Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 660: The action of the Suzaku Legion arrives in the Marvel world

Chapter 660: The action of the Suzaku Legion arrives in the Marvel world
"All troops set off!"

Soon, as the mighty Suzaku Legion began to move continuously, the figure of the Suzaku Legion soon came directly to the original Qilin Legion's station in the sky.

And just as the Suzaku Legion's figure came directly to the Qilin Legion's station, Ying Zheng's figure appeared directly in the sky.

Looking at the Suzaku Legion below, Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, soldiers!"

"Looks like you're all ready!"

At this moment, when Ying Zheng looked at the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion below, Ying Zheng naturally showed a look of satisfaction.

For Ying Zheng at this moment, the current appearance of the soldiers of the Suzaku Legion represents that the soldiers of the five major legions of his Great Qin Empire are completely marching hand in hand.

There is no one legion that is very powerful and one legion that is very weak.

So when Ying Zheng looked at the soldiers of the Suzaku Legion below, Ying Zheng naturally showed a satisfied smile.

Just when Ying Zheng showed a satisfied smile, the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion below were all looking at Ying Zheng in the sky with expressions full of excitement.

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, bursts of passionate sounds began to ring out on the ground.

And as waves of passionate voices began to sound, Ying Zheng in the sky smiled directly and looked at the soldiers below: "Soldiers!"

"Are you ready?!"

"You are going to another world next!"

"You are going to assist the Qilin Legion to solve the Marvel world next!"

When Ying Zheng directly stated the order of the Suzaku Legion, the eyes of the ordinary soldiers in the Suzaku Legion suddenly lit up.

"Go and support the Qilin Legion!"

At this moment, one after another, the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion fell into an unprecedented excitement in their minds.

For the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion at this moment, when they heard what their Majesty said, their only thought was that what they had to do next was to support the Qilin Legion!
You must know that the Qilin Legion is the most powerful legion in the Great Qin Empire, but what they did not expect is that what they need to do next is to support the Qilin Legion. This moment made these soldiers feel a wave of pain. Deeply excited.

"Ready at all the time!"

For a moment, soldiers one after another kept shouting loudly.

Facing the soldiers who kept shouting loudly one after another, Ying Zheng in the sky nodded with slight satisfaction: "Very good, since we are ready, let's go! "

"Knock down the Marvel world on the other side as quickly as possible!"

Regarding the excitement expressed by the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion, Ying Zheng could more or less understand why they were so excited.

Regarding this situation, in Ying Zheng's opinion, this is obviously a relatively good situation.

After all, the power controlled by the five major legions of the Great Qin Empire is very powerful, and even the strength of these five major legions can be described as terrifying. So it is impossible to really be monolithic, right?

As an emperor, what Ying Zheng needs is balance.

The emperor's alliance lies in balance, so facing the excitement of the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion at this moment, there is no harm in Ying Zheng's view, so Ying Zheng has no expression at all about the situation on this side.


In the blink of an eye, a blue gate of time and space appeared directly in front of Ying Zheng. At this moment, the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion looked expectantly at the blue door of time and space in their field of vision.


One after another, the soldiers began to breathe deeply.

"All troops set off!"

Looking at the gate of time and space in front of him, as the marshal of the Suzaku Legion, Meng Tian directly waved his hand.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that the Suzaku Legion will definitely live up to your Majesty's expectations!"

In this regard, Meng Tian said seriously.

"set off!"

Soon, the mighty Suzaku Legion, led by Meng Tian, ​​crossed the gate of time and space with firm steps.


Seeing that one soldier after another began to cross the gate of time and space and completely disappear into the Yanhuang world, Ying Zheng, who was standing in the sky, looked at the gate of time and space in his field of vision with a look of expectation.

Especially when these soldiers just start arriving in the Marvel world directly through this door of time and space.

Ying Zheng really felt waves of deep excitement.

Because for Ying Zheng, he naturally understands what will happen next.

We can know from the power of luck emerging from the Marvel world that although the Marvel world may not be directly defeated by the Great Qin Empire in the first place, the army of the Great Qin Empire can definitely be used in the Marvel world. Powerful is the way to describe it. The Great Qin army is obviously constantly attacking cities and plundering territory in the Marvel world.

It's just that he can't wait any longer. He now needs to directly bring the entire Marvel world under the rule of the Qin Empire as quickly as possible.

So when the Qilin Legion was attacking in the Marvel world, he also directly sent the Suzaku Legion into the Marvel world.

What he wants is for the Marvel world to be completely integrated into the rule of the Qin Empire as quickly as possible, and he can't wait any longer.


Facing the expectations from Ying Zheng, the Suzaku Legion below also began to cross the gates of time and space one after another to reach the opposite Marvel world.

After a while, when soldiers one after another began to cross the gate of time and space directly to the Marvel world on the opposite side, the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion just looked directly at the starry sky in the universe where they were. All the soldiers All showed a hint of deep surprise.

"Is this the Marvel world that His Majesty calls it?"

One after another, the soldiers were looking at the starry sky where they were now, with a hint of deep curiosity in their eyes.

And just when the soldiers had a hint of deep curiosity in their eyes, Meng Tian, ​​the marshal of the Suzaku Legion, also directly sensed the familiar aura at this moment.

"There, let's go!"

"Go as quickly as possible to meet up with the Qilin Legion!"

Meng Tian waved his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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