Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 680: Invite Demon Zhonglou to join Daqin. I want to fight you Zhonglou!

Chapter 680: Invite Mo Zhonglou to join the Great Qin. I want to fight you, Zhonglou!

When the aura of Demon Zhonglou spread to the entire six realms with Zhonglou as the center, Ying Zheng, who was opposite him, waved his hand calmly.

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw that the demonic energy emanating from the Demonic Respecting Tower was completely dispelled immediately.

When the aura of Demon Zunzhenglou was completely dispelled, Ying Zheng had a trace of calmness in his eyes.

"Do you see clearly?"

"This is the difference between you and me."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the Demon Lord Building opposite him with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Facing the cold look in Ying Zheng's eyes, Demon Zunzhenglou stared blankly at the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng opposite him.

"This, this, this..."

For a moment, Mo Zhenglou had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

That's right, for Mo Zunzhenglou at this moment, when he faced Ying Zheng and just waved his hand to completely dispel all the power he had, this was enough to represent a problem.

That is, the Emperor of Qin opposite him is probably even more powerful than him!

You must know that his strength has reached the peak level of a true immortal, but now Ying Zheng is actually stronger than him.

This directly reveals a problem, that is, Ying Zheng's strength is probably in the realm of the golden immortal!

When he thought that Ying Zheng actually belonged to the Golden Immortal realm, Mo Zhengzhenglou looked at Ying Zheng with a serious look.

Chonglou looked at Ying Zheng with a solemn look in his eyes.

For Chonglou at this moment, although he is very bellicose and can be regarded as a relatively bellicose guy, it does not mean that he is a fool.

He clearly knows that the opponent is many times stronger than him, so is it possible for him to rush forward and let the opponent hit him?

Sorry, he is just a belligerent, but that doesn't mean he is a fool!

The gap between the True Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm lies there.

If he could solve the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm would have launched a direct attack on the God Realm. Fuxi, the Emperor of Heaven in the God Realm, is a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Can he beat Fuxi?
No, no, no, he couldn't defeat Fu Xi at all, so the God Realm that Fu Xi was in became the leader of the Six Realms, and Fu Xi became the Emperor of Heaven in the Six Realms.

Well now, a new existence in the Golden Immortal Realm appeared in front of him, and he actually offended this existence in the Golden Immortal Realm!
At this moment, Chonglou felt his scalp numb.

Looking at Zhonglou's eyes, his scalp was numb. Ying Zheng, who was opposite him, looked at Mo Zhonglou calmly.


"Now do you know the difference between you and me?"

Ying Zheng spoke with a hint of calmness in his eyes.

Faced with the words from Ying Zheng, Chonglou fell into silence again.

He really didn't know what to say for a moment.

What to say?
Mo Zunzunlou really didn’t know what he should say now.

Just when Mo Zhenglou didn't know what to say, Ying Zheng, who was opposite him, continued to speak calmly.

"You, now I give you two choices."

"The first option is to have a fight between you and me. As for whether you can survive in the end, it depends on your ability."

"The other option is for the demon world to surrender to the Qin Empire."

"As long as you and the entire demon world surrender to the Great Qin Empire, I can help you break through to the Golden Immortal realm."

"And Jingtian, the General Feipeng you call him, is also in the Great Qin Empire. When he grows up in the future, you can definitely fight with him that you have not completed before." "Make your choice now."

Ying Zheng was seen calmly looking at the Demon Lord Building opposite him.

Facing the calm words from Ying Zheng, Chonglou seemed to feel an unprecedented sense of oppression on Ying Zheng at this moment.

Facing the pressure from the present, Chonglou took a deep breath at this moment.

Although Ying Zheng opposite him did not explode his own strength at this moment, the figure of Ying Zheng was enough to represent everything.

Ying Zheng just stood there calmly, but the aura emanating from Ying Zheng's body directly made Demon Zhengzhenglou feel like he saw a presence like Mount Tai.

That aura made the Demon Lord calmly realize a problem, that is, the two of them were not on the same level at all. The other party could really easily deal with him, but he had absolutely no ability to resist the other party. the power of.

"You want me to join your Great Qin Empire?"

Chonglou took a deep breath.

Facing the words from Chonglou, Ying Zheng calmly nodded and replied.

"Yes, I am interested in your strength. You are a talent."

"You shouldn't be buried like this."

"As long as you can join the Great Qin Empire, then I can definitely let you break through the current strength."

"And you don't want to be unable to meet your opponent for the rest of your life."

"As long as you can join the Great Qin Empire, you will definitely gain powerful enemies one after another in the future."

"The premise is that you can join the Great Qin Empire."

"If you say you don't join, then there is only one ending for you."

"That's death!"

Ying Zheng looked at the Chonglou opposite him calmly, and spoke with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

For Ying Zheng, if Mo Zunzunlou really chooses to join his Great Qin Empire, then it is not impossible for him to value Mozunzunlou.

After all, the strength of Demon Zunzhenglou is here, and the existence of the peak realm of true immortal can break through to the realm of golden immortal at any time.

From this aspect, we can understand what kind of existence Mo Zunzunlou's strength is. The most important thing is that the opponent's talent is also there.

If the other party can really serve the Great Qin Empire, the strength that the other party possesses in the end will definitely not be as simple as belonging to the Golden Immortal realm that is about to break through.

Therefore, Ying Zheng felt that if the other party was really willing to join his Great Qin Empire, he could make these promises to Chonglou one after another.

Facing the words from Ying Zheng, Chonglou looked deeply at the Emperor of Qin opposite him.

As Ying Zheng finished speaking, there was a deep solemnity in Chonglou's eyes.

Obviously, for Mo Zunzhenglou at this moment, Ying Zheng's words had clearly hit his heart completely.

Not only the golden immortal realm that is about to break through, but also the existence that can fight him in the future.

When he thought of this, Mo Zunzunlou was already moved.

But when Mo Zhonglou was looking at Ying Zheng across from him, an idea suddenly came to Zhonglou's mind.

"I can join the Great Qin Empire, but only if you want to fight with me."

"I want to know how big the gap is between my current realm and yours."

Chonglou said deeply.


(End of this chapter)

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