Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 675: Ying Zheng vacated the Shushan Sutra Pavilion and came to Yuzhou City again

Chapter 675: Ying Zheng vacated the Shushan Sutra Pavilion and came to Yuzhou City again

"Ah? Senior brother!"

Facing the choice from Taoist Priest Qingwei, the four elders of the Shushan Sect behind him instantly looked at their senior brother with incredulous expressions.

Obviously, although they all know what the outcome they are currently facing is like, but let them directly choose to join the Great Qin Empire?

Sorry, they still seemed a little reluctant.

Therefore, facing the current choice made by their senior brother, they really felt reluctant.

Then, in response to the surprised words that came to mind behind her, Qingwei's eyes flashed with determination and she replied: "General, I surrender to the Great Qin Empire as the leader of the Shushan Sect."

At this moment, a firm voice came out of Qingwei's mouth.

Listening to what Qingwei was saying, the four elders behind him could see through each other. They all saw an unprecedented silence in each other's eyes.

For these four elders, they really do not want to join the so-called Great Qin Empire.

Their only impression of this so-called Great Qin Empire is that the murderous aura exuded by this Great Qin Empire can be described as terrifying.

The Great Qin Empire exudes such terrifying and murderous aura, do Shushan and Shushan really want to surrender to each other?
They really didn't know what to choose for a while. At least deep down in their hearts, they were really unwilling to do so. They really didn't want to join the so-called Great Qin Empire.

However, this is not a question of whether they are willing to surrender to the Qin Empire, it is a question of whether they can survive.

Qingwei has obviously seen through this.

At this moment, Qingwei could clearly understand that if they didn't make a choice quickly, the Qin Empire that came out of nowhere might really level Shushan.

Especially when Qingwei looked at the figures of the Qin soldiers in the sky, his eyes showed an unprecedented solemnity.

If nothing else, just relying on the auras in the sky, the power of the Great Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere can easily annihilate their entire Shu Mountain in one fell swoop, and even their entire Shushan is probably just like an ant in front of the Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere!

He has clearly felt the strength that I possess in this Great Qin Empire.

The Great Qin army that appeared in front of them was obviously not all the soldiers owned by the Great Qin Empire. It was probably just a part of the soldiers used by the Great Qin Empire.

Some of the soldiers in the Great Qin Empire have made them feel so terrifying. What does the complete Great Qin Empire look like?

Qingwei didn't know clearly, but it didn't prevent Qingwei from understanding the truth. If they wanted to pass on the tradition of Shushan, they had to join the Great Qin Empire that came out of nowhere.

The four Shushan elders behind him also remembered the most important question in an instant after being slightly stunned.

That is the result that we currently have here. Although their Shushan is still the same Shushan, the situation in the entire human world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Great Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere can easily wipe out the entire Shu Mountain in one fell swoop, and what their Great Qin Empire needs to do now must be honest.

The only way to survive in Shushan is to be honest.

Facing the reply from Qingwei, General Da Qin in the sky nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, you made the right choice."

“You in the future will be glad you made the choices you make now.”

"Pack up all the secret books in the entire Shu Mountain and take them away."

"Expand the library."

General Da Qin, who was in the sky above Shushan Mountain, looked at the Shushan Sect below and waved his hand calmly.

For the Great Qin general at this moment, he believed that this Shushan sect with the inheritance of immortals obviously had some merits.

At the very least, the secret books of the Shushan sect, which has the inheritance of immortals, are directly rushed into the library of their Great Qin Empire, which may allow some people to have more choices.

For their Great Qin Empire, this can obviously make their Great Qin Empire's strength even stronger.

In this case, this so-called Shushan sect's secret book must be packed away.

"As ordered."

In an instant, soldiers one after another in the sky began to rush towards the Shushan Sect below.


In the blink of an eye, soldiers began to appear directly among the Shushan Sect. The many disciples of the Shushan Sect in the Shushan Sect looked at these Qin soldiers who were transporting the densely packed Shushan Sect with unwilling eyes.

