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Chapter 664 The three leaders of the Anti-Qin Alliance!

Chapter 664 The three major leaders of the Anti-Qin Alliance!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the two armies of the Great Qin Empire began to launch crazy attacks throughout the Marvel Universe, the three major empires in the Marvel Universe also immediately began to mobilize all their fleets at this moment.

For the three major empires at this moment, they now understand very clearly that all they need to do is to completely wipe out the Great Qin Empire that popped up from nowhere!

Since the three empires knew that the strength of the Great Qin Empire could not be defeated by a single empire, the three empires at this moment directly began to dispatch all the fleets in their empires.

They didn't want to be just a little bit close to defeating the Qin Empire, but in the end, because of that little bit, the anti-Qin alliance of their three empires was defeated across the board.

In order to avoid this situation, the three empires directly dispatched all fleets in their respective empires.

Just as the three empires began to directly dispatch their respective fleets, the two marshals of the two legions in the Great Qin Empire also learned about the news about the three empires at this moment.

Faced with the news at this moment, Meng Tian and Han Xin just thought about it for a while.

"Start heading towards the Qilin Legion!"

"Start heading towards the Suzaku Legion!"

I saw that both Han Xin and Meng Tian issued this order without hesitation.

For Han Xin and Meng Tian at this moment, although they don't know how powerful the so-called three empires in this universe are together, they feel that their Great Qin Empire is waging war in the entire universe, and they naturally have a lot of control over this universe. The news is somewhat understood.

It is precisely because they have some understanding of the news in this universe. They understand that the strength of any of the three empires can be described as huge when taken alone.

Then the strength of these three empires is so united, then to a certain extent these three empires can represent the true power of the entire Marvel universe.

Facing the real power in the Marvel Universe, neither Han Xin nor Meng Tian can pretend they have not seen it.

You must know that this is the so-called real power in a world. What if they really have some kind of accident due to some negligence?
This is no joke!
In order to avoid this situation from happening, Han Xin and Meng Tian decided that instead of choosing to fight alone, they might just let them directly unite the empire's legions.

Since the three major empires in this universe are all united to resist their Great Qin Empire, then they will also unite the two armies of their Great Qin Empire to resist the so-called three major empires in the universe.

However, compared to the anti-Qin alliance owned by the three major empires, Marshal Han Xin of the Qilin Army and Meng Tian of the Suzaku Army from the Great Qin Empire, their thoughts are not to resist, but to directly eliminate this group in one fell swoop. Everything in the so-called Anti-Qin Alliance exists.


Soon, the Qilin Legion and the Suzaku Legion began to rush directly in each other's direction based on their induction.

"Boom boom boom..."

And when the Suzaku Legion and the Qilin Legion began to rush directly in the direction of each other, this news was also directly learned by the three empires. After all, the movements of the mighty armies were not at all It can't be covered up.

The Qilin Legion and the Suzaku Legion have never thought of covering up this thing. Why are they covering it up?
What they need to do later is to use the real power of their Great Qin Empire to completely wipe out the so-called Anti-Qin Alliance!

However, facing the gathering of Qilin and Suzaku legions, the emperors of the three empires saw each other. "Everyone, I think what we need to do now is to directly launch a real attack on them!"

"If we don't launch a direct attack on them quickly, there is a real possibility that something unexpected will happen."

At this moment, the Emperor of the Cree Empire spoke seriously.

"It makes sense. The strength of the so-called Qilin Legion and Suzaku Legion are each very powerful. Once they are united, the power they possess can definitely be described as terrifying."

"Perhaps what we have to do is to annihilate them in one fell swoop while they have just joined together, before they have really gathered everything they have!"

The Emperor of the Shi'a Empire spoke equally seriously.

"Then take action!"

The Emperor of the Skrull Empire on the side had no objection at all to the words of the Emperor of the Kree Empire and the Shi'ar Empire.

As for why they didn't directly mobilize the armies of the three empires to directly deal with either of the two legions of Da Qin?
Just defeat them one by one?

Sorry, that’s what they want to do!
However, the problem is that they found that the distance between the two legions of the Great Qin Empire is not very far. In other words, if they really want to deal with the other of the two legions of the Great Qin Empire, then they will undoubtedly Will directly let the other one rush over as quickly as possible.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to take advantage of the fact that the two armies of the Great Qin Empire have just gathered together and have not really fully mobilized each other's strength to annihilate them together!

"Then take action!"

Soon, when the orders from the emperors of the three empires were passed in one fell swoop, the mighty fleets were enough to cover the fleets in the entire universe, and they began to rush towards the two legions of the Great Qin Empire.

And just when the fleets of the three major empires began to sail crazily in the direction of the Great Qin Empire, the rest of the forces in the entire universe turned their eyes to the battle that was going to happen next.

For the rest of the civilizations currently in the entire universe, they clearly understand that the next battle means the future of the entire universe.

If the anti-Qin alliance of the three empires wins this war, then they can take advantage of this opportunity to rise up in one fell swoop, for example, occupying the places occupied by the Qin Empire.

But if the anti-Qin alliance composed of the three empires loses, then the Qin Empire will directly unify the entire universe in one fell swoop.

So this is related to the future of the entire universe and the future of all civilizations in the entire universe.

Just when all civilizations in the entire universe turned their attention to the battle that would break out next, the two armies of the Great Qin Empire also gathered directly at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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