Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 679: Disdain from Ying Zheng, Angry Demon Zun Lou

Chapter 679: Disdain from Ying Zheng, Angry Demon Zun Lou
"This, this is the earth on earth?"

At this moment, Demon Zhenglou looked at the human world he was in with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

As for the human world, it’s not like Demon Zunzunlou has never been here before, and he even just left the human world recently.

Therefore, regarding the appearance used in the human world, Demon Zunzunlou can clearly understand what kind of existence it is.

But what about this moment?
At this moment, the appearance in the human world really made Demon Zunzhenglou feel a little confused.

"But this is the feeling!"

At this moment, a trace of deep desire flashed in Mo Zhonglou's eyes.

For Mo Zunzunlou at this moment, although the strangeness in the human world made him feel a little confused, the feeling he had in the human world made Mozun Zhenglou realize that this was the place he needed to find.

Feeling the murderous aura that filled the entire world, feeling the evil spirit that permeated the entire world, Demon Lord Zunlou showed a hint of intoxication in his eyes.

Just as Demon Zhenglou's eyes showed a trace of deep intoxication, Ying Zheng in Yuzhou City looked towards the horizon with a trace of curiosity.

"This aura, should it belong to the Demon Realm's Supreme Respect Tower?"

At this moment, although there was doubt in Ying Zheng's words, his tone showed that this definitely belonged to the Demon King Building that he was familiar with.

After all, with such a powerful demonic being, who else could there be among the six realms today besides the Supreme Lord of the Demonic Realm?
It can't be a certain little Karami in the demon world, right?

That's impossible. The other party's identity is 100% certain to belong to the Demon Realm's Supreme Respect Tower, because only the Demon Realm's Supreme Respect Tower can possess such powerful demonic energy.

Regarding the aura possessed by Demon Zunzhenglou at this moment, Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance.


"You guys stay here, I'll go meet someone alone."

Ying Zheng said to the people around him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

And just as Ying Zheng's voice fell, Ying Zheng's figure disappeared in an instant.

As Ying Zheng's figure disappeared in an instant, when Ying Zheng's figure appeared again, it was already in the sky.

The demon Zhengzonglou, who had just come to the world, stopped where he was and waited quietly as if he was sensing something.

The next moment, an extremely powerful aura appeared directly in the induction of Demon Zun Tower.

When this aura appeared directly in Demon Zhonglou's senses, Zhonglou narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at a figure in his field of vision.

"Are you the emperor of the Qin Empire?"

At this moment, Zhonglou could be seen looking at Ying Zheng in his field of vision with a hint of interest.

Facing the words from Chonglou, Ying Zheng, who was opposite him, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chonglou in his field of vision.

"Are you the Supreme Demon Lord of the Demon Realm?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng also looked at Mo Zhonglou's figure with a hint of curiosity.

Obviously, for Ying Zheng at this moment, when he saw Chonglou's figure, he instantly realized what the identity of the guy opposite him belonged to.

The identity of the other party is the Demonic Respecting Building, the Supreme Demonic Respecting Building in the Demon Realm.

In response to what Ying Zheng said, Mo Zunlou nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, I am the Supreme Demon Lord of the Demon Realm!"

At this moment, Mo Zhonglou replied directly and calmly.

At the same time, Demon Lord Jackie Chan was feeling the pressure emanating from Ying Zheng opposite him, and Zhonglou's eyes also held an unprecedented seriousness at this moment.

"This power!"

Chonglou may not have narrowed his eyes.

"very good!"

"This is the feeling I want!"

For Mo Zhenglou at this moment, when he sensed the powerful power emanating from Ying Zheng, he really felt an unprecedented sense of excitement.

Because he believed that Ying Zheng could bring him a different feeling.

He really wanted to fight Ying Zheng.

Seeing the excitement in Mo Zhenglou's eyes, Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Do you want to have a fight with me?"

Ying Zheng could understand the excitement in Mo Zhonglou's eyes. After all, it can be understood from the plot that this guy Zhonglou is a serious fighting maniac.

And now, facing the Emperor of Qin who suddenly jumped out of nowhere, the most important thing is that the Emperor of Qin is very powerful, which will naturally arouse the curiosity of Demon Lord, so he respects Demon Lord Ying Zheng expressed his understanding that Lou wanted to fight him. But understanding is understanding, Ying Zheng will look at Mo Zunzhenglou with narrowed eyes.