At this moment, Xu Changqing, the eldest disciple of Shushan Sect, looked at these so-called Great Qin soldiers with silent eyes.

As a major disciple of the Shushan Sect, Xu Changqing's strength has obviously reached the level of overcoming tribulations. It is precisely because Xu Changqing's strength has reached the realm of transcending tribulations that he can clearly understand how terrifying the strength of the group of Jianghus in the sky is. They, Shushan, may really belong to the same group in front of the so-called Great Qin Empire. Just ordinary ants.

At the same time, Xu Changqing may be slightly reluctant to the choice made by their leader, but he understands that if the Shushan Sect really wants to continue its inheritance, it must make such a choice.

As for competing with the Great Qin Empire?

Sorry, Xu Changqing is not a fool.

Just relying on the strength exuded by the Daqian soldiers was enough for Xu Changqing to realize the fact that the strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire could completely defeat their entire Shushan Sect, and even their entire Shushan Sect was unknown in this country. In front of the Great Qin Empire that popped up out of nowhere, this was simply the difference between a young child and a well-trained adult.

Anyway, Shushan will never be able to compete with each other, because the final result will inevitably be destruction.


"Why did the Shushan Sect record such an ending?"

Xu Changqing muttered to himself with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Although he could understand that this was the best result, he still felt a little confused.

Before today, even a few hours ago, their Shushan sect was still the largest force that intimidated the entire human world.

Their Shushan sect may not count in the Six Realms, but their Shushan sect is definitely a first-class force in the entire human world. It is precisely because of them in the human world that the common people in the human world can be safe and sound. carry on life.

As a result, now, this Great Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere has directly occupied their entire Shushan Sect. From now on, their Shushan Sect will be part of this Great Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere.

Even using this term is a bit inappropriate. It should be said that whether the Shushan sect can maintain this orthodoxy from now on is a question and become a part of the Qin Empire?

Perhaps it is to integrate into the Great Qin Empire, but want to shake this Great Qin Empire?

Sorry, although Xu Changqing doesn't know what kind of existence this Great Qin Empire is, but just by looking at the blood-red light beam that flickered across the six realms, Xu Changqing also roughly knows what this so-called Great Qin Empire is like. A being.

This Great Qin Empire can definitely be described as terrifying.

Since this Great Qin Empire can be described as terrifying, then it is the best result that the Shushan Sect can survive in front of this Great Qin Empire.

After a while, under the watchful eyes of all the disciples of the Shushan Sect, the soldiers of Great Qin began to completely empty out all the secret books in the Shushan Sect.

"Close the team. As for you, just come with us honestly."

"From now on, the so-called Shushan Sect no longer exists. This place belongs to the Great Qin Empire!"

The general of the Great Qin Empire in the sky said directly and seriously.

"As ordered."

Listening to these serious words, Qingwei, the leader of the Shushan Sect, could see silence in his eyes. In the end, he could only nod calmly deep in his heart.

If possible, he definitely doesn't want to leave their Shushan sect, but he can understand one thing very clearly, that is, they must obey each other's orders honestly now.

Only by obediently obeying the other party's orders can the disciples they have in the Shushan Sect survive. Otherwise, they would have surrendered to the Qin Empire, but what happened because they did not want to leave Shushan A major accident is no joke.

Then wouldn't their previous surrender be in vain?



"As ordered..."

Silent words began to sound directly around Qingwei.

And at this moment, when the Shushan Sect had completely become a part of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng's figure came to Yuzhou City again.

When Ying Zheng came to Yuzhou City again, Ying Zheng just looked at the Yuzhou City in front of him with a smile.

"Interesting, let me see if my fairy skirt with wide sleeves is still there."

At this moment, Ying Zheng smiled and said.


At the same time, Da Qin soldiers one after another were closely following Ying Zheng towards Yuzhou City ahead.


(End of this chapter)

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