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Chapter 663: The Alliance of Three Great Empires, the Birth of the Anti-Qin Alliance!

Chapter 663: The alliance of three major empires, the birth of the Anti-Qin Alliance!


"I believe you all should have some understanding of the current Great Qin Empire!"

At this moment, the emperor of the Skrull Empire spoke with a serious look.

Facing the words spoken by the emperor from the Skrull Empire, the emperor of the Kree Empire also nodded slightly: "Yes, the strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire today can be described as powerful, even The strength of this Great Qin Empire is beyond our imagination.”

"We must unite now to solve this Great Qin Empire!"

At this moment, the emperor of the Kree Empire spoke seriously.

Facing the words spoken by the Emperor of the Cree Empire, the Emperor of the Shi'ar Empire on the other side also replied with an equally serious tone: "Nothing else to say, let's unite!"

"Only if we unite can we solve this Great Qin Empire!"

The Emperor of the Shi'a Empire spoke equally seriously.

Their three empires are known as the three great empires in the universe. The strength of their three empires can be described as powerful in the entire universe.

However, facing the attack from the Great Qin Empire, the three major empires at this moment could only begin to prepare to unite to resist the attack of the Great Qin Empire.

There is no other way, they want to deal with the Qin Empire alone. After all, who is willing to join forces with their enemy?

However, unfortunately, facing the attack of the Great Qin Empire, they could only choose to put aside the hatred they had in the past and temporarily join forces with their former enemies to deal with the attack of the Great Qin Empire.

There is no way, the strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire is too powerful!
The great strength of the Great Qin Empire can completely make them give up their past hatred, because if they don't give up their past hatred quickly and join forces, they will really be defeated one by one by the Great Qin Empire. The great strength of the Great Qin Empire can It's no joke, they each knew how terrifying the Qin Empire's strength was through their own channels.

Regarding the powerful strength of the Great Qin Empire, they all chose to abandon their previous prejudices without hesitation and chose to unite!

Because only in this way can they survive.

Facing the words exchanged between the emperors of the three empires at this moment, the current emperor of the Skrull Empire said directly: "In that case, let's form an anti-Qin alliance directly."

The Emperor of the Skrull Empire spoke seriously.

"As for the alliance leader, then we three emperors will directly serve as the alliance leader. There is no one who is the alliance leader and who is the deputy alliance leader."

The Emperor of the Skrull Empire spoke seriously.

At this juncture, he is not doing anything false.

As for becoming the leader of this anti-Qin alliance, and then letting the other two emperors become deputy leaders?

Sorry, it's impossible.

The strength of their three empires is at the same level. It is impossible for one of them to serve as the alliance leader, and then the other two serve as deputy alliance leaders. This will undoubtedly provoke the other two empires.

If there is no problem at all in normal times, after all, the strength of their three empires is at the same level, then what if they recruit the other two empires? However, the current situation is different!

The current situation is here. The power of the Great Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere is completely inferior to any of their three empires. The strength of this Great Qin Empire can even be described as terrifying.

At this time, they must unite to deal with the Qin Empire first.

If the Great Qin Empire can achieve this, then they can completely accept the rise of another empire in the entire universe besides their three empires.

After all, the strength of the Great Qin Empire is there. The Great Qin Empire is powerful enough to suppress them steadily. Therefore, if the Great Qin Empire does not have the idea of ​​​​annexing the entire universe, then they can completely accept the Great Qin Empire’s influence in the entire universe. They can accept it becoming the fourth largest empire, or even the Qin Empire ranking first in strength among the four empires.

But they couldn't accept that the Qin Empire wanted to destroy them!
But it's a pity that the Great Qin Empire has no idea of ​​​​coexisting peacefully with them. The Great Qin Empire's idea is probably to annex all the empires they have in the entire universe. The Great Qin Empire wants to unify the entire universe.

This idea is crazy. If any civilization or empire dares to shout such a slogan, they will definitely think that this guy is crazy, right?

Is it so simple for you to unify the universe?
If you want to unify the universe, you must accept the attacks of their three empires. Only by getting rid of their three empires can you unify the entire universe. And now this Great Qin Empire that pops up from nowhere will undoubtedly have the power to destroy these three empires. The strength of the empire.

Of course, it is any one of their three empires. As for the combined power of the three empires?
They feel that even if the strength of the Great Qin Empire can destroy any of their three empires, after their three empires unite, the Great Qin Empire may not be able to destroy them.

If the Great Qin Empire could really directly destroy the combined strength of their three empires, then they would have no choice but to bear it.

But before the Great Qin Empire directly and completely wipes out their three empires, all they need to do now is to combine all the power of the three empires to directly give the Great Qin Empire a heavy blow.

Now, their three empires have united to form an anti-Qin alliance.

Facing the words spoken by the Emperor of the Skrull Empire, the other two Emperors saw each other directly, and they both saw a trace of satisfaction in each other's eyes.

"Then it's settled, let's launch an attack directly on the Great Qin Empire now!"

"Time waits for no one. If we don't launch an attack quickly, I'm afraid the Great Qin Empire will probably attack our respective forces directly."

The Emperor of the Cree Empire spoke seriously.

"It makes sense, then go back."

"Form the coalition forces as quickly as possible!"

"Send out all the fleets in your respective empires!"

The Emperor of the Shi'a Empire on the side also nodded slightly.

"Okay, take action!"

The Emperor of the Skrull Empire spoke seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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