragon Legions in conquering other worlds!"

"But this time we are not opening a separate track. This time we are going directly to the world where the Qilin Legion is to help the Qilin Legion."

Meng Tian said seriously.

"What we have to do is to completely defeat the world where the Qilin Legion lives as quickly as possible."

"Do you have any confidence?!"

Meng Tian asked seriously.


In an instant, passionate words sounded directly in the tent where Meng Tian was standing.


(End of this chapter)

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