In response to Ying Zheng's current inquiry, Chonglou nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, I really want to fight you now!"

"Come on, fight me!"

For a moment, Chonglou's eyes showed an unprecedented excitement.

Ying Zheng smiled at the excitement in Chonglou's eyes at this moment.

"Concerning your strength, are you sure you want to have a battle with me?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng couldn't help but smile.

As for the current strength possessed by Demon Zunzunlou, Ying Zheng could only say that the strength possessed by Demon Zunzhenglou belongs to the peak realm of true immortals.

Regarding the power used in the peak realm of true immortals, it is obviously a very powerful strength.

You must know that not long ago, his strength was just at the peak level of a true immortal.

Therefore, Ying Zheng has a very clear understanding of what the power possessed by the peak true immortal is.

It is precisely because Ying Zheng can clearly understand what the power possessed by the peak realm of a true immortal is, so when faced with the provocation from the Demon Respecting Tower, Ying Zheng really felt funny for a moment.

The strength he once possessed was at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. If he had faced a provocation from the Demon Lord Tower at that time, he might have chosen to agree without hesitation.

Because at that time, he also wanted to know what the power of the peak true immortal realm he possessed was like.

But he is different now.

The power he possesses now is at the level of the Golden Immortal!

Although the gap between the Golden Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Peak Realm is only one realm, Ying Zheng clearly understands that his current strength can easily defeat the True Immortal Realm.

Even if the other party belongs to the peak realm of true immortals, he can still easily suppress the existence of the peak realm of true immortals.

Regarding this point, Ying Zheng can clearly say that he really has this power. Who told him that he had come out of the peak realm of true immortals before?

He has a very clear understanding of the power possessed by the peak realm of True Immortal and can understand what it is like.

Seeing the smile in Ying Zheng's eyes, Mo Zunzunlou was instantly angry.


Regarding this, Mo Zhenglou thought that the Emperor of Qin opposite him completely looked down on him.

Although he said he didn't know what realm Ying Zheng possessed, in Mo Zunzhenglou's view, Ying Zheng's realm should be the same as his. They both belonged to the Eight Classics. It's just the peak realm of true immortals.

Because Mo Zunzunlou sensed a sense of crisis in Ying Zheng, that sense of crisis made Mo Zunzunlou believe that Ying Zheng's strength should belong to the peak realm of true immortals.

You must know that his strength belongs to the peak realm of true immortals. If he can make him feel the slightest sense of crisis, isn't that an existence on the same level as him?
As for the existence that is more powerful than him?
Sorry, this idea never appeared in Mo Zhonglou's mind.

Because in Mo Zunzhenglou's view, the existence that is more powerful than him belongs to the golden immortal realm.

What kind of existence does the Golden Immortal Realm belong to?
For Chonglou at this moment, the existence in the Golden Immortal realm belongs to the top level of existence in the entire six realms!
There is only one existence in the Golden Immortal Realm among the six realms, and that is Fuxi, the current Emperor of the God Realm.

The strength possessed by Emperor Fuxi belongs to the Golden Immortal Realm. It is precisely because Emperor Fuxi possesses the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm that the other party can steadily suppress the entire Six Realms.

If Fuxi does not have the power of the Golden Immortal Realm, how can he become the nominal co-master of the entire Six Realms?

It was precisely because Fuxi's strength reached the Golden Immortal realm that the other party directly and steadily became the most powerful existence in the entire Six Realms with his powerful power, and the other party was respected as the Emperor of Heaven.

This is recognition of the opponent's strength.

From Chonglou's point of view, there is absolutely no other Golden Immortal realm in the entire Six Realms.

Since there is no other Golden Immortal realm in the entire Six Realms, doesn't the guy in front of him belong to the peak realm of True Immortal?
Like him, they all belong to the peak realm of true immortals.

Since everyone like him belongs to the peak realm of true immortals, what is he afraid of?
And the current attitude that Ying Zheng has, in Chonglou's opinion, is completely provoking him!

In an instant, Chonglou erupted with an unprecedented powerful force.


When streams of extremely powerful power poured out crazily from the body of the Demon Respecting Building towards the surroundings, a monstrous amount of demonic energy also began to spread directly towards the entire human world with the Demon Respecting Building as the center, and even an extremely powerful wave of The demonic energy erupted directly from the center of the Chonglou towards the entire six realms.



(End of this chapter)

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