Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 676 The sad nightshade and the desperate Sedum

Chapter 676 The sad nightshade and the desperate Sedum


As one soldier after another followed Ying Zheng to Yuzhou City, the civilians in Yuzhou City trembled and looked at Ying Zheng and others in their field of vision.


At this moment, civilians one after another could not help but swallow their saliva.

For the group of civilians currently in Yuzhou City, they are now really afraid that the Great Qin Empire that jumped out of nowhere will directly attack them.

Although these Great Qin soldiers had never made a move against them, they did not dare to bet here on whether the Great Qin soldiers would make a move against them.

All they know now is that the Da Qin soldiers look extremely ferocious. The appearance of the Da Qin soldiers can be described as terrifying.

Those extremely ferocious looks made all the civilians in Yuzhou City so honest that they did not dare to have any other thoughts.

Faced with the honesty of the group of civilians from Yuzhou City, Ying Zheng had no other ideas.

What other ideas does he have?

There was no way he could personally comfort these people and tell them that his Great Qin Empire's attitude towards these ordinary people was actually very friendly?
Tell these people not to be afraid of his Great Qin Empire?
If Ying Zheng really did this, I am afraid that the first thought of these people is not to believe it. After all, there is really no force in the world they currently live in that can do this.

Why is the Qin Empire special?
Although the Great Qin Empire is indeed special, it does not mean that the Great Qin Empire needs to put down its pride and personally explain to these soldiers.

In the years to come, these people will naturally know what kind of existence the Great Qin Empire is.

There was no need for him to have a special chat with the people about what kind of existence the Qin Empire was.

"Ta Tata..."

Along with the sound of footsteps, Ying Zheng's figure came directly outside Yong'an.

Looking at Yong Andang in his field of vision, Ying Zheng smiled slightly.


When Ying Zheng came to Yong'an Dang, he immediately noticed the aura in Yong'an Dang.

That is the breath that belongs to Sedum.

The most important thing is that today's breath appeared in his induction, and a slightly cold breath also appeared in his induction.

Facing that slightly cold aura, it seemed to Ying Zheng that it was obvious that he belonged to Nightshade in the plot.

As for how did Nightshade come to Sedum?
Perhaps it is very likely that it is the same as what is depicted in the plot. Perhaps Zhenglou, the Supreme Lord of the Demon Realm, snatched the demon sword out of the Demon Locking Tower and finally gave it to Jingtian.

Although it is very likely that this is the case, Ying Zheng is not sure. After all, this is a real world that belongs to the serious world, especially after he came to this world last time, he was not sure whether he would be right or not. What a change this world has caused.

But the existence next to Sedum obviously belongs to Nightshade.

"Call out all the people inside."

Ying Zheng stood outside Yong'an Hall and spoke to a soldier behind him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In an instant, the Heibingtai soldiers behind Ying Zheng walked directly to Yong Andang in front of him.


When the Heibingtai soldier walked into Yong'an Dang, he directly brought out everyone in Yong'an Dang.

"Ta Tata..."

After all the people in Yong'an were brought out, they were all standing there shivering, not daring to move at all.

At the same time, the Da Qin soldiers at this moment also looked at a ghost among these people with a hint of curiosity.

Yes, in the eyes of these Great Qin soldiers, there was actually a ghost among a group of people, which indeed made them feel a little curious.

But it was just out of curiosity, because they did not detect any resentment in this ghost.

In other words, this ghost is not a ghost that kills humans. Since it is not a ghost that kills humans, Da Qin soldiers basically won't care about these things.

If they had to take care of everything, they would be really busy.

So as long as it's not something that's harmful to humanity, they basically won't care about it.

What's more, in their opinion, this ghost just belongs to an ordinary kid.

A very weak existence is not worthy of their attention.

When everyone appeared in Ying Zheng's field of vision, Ying Zheng looked at the people in front of him with a smile.

When Ying Zheng looked at Jing Tian who lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head at all, Ying Zheng smiled directly and said: "Brother Jing, what, you don't recognize me anymore?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng spoke directly to Jingtian.

Listening to the words from Ying Zheng, Jingtian, who lowered his head at this moment, knelt down without hesitation.


