Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 665: The two armies merged and the Qilin Corps suffered a blow

Chapter 665 The two armies merged and the Qilin Corps suffered a blow

"Hey, long time no see!"

Meng Tian looked at Han Xin opposite him with a smile in his eyes.

Facing the words from Meng Tian, ​​Han Xin, who was opposite him, also showed a smile and replied: "Yes, long time no see."

Han Xin smiled slightly and said.

At this moment, the Qilin Legion and the Suzaku Legion completely merged, and some soldiers from both legions began to look at each other directly at this moment.

For the soldiers in these two legions, although they are in different legions, they are still somewhat acquainted with each other's legions.

After all, the number of soldiers in each legion is as high as 100 million. It is impossible that all the two legions are unfamiliar, right?

Impossible, the soldiers in the two legions are relatively familiar existences, so after the two legions gathered, they naturally began to discuss it directly with their own methods.

"Old Wang, by the way, how many civilizations have you destroyed?"

"The soldiers under my personal leadership destroyed five civilizations."

At this moment, a general in the Qilin Legion spoke with a smile in his eyes.

The words spoken by the general from the Qilin Legion, opposite the general from the Suzaku Legion showed a hint of disdain and said: "Haha, only five civilizations?"

"I really don't understand that you came to this world before us, and you ended up destroying five civilizations. You're not fishing, are you?"

The general called Lao Wang in the Suzaku Army said directly with disdain.

Five civilizations?

"I directly destroyed six civilizations!"

"I really don't understand how you did it. You came to this world before our Suzaku Legion, so why is your Qilin Legion's attack speed so slow?"

At this moment, a series of inappropriate words began to sound from the Suzaku Legion.

Facing the voice from the Suzaku Legion, many of the soldiers directly in the Qilin Legion showed confused expressions.

Obviously, when the generals in the Qilin Legion learned about the achievements of the Suzaku Legion, all the generals in the entire Qilin Legion felt deeply confused.

They thought that when they learned that the Suzaku Legion had also come to this world, their attack speed had become much more ferocious, but what they never expected was that even though their attack speed was much more ferocious, they still couldn't compare to Suzaku in terms of performance. Legion.

As for the Suzaku Legion lying?
Obviously, this is impossible.

The Suzaku Legion does not need to say that at all, which means that the record possessed by the Suzaku Legion is true.

It is precisely because the record of the Suzaku Legion is true that this group of generals in the Qilin Legion feel deeply confused. They cannot understand what is going on.

Why is their attack speed so fierce, but they still can't compare with the soldiers of the Suzaku Legion in terms of performance.

"Damn, these guys are crazy!"

At this moment, all the soldiers from the Qilin Legion looked at the guys in the Suzaku Legion with expressions that could be called silence.

Obviously, for the group of guys in the Qilin Legion at this moment, they really feel an unprecedented silence.

Because they actually lost to the Suzaku Army!

As the head of the five major legions in the Great Qin Empire, the Qilin Legion actually lost to the Suzaku Legion!

This alone was enough to make them feel an unprecedented silence. And just when the soldiers in the Qilin Legion felt an unprecedented disappointment, Meng Tian looked at Han Xin opposite him with a smile.

"It seems that these guys in the Qilin Legion have a bit of a mental breakdown."

Meng Tian said with a smile.

Facing the words from Meng Tian at this moment, Han Xin also felt the situation that the soldiers from his Qilin Legion were currently facing.

"It's okay. This blow is not harmful to them. This blow is conducive to their growth."

At this moment, Han Xin said with a straight face.

As for Han Xin at this moment, he believed that some blows were necessary for the soldiers in the Qilin Legion.

Among the five major legions of the Great Qin Empire today, although their Qilin Legion is nominally the leader of the five legions, the other four legions are not weak in strength. However, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion look down on the other four in a bottle. The look of a legion.

This is definitely not good for the future, so facing the current situation where the Kirin Legion is directly attacked by the Suzaku Legion, in Han Xin's view, it can barely be regarded as a relatively good situation.

"And if they want face, they must gain it from the battlefield."

At this moment, Han Xin spoke with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

Faced with being attacked by the Suzaku Legion, how should we win back?

It's very simple, that is to defeat the opponent with dignity on the battlefield!

Obtaining huge military achievements on the battlefield and overwhelming the Suzaku Legion is what the Qilin Legion needs to do next.

At this moment, when Meng Tian and Han Xin were discussing, they saw warships appearing directly in the distance.


When warships appeared directly in the distant starry sky, Qilin and the soldiers in the Suzaku Legion were all looking towards the distant starry sky.

At this moment, Meng Tian and Han Xin also narrowed their eyes slightly into the distance.

"Is this the strength that the so-called Anti-Qin Alliance has?"

At this moment, when Meng Tian clearly saw the power used by the anti-Qin alliance of the three distant empires, Meng Tian shook his head with a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

"Their strength is not very good."

Meng Tian directly defined this so-called anti-Qin alliance.

That is, the strength of this so-called Anti-Qin Alliance can only be described in general.

Facing the words from Meng Tian, ​​Han Xin beside him would also narrow his eyes and look into the distance: "No matter how weak they are, they are now enemies of the Qin Empire!"

"Facing the enemy, I believe you should know how we should solve it."

Han Xin said seriously.

"That's natural. A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength!"

Meng Tian said seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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