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Chapter 677 Sedum loses its memory, Nightshade’s determination

Chapter 677 Sedum loses its memory, Nightshade’s determination

"Sedum is willing to serve His Majesty!"

At this moment, a firm voice came out of Jingtian's mouth.

Facing the words from Jingtian, Ying Zheng looked at Jingtian in front of him with a smile, and nodded with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Very good. Now that you have made this choice, you will be a member of the Qin Empire from now on."

Ying Zheng looked at Sedum opposite him with a smile.

"As for this fairy skirt with wide sleeves, I'll leave it to you."

"However, I have a question that I need to tell you."

Ying Zheng turned his head and looked at Nightshade beside him, with a trace of calmness in his eyes.

Facing the words and gazes from Ying Zheng, Long Kui had a trace of doubt in her eyes.


"This is your Majesty?"

At the same time, Solanum Kui looked at Ying Zheng with a hint of doubt.

Facing the confusion in Long Kui's eyes, Ying Zheng spoke directly and calmly.

"Regarding your brother Wang, I can tell you clearly here that your brother Wang is dead."

"The person standing in front of you is the reincarnation of your brother Wang."

"So now he has no memory of you."

"Of course, that doesn't mean there won't be that opportunity."

"Just wait for the other person to put on that helmet. As for what kind of helmet it is, you should know."

"Just wait for the other person to put on that helmet, and then the other person will naturally awaken the memories you have between you."

"As for how you choose, it depends on you."

"But before that, you are now a part of the Qin Empire."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked calmly at Nightshade in front of him.

For Ying Zheng at this moment, if Nightshade can serve him, the Emperor of Qin, honestly, or become a member of the Qin Empire honestly, Ying Zheng can completely accept Nightshade.

Or other time travelers like Solanum Solanum's appearance, but to Ying Zheng, Solanum Solanum's appearance can only be regarded as average.

However, since Sedum has now become a part of the Qin Empire, what about Sedum's sister Solanum Solanum?

Ying Zheng felt that he could make the other party a part of his Great Qin Empire.

Facing the words from Ying Zheng, Jingtian looked at Nightshade beside him with a confused expression.

"Your Majesty, this, this, this..."

Jingtian had a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Because based on Ying Zheng's words, it can be known that the guy next to him who claims to be his sister is very likely to be his sister.

Is the other party really a princess from the ancient Jiang Kingdom, and he is a prince from the Jiang Kingdom?
Although it sounds unbelievable, the words Solanum Kui said, the actions Solanum Kui took, and most importantly, the words Ying Zheng said all indicate one problem, that is, he is really very good. It might be this brother Wang called Nightshade.

When he thought of this, Jingtian's expression changed.

At this moment, after listening to the words from Ying Zheng, Solanum Solanum looked at Sedum in front of her with an incredible expression in her eyes.

Because this represents a problem, it means that her brother Wang may really be dead, and the existence that appears in front of her now is the reincarnation of her brother Wang.

"No, Brother Wang!"

"You will always be Nightshade's royal brother."

At this moment, Nightshade said with firm words in her eyes. Although Sedum has no memory of Solanum nigrum, she still regards Sedum as her royal brother.

After all, Ying Zheng said that as long as Jingtian puts on the helmet from his previous life, Jingtian can restore the memory of his previous life.

As long as Jingtian can restore the memory of his previous life, doesn't that mean to Solanum that he belongs to her brother Wang?

What's more, now Nightshade has the exact same appearance as her Wang brother, and at the same time, the other person is the reincarnation of her Wang brother.

It's just that they don't have any blood relationship now, but in Long Kui's view, the other party is still her real royal brother!
And all she needs to do now is to help her brother Wang retrieve the memory of his past life.

For a time, Nightshade was full of energy.

Regarding the energetic Nightshade, Ying Zheng looked at Solanum with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

After all, Ying Zheng still has a good impression of Nightshade.

If it is possible and there is that opportunity, Ying Zheng feels that it is completely possible to reunite Solanum Solanum and Sedum, instead of letting Solanum Kui burn herself in the sword furnace again as shown in the plot.

This is completely unnecessary.

With the advent of the Qin Empire, the plot of this world is definitely no longer the same as what it was in the original plot, so the question of the fate of Nightshade is nothing to Ying Zheng.

It is even possible that the brothers and sisters Solanum Solanum and Sedum will be together in a real sense.

"Talk to your sister. She is indeed your sister."

Ying Zheng spoke softly.

But when facing the words from Ying Zheng, Jingtian just showed a bitter smile at this moment.

For Jingtian at this moment, he really couldn't accept the fact that he suddenly had a sister.

Then, no matter how hard he couldn't accept this fact, the reality had already happened in front of him. It seemed that he could only choose to accept his sister.


For a moment, Jingtian couldn't help but sigh.

And just as Jingtian couldn't help but sigh, Ying Zheng at this moment looked directly at Tangjiabao in Yuzhou City.

As for the Tang Family Fort in Yuzhou City, in Ying Zheng's opinion, the only one he could pay attention to was the eldest lady of the Tang family, Xue Jian.

"Bring Xuejian, the eldest lady in Tangjiabao, here."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

"As ordered."

In an instant, facing the order from Ying Zheng, the Black Ice Platform soldiers behind him immediately expressed their serious understanding.

"Brush brush..."

When the soldiers of Heibingtai disappeared, and when the soldiers of Heibingtai appeared again, his figure had already arrived in the sky above Tangjiabao.

Looking at the Black Ice Platform soldiers appearing in the sky above Tangjia Fort, Tang Kun, the master of Tangjia Fort, showed a heavy expression at this moment.

"What is supposed to come will eventually come."

"This lord."

Tang Kun spoke with a hint of respect in his eyes.

Then just when Tang Kun was about to step forward, the Black Ice Platform soldier said directly to Tang Kun: "Don't talk to me about anything else here, now."

"Let your eldest lady from Tangjiabao, Xuejian, come out."

In an instant, a serious voice spoke from the mouth of the Black Ice Platform soldier.


(End of this chapter)

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