The next moment, Jingtian's knees fell directly to the ground.

"See Your Majesty, the common people will know their guilt."

For a moment, Jingtian replied with a trembling look in his eyes.

As for Jingtian at this moment, he had also seen the blood-red light pillar flashing across the six realms before, so he had realized before that the whole world would undergo earth-shaking changes.

However, he really never thought that their world would undergo such a huge change, and that their Yuzhou City would be captured by some flying soldiers. What kind of place is their Yuzhou City?
Jingtian can only say that although their Yuzhou City can indeed be regarded as a big city, there seems to be no need for their Yuzhou City to be treated like this by the other party, right?

Jingtian looked at the figures of the soldiers in the sky, and saw an unprecedented fear flashing in Jingtian's eyes.

He really didn't understand, where did the other party come from?

Where did the other emperor come from?
This is not what makes Jingtian the most trembling. What makes Jingtian advocate is that he actually used the things that the emperor entrusted to him!

Yes, this is what makes Sedum tremble the most.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to be so afraid.

If he didn't use what Ying Zheng entrusted to him, then he only needed to get in touch with the rule from Ying Zheng and become an ordinary citizen under the other party's command.

But the problem is that he actually used what the other party entrusted to him!

Although the fairy skirt with wide sleeves is a relatively good treasure, it seems to be nothing in front of the flying emperor.

But this is not the point!

The point is that this is something that the emperor personally entrusted to him. As a result, he actually failed to keep the things that the emperor personally entrusted to him.

It was this that made Jingtian feel a little trembling and desperate.

Regarding the trembling Sedum, Solanum Kui behind him wanted to say something, but was directly stared at by the Daqin soldiers one after another. The extremely powerful murderous aura directly made Solanum Kui have Words of suffering.

Because Solanum found that she couldn't move at all.

The fact that she can stand here honestly is considered a sign of kindness from the other party.

Does she want to continue talking?
Impossible, she can't do anything at all now.

"Brother Wang!"

Nightshade couldn't help wailing in her heart.

Seeing Jingtian kneeling down, Nightshade's heart almost broke.

Especially Nightshade probably knows what is going on.

Looking at the wide-sleeved fairy skirt she was wearing, Long Kui naturally knew that if nothing else happened, this wide-sleeved fairy skirt belonged to the emperor who jumped out of nowhere.

But she actually put on this fairy dress with wide sleeves, which caused her brother Wang to suffer humiliation.

Nightshade was in all kinds of pain at this moment.

Seeing the pain in Solanum Kui's eyes, Ying Zheng looked at Solanum Kui wearing a short-sleeved fragrant skirt with a slight smile. Looking at Solanum Kui's current appearance, Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Brother Jingtian, if I'm not mistaken, the fairy skirt with wide sleeves seems to be worn on this woman now, right?"

Ying Zheng looked at Jingtian with a smile, and then there was a hint of calmness in his words.

Jingtian swallowed deeply at the calmness in Ying Zheng's words.


Jingtian's heart also revealed an unprecedented wailing.

Although Jingtian felt an unprecedented despair in his heart at this moment, Jingtian still suppressed the despair in his heart and couldn't help but speak.

"Your Majesty, I was wrong about this."

"Please give me a chance to save my life, Your Majesty."

"I will definitely return the value of this thing to Your Majesty during my lifetime."

"And I am willing to sacrifice my life for His Majesty."

"My miserable life belongs to Your Majesty."

After thinking about it, Jingtian finally couldn't help but speak directly to Ying Zheng.

After some thought, Jingtian realized that the only thing he could give was his life.

As for money?
Although he didn't know the origin of the Great Qin Empire, money seemed to be the least important thing for a country.

Although sometimes a country is really short of money, money is sometimes not particularly important to a country.

Therefore, paying back the money slowly seemed a bit inadequate, so Jingtian thought that the only option was to hand over his life.

Listening to the words from Jingtian, Ying Zheng looked at Jingtian with a smile.

"In other words, you have to give your life to me."

"You're sure, right?"

Ying Zheng asked Jingtian.

Listening to the words from Ying Zheng, Jingtian replied without hesitation.

"Yes, Jingtian is willing to serve His Majesty!"

In an instant, Jingtian spoke seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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